Thursday, February 8, 2018

Thankful Thursday February 8, 2018, Winter Foyer 2018

The LORD lives! 
Praise be to my Rock! 
Exalted be God my Savior!

Psalm 18:46  NIV

                                    Greetings Sweet Friends
and Welcome to Thankful Thursday,

Hope it has been a good week for you!

It has been a good and busy week and
an industrious one as well....

Not a lot going on other than the
surprise we are working on......
which is keeping me plenty busy.  lol

Finally showing you some pictures
today of our house dressed up for
Winter......starting with our
 Winter Foyer......not many pics as
our foyer is small......

Next Tuesday I will show you the
living room.....

Now on with my Thankfuls....
the real reason for the post.

#1, 2 and 3

Thankful that my daughter got here
and back home safely, and thankful
for a great time as a family, also 
thankful for help she gave me with
 the surprise that is coming!

Thankful for a fun time out on
Sunday with the young marrieds
class we lead. They have decided
to go out together for lunch, the
 first Sunday of every month.  
Just whoever can go will.......
great idea!

Thankful for long chat with
 another long time friend this week.
Enjoyed our chat Ann...

Thankful for another good movie
we saw this week called,  
"Just the way we are".
Another Hallmark movie, they
we would highly recommend.
course, they are all so good.

Thankful for a good eye exam no
real problems other than a change
in Rx for glasses.  So will be getting
my new glasses in the next 2 weeks.
Very excited about that.

Thankful for Eye care Insurance,
as my glasses would have been
almost $800, but got 2 pairs for
$33l.00.........the Ins. is awesome,
had no idea it was so good, but
quite happy about that....


Thankful that I had a fun day out
shopping for birthday presents for
lil darling, Susan and hubby as
all their birthdays are coming up
the end of Feb and first of March.
Am almost done already!!

Thankful for the sheer surprise and
 delight of hearing our lil darling
 recite the whole Lord's prayer....
as she prayed over pretend food. lol

Thankful for President Trumps
wonderful speech at the Prayer
Breakfast this morning.  So good
to hear a President say and I quote:

“America is a Nation of believers,
 President Trump said this morning.
 “Across our land we see the 
splendor of God’s creation. . . . 
Together as Americans, we are 
tireless force for justice
 and for peace.”

I could not agree more!

Thankful that God answers so
many prayers and some that are
seemingly insignicant in the whole
scheme of things, but it just shows
us, HE cares about whatever we
care that!

Well, that's been our week here
at Cozy Place.

Thanks for faithfully coming by,
love having you come .......

Have a delightful Friday and

Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Life with Lorelai

Oh My Heartsie Girl

StarFish Cottage


Life and Linda

The Dedicated House

Stone Gable

A Stroll thru Life


  1. #1-#3. She is such a great daughter! I thank the LORD for His protection of our loved ones!
    #4. That's great! I used to go with a group from Sunday School class until I had to video tape the 2nd service instead of the 1st. They came to 1st preaching service, So now I just go with the same group after our Wednesday Bible study.
    #5. Alice said she would call me this week, but I haven't heard from her as yet.
    #6. GRIT TV is now showing all the old westerns from the 40's and 50's! Randolph Scott, Gary Cooper, Glenn Ford, Robert Taylor, Alan Ladd, Scott Brady, Clark Gable! Great cowboy "heroes" from the past, ha!
    #7. Praise the LORD! I go again this summer.
    #8. Mine pays for the doctor exam, but not the glasses.
    #9. It seems all happens at once, ha!
    #10. For joy, for joy! She's got a great memory! As the Bible says, "Train up a child in the way they should go and when they are old they won't depart from it.!"
    #11. Yes, wasn't he inspiring! I enjoyed listening to him too!
    #12. Yes, He does! I'm so glad for His promises, ask in His Name and that which is of His will, he answers, especially when the prayers are listed for others!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. I enjoyed reading your thankful post. We have so much to thank our Heavenly Father for!

  3. Dearest Nellie, a beautiful post as always, and one that reminds me to be thankful for the many blessings in my own life. I loved your recent comments over at A Tray of Bliss, and thankyou for your wonderful friendship and gentle encouragement. Another blessing for which I am immensely grateful. Who would imagine that we could make friends through blogging? Friends, who no matter what you do, say 'GO YOU!'. That is so cute that Lil Darlin' recited The Lords Prayer over her pretend food. Grandies are another blessing, and one that you cannot anticipate until they are here. Good work on the new eye glasses. I hear that insurance is horrendously expensive there. Is this true? We pay about $600 a month here, but that gives us so much. Our daughters recent emergency appendectomy was covered, both Husband and I get our eyeglasses, like you, two pairs for around the same (or free if you choose your frames from older stock)every year if you want, hospital stays are covered, physiotherapy up to six visits each a year, routine dental is included and so on and so forth. I'm always horrified when I hear how tough ordinary U.S. citizens are doing. It's a real worry. Much Love, Mimi xxx

  4. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for coming by and leaving your comments.

    Yes, she is a great daughter, so thankful for her.

    Don't forget the phone goes both ways, you can always call her

    Yes lil darling has be most amazing memory of any child I have ever seen....she totally
    amazes me at times.

    Have a good evening,
    Love and blessings, Nellie

  5. Hi Pam,
    So nice to hear from you.....and yes we do have so much to thank our Heavenly Father for...
    Thanks for coming by and Glad you enjoyed the post. Hope you come again soon.
    Have a lovely Sunday,
    Blessings, Nellie

  6. Hi Mimi,
    So good to hear from you hon, and thankful for you and your sweet comments always. Much to my
    surprise I have made a few good friends blogging.....very lovely ladies like yourself. Never
    ever expected that really, but it has been a very nice bonus to say the least.
    I think friends should be cheer leaders and enjoy good things happening for their friends....far too many times it is the opposite of that.........

    OH I so agree about the Grandies.....ours is such a lil joy giver and treasure, and never
    could have imagined how much fun this grandparenting thing could be....

    They just called and said my glasses are in, so guess I will be getting them tomorrow,
    so excited.

    Sounds like you have great insurance too. Ours is good, not as good in
    some ways as it used to be, but far better than those who have Obamacare....Thankfully,
    we have never had to deal with that, but from what we hear all the time, that is is
    atrocious pricewise and some people just can't afford it.....but if you don't take it
    you have to pay a penalty, but I hear the penalty is cheaper than the Ins.....that is
    why President Trump is trying desperately to rid us of it........
    Having Insurance at all these days is quite a blessing....

    I did not know your daughter had an emergency appendectomy.....somehow I must have missed
    a post......How is she doing?? and when was this?? Hope she is recovering well....bless
    her heart. She is young to have that.........

    Thanks so much for stopping by Mimi, always a joy to hear from you.
    Love and Blessings,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie