Thursday, February 15, 2018

Thankful Thursday February 15, 2018, Simple Valentines table for 2...

Jesus said,
“I have told you these things,
 so that in me you may have peace. 
In this world you will have trouble.
 But take heart!
 I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33  NIV

Greeting Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a great week

and a lovely Valentines Day.

Ours was good until we heard
about the horrible school shooting
in a South Florida school near to 
where we used to live 36 yrs. ago.

So our hearts are grieved and
broken for those who have lost
loved ones in this horrific 
incident, and of course, our
prayers are with them as well.

Life is precious and precarious
so we all need to know who
Jesus is.......and why he came!
If you don't know and would
like to know please contact
me by email, my email address
is on my right side bar.

Pictures today are of our simple
Valentine's Day Table.....

So on with my Thankful Post.

Thankful for all the random 
things we got done last Saturday
that have needed to be done but
just hadn't gotten to them.

Thankful that our garage is a bit 
more roomy since we put up some
 Christmas things in the attic, sent 
some stuff to Good Will and threw 
out a bunch of boxes leftover from 
things we ordered at  Christmas.

Thankful that I have started my
Spring cleaning and have done the 
living room, and have now started 
on the kitchen. I think I might be
 crazy but I love doing this.....and
 am getting an early start this year,
 which is even better.

Thankful that I got my new
glasses on Tuesday.  They
were perfect as soon as I put
them on. I must say they will
take me some getting used to
as I never like anything new,
in the beginning as I have to
 get used to them.
Plus now I can see what every
one else has been seeing, I have
way more wrinkles than I ever
could have imagined!!  
That was a bit unsettling at
first, but gonna be 66 soon,
so guess it comes with the
territory!!  lol

Thankful that I have the rest
of the birthday shopping done
for everyone....


Thankful that Pres.Trump cares
 so much about the people of our
 country that he gives away his salary
 to different causes every quarter that 
help to improve our country. This time
 he donated it to help rebuild our 
infastructure. If that isn't putting your
money where you mouth is....I don't
know what is....but we certainly never 
hear that in the news.....and I have
never heard of any other President
who has done that...........
So Thank You President Trump!!

Thankful that our daughter and
son-in-love made it safely to
Utah,  where they are meeting
some of his family for a get away.

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#8 and 9
Thankful for a nice Valentine's
lunch with lil darling, w/ sweet
cards and delicious chocolates 
and stuffed animals and yummy 
Valentinsy cupcakes for dessert 
compliments of our local Publix
 grocery store.
Thankful for a nice Valentine's
Day evening.....even tho we were
both bushed. We took a nice long
walk, had a great dinner, then were
talking and I actually fell asleep....
then so did he, now that's real
 so we never got to watch our fav
 movie "you've got mail",  think 
we are gonna have a repeat 

Thankful for many folks that I
know that are prayer warriors,
one of which is my sweet
Sister-in-law Susan and many
are dear friends that I always
know I can call on to pray for
us/and they can call us, as well.
Such a beautiful gift....

Thankful for first responders,
paramedics, policemen and women,
FBI agents, Drs. and nurses and other 
medical personnel, and our govern-
mental chain of command that handle
situation like these horrendous and
 tragic events like this new
 school shootings

Thankful that one of the couples
in our class had their baby girl
Thursday, and Mom and baby
 are doing well.............


Well, there you have it our

week at Cozy Place.

Thanks for taking the time to
visit,  and would love to hear
what you are thankful for 

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Love Hugs and Belated
Valentine's Blessings,

Sharing with:

A Stroll thru Life

The Dedicated House


Saavy Southern Style


  1. #1. Making accomplishments are so satisfying!
    #2. Mine's been pretty good for a while, even though there are some old fake plants I need to get rid of, ha!
    #3. I pretty much do little by little, but wind up starting all over again by the time I get to "the end", lol!! Cleaning is life's "vicious cycle!"
    #4. It certainly does and even more so when I lose a little weight! It always shows in the face and neck first, ha!
    #5. February/March is a busy month for birthdays in our family!
    #6. Yes indeed, thank you, President Trump! I pray for you every day for the LORD's leading, guiding, directing, and protection of you!
    #7. Oh how wonderful! I hope they get to see some of the Grand Canyon sites!
    #8 & #9. Yes, and thank you for my chocolates!
    #10. Thank you. Our LORD tells us to "Pray without ceasing!" And, I am continuing so in my prayer journal.
    #11. Yes, they are others listed in my prayer journal though many not by name!
    #12. Praise our GOD, Children are a gift from Him! I never had any of my own. But, He surely compensated for me for the hundreds of precious children I taught over 34 years in the school system. There were bonds made with them and their parents that still exist today! I recently have another I am now tutoring!
    I love you all so much, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,
    Yea, cleaning is the never ending story......but it's necessary if you want a clean home to live teaches us patience, faithfulness, endurance, commitment, and contentment
    and probably more than is so daily but there is a quiet sense of security and
    peace in that too.

    Don't think they were near the Grand Canyon, they were at a ski resort town, and she said
    it was Asheville x 50, they loved it.....

    Think it is so great you are tutoring, I would think that is much easier and more rewarding than teaching a whole classroom full of children all at one time.

    Have a great day
    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie