Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Winter living room 2018

Hello and Happy Tuesday
Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you looking forward
to Valentine's Day tomorrow.  Some
people say we don't need a special
day to show our Love,  and that is
probably true for most people, but
hey, it is a reason to celebrate Love,
and why would you not want to
 celebrate that!!  lol
We need all the Love we can get,
and that is what seems to be the 
missing ingredient in our society
today..........so I say spread all
the love and kindness you can
anytime you get the chance. lol

Thought I would show you the
Winter Livingroom pictures today!
Gotta get them in before it warms 
up everywhere!!  It is getting pretty
warm here already it was 85 yester-
day and suppose to be 80 today.
That's a lil better and hoping it 
goes lower as the week goes on,
not quite ready for Winter to
end here.........How about you
are you ready for Winter to

We left off here last time with our
Winter Foyer, click here to see.
I forgot to take a shot of the whole
foyer area....so
thought I would add it today......

  so.... where the rug is you enter the
 house,  if you didn't already figure
 that out!!  lol

So now once you enter the door
just to your left is the Living
room area...............

I will go around the room 

Decided to put it back to a love seat
for a change.  Have to say I love it
as a chaise lounge......my reading

Only added a few Valentines day touches
this year......to busy with the surprise to
do much else.....lol  This throw has been
around a long time, but still love it.....

Next comes our Etagere'

This is the first shelf  (it is at the bottom)

The 2nd

and the 3rd  (did you notice the pictures
got a lil more of a yellow tone to them,
that is because each shelf gets closer
to the lights in the etagere'

Well, this is the left side of the etagere'
I will show you the right side next 
time and the rest of the living room.
Check back on Thursday.......

Thanks for stoppin' by......

Have a Super Day!


  1. Hi, Nellie!
    I'd like to tell all your readers what a joy I get to actually see it all in person! Wow!
    It is gorgeous! What a happy feeling everyone gets from your home decorating! Love you all so much, Susan

  2. Thanks Susan, that was sweet of you to say. Glad you enjoy it.....

    Love ya, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie