Friday, January 16, 2015

Thankful Thursday - January 15, 2015, Winter Table from 2011

 For the word of God is living and active
 Sharper than any double-edged sword,
 it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit,
 joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts 
and attitudes of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12

Evening Sweet Friends,

How ya been?  
I've been busy as a bee......

Taking down the Christmas decorations,
so it is mostly down, but the tree and
walked into the guest bath a few mins.
ago and thought of yea, forgot about
 this room.  lol  Tomorrow I will start
packing it up.  Needed to run to the
grocery store so had to stop...but
there is always tomorrow.  lol

Since I am so late I am just gonna
start right in..............

I am thankful

that we got to see a sweet young lady
that grew up in our church who is married
now and has a baby, but lives in Ga. - she
was here visiting her parents.  She is just
such a neat girl and we always love to see
and talk to her cause she is such a

that I have been working on setting up 
my card shop finally, and it is quite
time consuming,  but in due time I
will get there.  lol

With posterized affect

that in the last months we have been
able to get a lot of good shows that we
didn't used to get, like pioneer woman, 
and a lot of the HGTV shows like property
 brothers, and love it or list it, and nanny 
911, and now we can get them thru Roku
don't ask me how, glad hubby knows how
 to do that stuff, but I am glad, and it
 didn't cost us a penny.  Works for me!!

that we had some time this week to have
 some young friends over on the spare of
 the moment for pizza and salad.
we are so glad we was great to 
have some time to catch up with what
is going on in each others lives these
days, as it has been quite awhile since
we have been able to do that, and her
hubby is in the Nat'l Guard and will be
going away in February for a long time.

for the fun time we had with Brooklyn
on Wed............she just gets more
hilarious all the time. Think most of her
teething must be over cause she is just
in such a great mood all the time now.
She just brings us so much joy and
happiness. Know I say it all the time
but it is just so true and we are just
so thankful for her, and that she is
just such a happy lil sweetie, and
just can't Not say it.

that I finally finished the Modani post
 as fun as it was, but it has sort of been
 a long time in coming.  So glad it is 
posted, and I can contact them,  and
if you have no clue what I am talking
 about but would like to know just
click here, or scroll down.

that I have had some nice long chats
with Dee this week and that they have
a lot of potentially neat things going
on lately, that are exciting so we are
gonna be waiting on the outcomes.

for homemade chicken salad, made
some today (actually yesterday when 
Ityped this.  lol) and it was so yummy.
I use Bumble bee canned chicken,
add chopped celery, scallions, sour
 pickles and fresh spinach, a small
squirt of mustard and lots of mayo.
 Also some black pepper........and
 sometimes I add pecans too.


for so many good nights of sleep in the last
 month or so.  Am hoping I am coming out
 of that cyclical sleep phase that only lets
 me sleep 4 hrs. and then I am wide awake.
I have only had a few of those nights this
 month,  which is a huge improvement. 
 I think it is a hormonal thing, so maybe
 my hormones have changed again, 
 yeah......for that......

for the word of God and all we can learn 
from it every single day.  It is truly active
 and living as it says in my
 blog header verse.

for the fun of going to the grocery store
 and then coming home and sampling
 any new finds or old finds you haven't 
had for awhile. I love that!!
Guess it reminds me of when I was a kid, 
cause that is what we did when my Mom
 would come home with groceries.

that I found some Gluten free boxed
 cookies that taste pretty good, most
I have tried are pretty bad.....unless
it is a gluten free cookie mix you
make yourself.  Course, I am not
 much for premade boxed cookies maybe that is the

Well, there you have it Sweeties..............
another week at our place.

Glad you stopped by and hope it made you
think about your blessings.....cause they
really are all around us......we just gotta
look for them.
and hope you enjoyed the Winter Table
as well.........
If you would like to see the whole post
click here

Have a Beautiful Weekend
 with those you hold dear.

Love, Hugs,
and Fruitful Blessings,

sharing over at:

The Style Sisters

Ivey and Elephants

Dwellings the 
Heart of the Home 

A Stroll Thru Life


  1. Hello sweet Nellie. Thanks for visiting! Yes, we are very thankful that we could use our former kitchen cabinets in the laundry room. We all have so much to be thankful. Glad you are enjoying more tv shows, especially HGTV. I hope you are staying warm and cozy. Blessings, Linda

  2. #1. Isn't it great to see those you haven't seen! I met one of the teachers I had taught with a long time ago in the store the other day (I had also taught her daughter who is now 32 years old!!!)
    #2. Let me know so I can purchase some!
    #3. I need to check into him helping me with that! My cable has just gone out of sight in price!
    #4. That can be hard! I remember when dad was gone long periods of time on the ship out at sea.
    #5. Has she come out with new words she is now saying?
    #6. It was definitely a neat post!
    #7. New things! Outcomes! Woo, now you have caught my attention!
    #8. My mouth is watering!
    #9. I have been waking up just before sunrise the last week. I don't know why.
    #10. AMEN!
    #11. I did that yesterday. I got a few things I haven't had in a long time and wanted to sample them all, but I didn't ha!
    #12. So went my spinach balls last time!
    I love you all, Susan

  3. Hi there! Your tablescape is just lovely. I always begin my new year with a gratitude list--so many reasons to give thanks. I love HGTV too ;) Have a wonderful weekend, Cecilia

  4. Hi Nellie! I am glad that you can get HGTV now...that is the most-watched channel at our house. My favorite show now is "Fixer Uppers"...I like her style...Property Brother's style is more contemporary than I like personally. Isn't it great that "Pioneer Woman" started out as a blogger and now has books out and a TV show? Let us know when you have your card shop up and running.

  5. Hi Nellie!
    Card exciting! Love your table setting, love red and white gingham.
    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...