Friday, November 28, 2014

Thankful Thursday Nov. 27th, 2014 - Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving
to You and Your Family

We hope you and your
family had a joyous day
of celebrating the people,
places, things and situations
that you are deeply grateful
to our dear Lord for.........

For it is good to give
Thanks to the Lord.
Psalm 92:1

I am thankful

that we are awaiting the arrival
of Dee and Jerry tonight, their
 plane has been delayed
so they want be in until 12:20
now........but as long as they
arrive safe and sound that is
all that matters.
Update: they did arrive safe
and sound...............

that tomorrow we will be going
 to Scott and Megans 
for a breakfast/brunch and we
are so looking forward to it.
For dinner we are going to
Cracker Barrel since it will
just be the 4 of us,  and really
 looking forward to it, I might
add.  This will be the easiest 
Thanksgiving I have had since
 I was probably 25 years old......

that they decided to do it at 
their house this year, perfect
timing for all that has been
going on in our lives lately.
All I had to do was a fruit right now
that works wonderfully well

that we got our house cleaned
up so quickly, as we have not
had time to do much here at
all since Susan broke her hip.

that Susan is so happy about
her homecoming this Sunday,
  truly praying she is as ready as
 she thinks she is..........

that the Dr. said her hip is
completely healed now, and
she can start putting as much
weight as she can stand to put
on it, painwise!  That should
make her much more steady
on her feet.

That I got some shoebox 
Christmas gifts done, cause
on Monday I didn't think I
was gonna be able to.....
cause over the weekend 
Susan's bathroom and bed
roomed flooded and we had
 to call in the Insurance Co.
and a emergency water
extraction service............
So Sat., Mon. and Tues. we 
had all these appts. to take
care of...........and more to

that my precious daughter
in love Megan helped me
with the Shoebox Gifts.
She did some shopping for
me, and threw in some per-
fume that she had never opened, 
which was so helpful, so all I 
have to do is wrap them
sometime before Sunday.

that Susan's friend who is a
nurse is gonna be able to get
 her from the rehab place on 
Sunday since Dee and Jerry
 will be coming back from his
families to stay Sunday and
 Monday until their flight back.

that our lil darling is chatter-
ing away these days and saying
quite a few words, some are 2
syllable cute
to hear her chattering she some-
times sounds like a lil chinese girl
as she is trying to get in on the 

that Rosie (our grandaughter dog)
and our cat Molly really like
our lil darling. She is so gentle
and sweet with them, Rosie
licks her too death, and Molly
rubs all over her! and Brooklyn
smiles, laughs and giggles
 about it cute
to watch.

for these beautiful copper mercury
glass candle holders we happened on
 for less that $10.00 at Burlington coat
factory. They are beautiful, and were
part of the answer to what I was gonna
 do for a centerpiece for Megans birth-
day celebration this coming Sunday.  

Well,  it has been a better week
here this week............we had
a few bumps in the road,  but
these were much easier to 
weather than some of the others.

Again hope you have a fun,
joyful and safe Thanksgiving
with all those you love.

Love, Hugs and

Blessings Abundant,

Friday, November 21, 2014

Thankful Thursday - November 20, 2013

 How good it is to give thanks to you, O LORD,
 to sing in your honor, O Most High God,
 to proclaim your constant love every morning 
and your faithfulness every night,
Psalm 92:1-2

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this Friday evening finds
you doing well and looking for-
ward to the weekend.

We are thankful to have just
made it thru the week with our
sanity still

I am trying to get this posted
since I am so late and so tired,
so just gonna start right in.......

I am thankful

for tart cherry juice because it is full of
 melatonin and is great sleep aid.  

for these beautiful roses you see here,
they came off Susan's rose bush. I have
always loved them, because they start
one color and are continually changing
colors.......and just more of God's
amazingly beautiful creation.....

that we had a care plan meeting on Thurs.
about Susan and how she is doing.  
Finally,we did get some answers to questions
 that we had. So far, it has been like trying to
 nail jello to the wall...............
One person says one thing, another person
says something else,  it has been highly helping someone
with an injury like this can be quite scary, at 
least, to us because I was told she needed
someone to be with her all the time, and
 we were wondering what in the world we were
 gonna do because hubby works full time, and I 
have neck and back issues and we needt her
to be fully functional as far as walking goes,
so she has the least risk of falling again.
We did get some answers and guess we
will find out more on Monday,  as we are
bringing her home while they do a home
evaluation to see how she does and what
she needs, if we have understood it correctly.
Looking forward to seeing her walk with
the walker, as we have not seen that lately,
and also what other info we can glean.
Sometimes you feel like no one really
wants to tell you anything because they
are so worried about all the privacy stuff,
it is really ridiculous.  sorry this really
was meant to be a praise but I sort of
digressed!!, lol

For the 55 and 60 degree weather we had
 onTuesday and Wednesday, loved it.........

that our kitty Molly looks absolutely 
gorgeous, her Winter coat looks so pretty.
We are talking about a kitty who used to
chew her fur out of her back (sometimes till
 it would bleed) and feet, and was pretty
 miserable itching all the time, poor thing! 
 So happy she is so contented now............
Even her feet are full of fur now.
  We have been feeding her grain free food,
so she obviously had allergies.

that we got good results on our biometric
screening they do for our Insurance. 
 Always nice to know your bloodwork
is good.

#7for take out from Outback on Tuesday after
 Fasting all day, for that biometric screening.
  Amazing how good food tastes when you
 are really hungry.

to get into bed every night because we are

 both so exhausted..........

we were finally able to put on our Fall/Winter
comforter, as it is so cozy and comfy,  just
a pleasure to the senses, it feels so luxurious.

that we were able to get a lil Christmas 
shopping done last night,  we needed to do
something fun................
that's why my post is so

for dinner at Long Horn's after our shopping

that somehow hubby had a sense that our
battery might be low on the Van early this
morning,  so went out and checked it after
work and sure enough it was dead,  so nice
to know that rather than going somewhere
in it and getting stuck..............

Glad you came by... and hope you have a
truly wonderful weekend.

Love,  Hugs,
and Blessings Abundant,


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Fall and Thanksgiving Tables from past years

Morning Sweet Friends,

Hope your week is going well,
 so far!

Our's has been sad, hurtful, frustrating, and
 maddening.  I will spare you the details, but
will just say that it is hard when you see that
someone is making a poor decision for them-
selves out of impatience, and no matter how
 much you try to warn them or protect them,
they will not hear you............and you just 
have to accept they are gonna do what they
 are gonna do...........and wait for the fall out.
Nor do they care the impact their decisions
make on others, all they want is what they
want, and throw a tantrum to get it.......
Sometimes we want good things for others 
more than they want it for themselves....
Well, enough of that.........Thank the Lord
that He can give us His peace..........
 even in trying times.

Really felt a need to blog today to set my
 mind on something else, and to have some fun.
 Thought I would  share some past tablescapes
 with you today, since I don't have time for 
much else.  So hope you enjoy them or pick
up a few ideas..................

Here's some casual settings

 casual and quick centerpcs. Just using things
I already have around the house.

This  pic above and the rest of the ones below
 were a Thanksgiving Tablescape

Some plates had pumpkins other pears.

Made these on printmaster, it was what you saw
laying beside each plate in one of the 
above photos.

Thanks for dropping in............hope your 
Thanksgiving planning is coming along well.

Sharing over at:
 Just click on the blog name

Love,  Hugs and  Sweet
 Thanksgiving Preparation 


Update on Susan:  Yesterday she
called and said she walked from
her theraphy room to her room
at the rehab place and back, using
the walker and help of the therapist.
Which is great progress and that is
 the most steps she has taken since 
this all started,  and she is still not
able to even put full weight on her
 bad leg yet.  So praise the Lord!!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thankful Thursday November 13, 2014 and past Fall Tablescapes

Let them all praise the name of the LORD!
 His name is greater than all others;
 his glory is above earth and heaven.

Psalm 148:13

Greetings Sweet Friends,

So what's going on in your world

 this week? Starting to plan for 
Thanksgiving, I'd bet.

I would typically be doing that, but this year is
 gonna be easy peasy for me, hosting and food
 wise anyway. Megan offered to do a Thanksgiving
 brunch at their house that morning, as they are
 going to her Mom's for dinner, and since Dee and
 Jerry will be here and it will just be the 4 of us,
 Dee said Mom let's just go to Cracker Barrel and 
make it that is our plan and
 we are excited about it.
I sure appreciate our kids trying to help
out any way they can.  They are such
a blessing..........

Thought I would show you some Thanksgiving
and Fall tablescapes from past years since I
want actually be doing a Thanksgiving table
 this year.

I am thankful

for a lovely 44th Anniversary dinner with hubby
 last Friday night.  We went to a restaurant called
 Stonewood's that we have only been to once before
but it was years ago, the atmosphere and company
 was great and so was most of the food, and we even
 got free chocolate cake with whip cream since it 
was our anniversary,  so that was unexpected!
 It was a late but fun and special evening..........

for the creme brulee' we got for dessert too.....
I have never actually had it, and it was so delicious.
 I have had creme brulee' coffee creamer, seen it, 
watched tv people make it and seen recipes and all
 that, so it was delight to finally have
and good we didn't know about the choc. cake or I
would still not have had any!!  lol
It worked out perfectly,  hubby liked the choc. cake
 better, so we each had a few bites of each dessert, 
then ate the rest of the one we liked best. lol

That we got more accomplished at Susan's house
 on Saturday, and thankful that her aged kitty
 passed away while we were there, we tried to pet 
and comfort her but she didn't really respond,
 but since it was her time,  just glad she wasn't out
side somewhere and just came up missing, and glad
  that she was comfortable in her own lil bed.......
and that we just could bury her in her bed. 
 Sad, cause she was a sweet kitty, but I think
 she died a happy Kitty.

For the great time we had with Scott, Megan and
 the baby on Sunday celebrating his birthday.
 The weather was perfect for sitting outside, so 
we had dinner on the patio at Carrabbas, and it was
cool, refreshing and different, and their food is 
always top notch,  and we had leftovers........
that became Mon. nights dinner!  lol

Just had to throw in one with posterized affect

that we got to see that young woman and her 
lil son we took care of back in Oct. of 2013
 on Sunday.  It has been awhile since we have
 seen her as they moved into a new house which
 is farther away, so she has been attending a
 church closer by, cause it is just easier with the
 babies schedule. Great to see them.

that we also got to see another young woman
and her children on Sunday too, that I have
spent a number of years counseling and en-
couraging,  haven't seen them in quite awhile
 either,  so it was great to see them. She has
 really been going thru so many hard things,
  bless her heart!  Just being a single Mom
with 3 children is hard enough!

for kale.........made a big pot and we are
so enjoying it......cause we are kind of
saladed out lately,  cause that is about the
best veggie you can get as take out unless
you go to Cracker Barrel, and they are in
another town, so don't go there too often.
Kale is really good for us too, so that is
 an extra bonus.

for a great discussion with our class on
Sunday about how our friends can influence
us for good or bad.

for coffee and pie

for the unexpected surprise of getting to
see Scott, Megan and Brooklyn at the 
rehab center on Monday.  They happened
to come visit Susan at the same time that
I was there.

that Rosie (our grand daughter dog) is doing 
so well being here for so long, cause I am sure
 she is missing Dee and Jerry a lot, and we still
have 2 more weeks to go.

that I won a give-a-way over at Time Washed.
It is 3 lovely handmade pumpkins, and one
mini pumpkin in a cloche.......made by a
 dear friend I have known for over 25 years. 
 It sure came at a good time as I was in need
of encouragement and it just made me burst
 into tears.......good tears that is!!  and 
really made my day!!  I am so excited.
This is the 3rd time I won a blog give-a-way
 In the 5+ yrs. I have been blogging,  I never
 used to win anything, so blogging has certainly 
changed that!  Thank you Becky..............

and yall be sure to check out Becky's blog
if you haven't ever been there,  you will
be delightfully surprised......
Just click here to visit.

that I have my shopping for Megans birthday
presents all done, and got a lil Christmas
shopping done for Dee too.  They are both
fun to shop for..............

for a really sweet sales lady at Kohl's.  She split
 my order in half when she rang it up because
I had a coupon for $10 off with the purchase
of $25.00 or more.
So saved us $20.00.....How sweet is that!!
We also had a nice time talking with her since
it was late in the evening and the store wasn't
 busy.  It is always so nice when you encounter
nice folks like that............

Thanks for coming by, hope you 

enjoyed your visit.....
and I would love to hear from you.

Will be sharing with:

Susan @ Between naps on the porch

Have a Great Friday and Weekend.

Love, Hugs and
Mid Fall Blessings,


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Last of our Fall Decorations 2014

Morning Sweet Friends,

How are things in your world??  Can you
believe Thanksgiving is only 2 weeks away,
and then Christmas is only 6 weeks away.
Shew.........hard for me to wrap my mind
around that with all we have going on.....

They say less is that might
 just be our theme this year!  As I have
given up stressful Christmas's for years

Thought I would show you some Fall
pics that I never got to show you,  so
since I finished up the Asheville pics,
today is the day.

These pics are all from the white livingroom,  all
accept for the dining room pic, of course,
and this area with the draped chair is just to the
 right of the etagere' shelves.

If you would like to see those pics

This chair and wall sit right directly
across from the draped chair.

with poster edges affect

moved this subway print from the etagere
picture to here............

with colored pencil affect
Love this affect.........and here is some
shots from the dining room

some touches in the china hutch.

Think I may have shown you this before but not sure!

This sits above our family room

These 2 Bistro shelves were a Christmas present from
 our son,Scott.  He built them for us when he was
 in college.  Very proud of his great workmanship.

Our ceiling faults at an angle,  so they sit on the highest
 end of that fault.  Guess they don't really look all that
fallish,  but was taking pics and thought the one with
the pears did,  and don't think I ever showed them
to you before so figured I would today.

colored pencil affect again!

This one sits above our dining area, forgive the dust
on the greenery.......Since I have to get the tall
ladder out to dust this shelf,  it sort of gets forgotton.

Well,  there you have it..............soon it will be out
 with the Fall and in with the Christmas,  but that 
want happen here until after Thanksgiving for sure.

Thanks for coming by.........
see ya on Thursday!

Sharing with

Have a great week ahead

Love, Hugs, and
Happy veterans Day to all our
wonderful, sacrificing service
men and women and their 
precious families. We love
and appreciate you so much.


Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...