Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Winter family/great room 2018 part 2


                            Happy Wednesday Sweet Folks,

How in the world are you??

I am doing fine, just pretty busy, and
 really thought I would only have time 
to do a Thankful Thursday post this week,
 but since I had the pictures edited already,
  and had time to download or upload them
 which ever it lil darling is
napping figured I would go ahead.

Pictures are from our Winter Family room
 for this year.  If you missed part 1,  and
would like to see it, just click here.

We have sort of a star and pear theme 
going on at our house this Winter.......
and it really wasn't

My one new piece

A green glass candlestick from
HomeGoods I found in January.

Added a lil bling to my lil carrier with jars, 
 they were the sparkle for the top of our tree
 this year, so have been into bling this past
year, so figured why not......

This cart has become our new side table
for the sofa for the last year now.  I used
to have it in my bedroom.

I really enjoy moving things room to room
as it gives them a totally different look.

Decided it needed a bit more bling so
 I added some silver mercury glass 
candle holders.

What do you think??
I really like to use candles a lot during
 the cooler seasons.........cause just too
hot here in Florida when the weather 
is not cool.........

an overall look........

Well, hope you enjoyed the tour.

Have a really great day,

Love, Hugs and 
Last of February Blessings,


Oh, and Happy Birthday to Susan
my sweet sister-in-law....
She is older than me..eee!  Nanny
Nanny Boo

but only by about 29
Just have to have a lil fun with her...

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Scripture Sunday

Happy Sunday Morning 
Sweet Friends,

Here is our scripture for today.

 I have fought the good fight, 
I have finished the race, 
I have kept the faith.
2 Timothy 4:7

Don't know about you....
but I would like to think these are
 the words I would be able to say
 to myself, at the end of my time 
on this earth, and that others
 might also say about me.  

How about You??

 Definitly something to think


Happy Pondering!

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Thankful Thursday February 22, 2018, Winter Family room 2018

Look to the LORD and his strength; 
seek his face always.
1 Chronicles 16:11

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How are yall today??  Doing well,
I hope.

Things are good here, been a busy
week,  pretty much finished my up
kitchen and was thrilled to get my
pantry done, so just a few more small
things to do!! Also did some tweaking
on my Winter decor as it is seeming
more like Spring by the day.

My Winter decor was inspired this 
year by the new stars we bought
at the dollar tree for our christmas
tree and this lovely magnolia print
 we found at the Christmas tree store
for a great price in January.  
Love it.........So green. gold, white 
and cream are pretty much our colors
 for the famly room this year.

So on with my Thankful Post

Thankful that we got some rugs and
carpeting cleaned over the weekend.
More of my early Spring cleaning!!  lol

Thankful for the delight of seeing
what you call a "Leaf Bug" on our
screen out on the porch. I have never
even heard of one, let alone seen one.
but hubby had. They are really cool,
 and they look just like a leaf on their
 side and they are thicker on their body
 of course,  but even move like a leaf 
would move in the wind.  God's
creations are just Fascinating!!

Side view...doesn't he look
just like a leaf....guess that
is why they call them leaf

He was missing a back
leg, poor thing!  He has
lil antennae too, you just
can't see them in the pic.
and you got a free shot
of my hubby too!!  lol

Thankful for a new Chinese takeout
restaurant someone told us about.
We tried them out on Sat. and I
thought their food was great and
hubby liked everything but the
 fried rice. We haven't gotten any
chinese food for the last few yrs.
as the 2 times we got it before it
was awful, and we didn't know
of another place that was good.
Not that we get it that often as it
isn't our all time favorite food but
we do like it every once in awhile.
So it was a nice discovery.

Thankful that my daughter and
son-in-love made it back safe
and sound from Utah, and they
had a great time....

Thankful that a younger friend of
ours who has been a single parent
of 3 children for years, and has been
a great Mom and has had a really rough 
go of it and has had no interest igetting 
involved with anyone, had a neighbor
 introduce her to a fellow  they know that
 really seems like a great guy.  She is 
being very wise and taking it slow and 
easy and getting him around friends to 
get their take on him.  We are so praying
 that he is God's man for her,  as one child
is now married, one is about to graduate
high school and the other is about
10 yrs. old, and absolutely loves the
guy.......and has even said I wish he 
was my Dad. So we are very happy
and excited for her......

Thankful that one of my dearest friends 
was prayed for and the Lord healed
her. She had a medical problem and 
needed to have a procedure done and
 was prayed for and was healed by the
 Lord. When she called to cancell the 
procedure it seems the Lord had gone
 before her and they couldn't even find
her name on the list to have the
procedure done...........
How cool is that??

Thankful that we feel we are seeing
the beginning of a miracle that we
and other friends and family have
 been diligently praying for.
 Remember that I told you a while
 back we had some sad and devastating
 news, well, we are feeling this is the
 answer to that but have a ways to go
 yet....but we are praising the Lord for
what has happened so far!

Thankful that we accidentally yet
delightfully found a magnolia tree
growing in our side backyard, I have
always wanted one, and think some
how it's seed were spread to our yard
from our next door neighbors who
have several magnolia's that were
planted there by our old neighbors.
It is thin but over 6 ft. tall already
and look like there could be two
possibly cause they are growing in
a bunch of grapevine,  so it could
be longer branches rather than a
2nd one, as it is probably fighting
to get light.....anyway, as soon as
we get the chance we are gonna
remove all the grapevine around
it so it can flourish.  Such a fun

Thankful for Boarshead Salsalita
Turkey.  I am not much of a Turkey
eater, as I like chicken much better,
but this Turkey is awesome. Learned
 about it from Scott and Megan.

Thankful for the Presidential Prayer
 Team that helps us know what is
 really going on at the White House.
We would highly encourage everyone
who cares about our country to sub-
scribe to will get a daily 
email that tells you what is going on 
and what to prayer for.
Here is a link if you are interested
in subscribing.
 or type it in for yourself.

At the top there is a place where it
says, "Who we are" and next to it
there is "Join Us" and it will tell
you how.............

Thankful for this delightful video
about parenting tips to take from
Prince William and Princess Kate.
I love this royal couple and love 
seeing them with their children,
and definitely think William gets
this from his Mom, Princess Di
and Kate... she is a natural......and
 probably got it from her parents.

Click Here to watch
 or type it in for yourself

Thankful for
which is a very positive good news
site, so if you are feeling a lil down
you might want to visit them for 
some good was started
by Roma Downey and her hubby,
as a way to bring some good news
to everyone to counteract all the
negative news we are always 
hearing......Great idea!!

Well, there you have it....another week
at Cozy Place.

Thanks for stopping by..............

Have a lovely Friday and Weekend
with those you hold dear!!


Keep your light shining

Love, Hugs and
Last of February Blessings,

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Oh My Heartsie Girl

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Winter Living room 2018, Part 2

Happy Tuesday 
Sweet Friends.........

Is it starting to feel like Spring at your 
house yet??

It sure is here!! 
Our azaleas are in full bloom and some 
of our trees have gotten their leaves back 
already, which is beautiful.....but we
 have been having temps in the mid 80's, 
I am sad to say!!

Figured I better get my Winter decor
pics in since we are starting to see
Spring ones coming out!!  lol

We left off with the left side of the etagere'
in part one.  Click Here if you care to see.

I always keep these antique looking
christmas balls for Winter.....

The Winter picture is from a "Winter 
Cottage magazine" that I scanned and 
attached with tape to the glass
of this frame.

and still use Christmas greenery and 
in my Winter Decor as well.....

Above..... these are pretty Christmas picks 
but think
they look great in Winter too.....

Can you tell I like cream

I like to use winter look Christmas
ornaments too!!  and seasonally
appropriate gift bags as shelf
hangers!  My other Valentines
yet Winter look.

Can't really tell what is in the lil cloche
can you??

It is the cute lil lamb I recently acquired,
he belonged to my maternal grandmother
and is over 100 yrs. old.  Unfortunately
he was a broken in the back and was
glued back in place, but thankfully
you can't see it from the front..........
She is now just a sentimental family
 historical piece that I am thankful for.

This is what is below the shelf,
the cedar chest used to be our 
coffee table, a while back.....

The cedar chest was my High School 
Graduation present from my Dad and
Step-mother,  we had it painted white
about 16 yrs. ago,  after we had a flood
in our house., but when we open it
we can still smell the cedar.......

I threw this pic in so you could see how
it fits into our rooms......on the right you
can see our foyer and on the left you
can see a tiny bit of our
 family/great room.

It also sits across from the pink

Well, there you have it our Winter
Living room.

Thanks for coming by.......

Have a great day!

Love, Hugs, and
late February Blessings,

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Quote ot Ponder...........Worry.....

Good Sunday Morning
to you......

Here is the quote of the day.


Is a mis-use of the imagination.

Is assuming responsiblity that
God never intended you to have.

Never robs tomorrow of it's 
sorrow,  only saps Today of
it's strength.

by Mary Crowley

All very true..........

Happy Pondering!!

Love, Hugs and
Sunday Blessings,

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Thankful Thursday February 15, 2018, Simple Valentines table for 2...

Jesus said,
“I have told you these things,
 so that in me you may have peace. 
In this world you will have trouble.
 But take heart!
 I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33  NIV

Greeting Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a great week

and a lovely Valentines Day.

Ours was good until we heard
about the horrible school shooting
in a South Florida school near to 
where we used to live 36 yrs. ago.

So our hearts are grieved and
broken for those who have lost
loved ones in this horrific 
incident, and of course, our
prayers are with them as well.

Life is precious and precarious
so we all need to know who
Jesus is.......and why he came!
If you don't know and would
like to know please contact
me by email, my email address
is on my right side bar.

Pictures today are of our simple
Valentine's Day Table.....

So on with my Thankful Post.

Thankful for all the random 
things we got done last Saturday
that have needed to be done but
just hadn't gotten to them.

Thankful that our garage is a bit 
more roomy since we put up some
 Christmas things in the attic, sent 
some stuff to Good Will and threw 
out a bunch of boxes leftover from 
things we ordered at  Christmas.

Thankful that I have started my
Spring cleaning and have done the 
living room, and have now started 
on the kitchen. I think I might be
 crazy but I love doing this.....and
 am getting an early start this year,
 which is even better.

Thankful that I got my new
glasses on Tuesday.  They
were perfect as soon as I put
them on. I must say they will
take me some getting used to
as I never like anything new,
in the beginning as I have to
 get used to them.
Plus now I can see what every
one else has been seeing, I have
way more wrinkles than I ever
could have imagined!!  
That was a bit unsettling at
first, but gonna be 66 soon,
so guess it comes with the
territory!!  lol

Thankful that I have the rest
of the birthday shopping done
for everyone....


Thankful that Pres.Trump cares
 so much about the people of our
 country that he gives away his salary
 to different causes every quarter that 
help to improve our country. This time
 he donated it to help rebuild our 
infastructure. If that isn't putting your
money where you mouth is....I don't
know what is....but we certainly never 
hear that in the news.....and I have
never heard of any other President
who has done that...........
So Thank You President Trump!!

Thankful that our daughter and
son-in-love made it safely to
Utah,  where they are meeting
some of his family for a get away.

Photocopy affect
#8 and 9
Thankful for a nice Valentine's
lunch with lil darling, w/ sweet
cards and delicious chocolates 
and stuffed animals and yummy 
Valentinsy cupcakes for dessert 
compliments of our local Publix
 grocery store.
Thankful for a nice Valentine's
Day evening.....even tho we were
both bushed. We took a nice long
walk, had a great dinner, then were
talking and I actually fell asleep....
then so did he, now that's real
 so we never got to watch our fav
 movie "you've got mail",  think 
we are gonna have a repeat 

Thankful for many folks that I
know that are prayer warriors,
one of which is my sweet
Sister-in-law Susan and many
are dear friends that I always
know I can call on to pray for
us/and they can call us, as well.
Such a beautiful gift....

Thankful for first responders,
paramedics, policemen and women,
FBI agents, Drs. and nurses and other 
medical personnel, and our govern-
mental chain of command that handle
situation like these horrendous and
 tragic events like this new
 school shootings

Thankful that one of the couples
in our class had their baby girl
Thursday, and Mom and baby
 are doing well.............


Well, there you have it our

week at Cozy Place.

Thanks for taking the time to
visit,  and would love to hear
what you are thankful for 

Posterized affect

Love Hugs and Belated
Valentine's Blessings,

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Saavy Southern Style

Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...