Sunday, September 29, 2019

Scripture Sunday

Happy Sunday
Sweet Friends,

Here's the verse of the day!

anxiety weighs down the heart,
 but a kind word cheers it up.

Proverbs 12:25 NIV

Be sure to speak some kind words
and cheer someone up today.

Have a lovely and restful day,

Hugs, Nellie

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Thursday, September 26, 2019

Thankful Thursday Sept. 26, 2019, another Fall table from the past #2

Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad;
 let the sea resound, and all that is in it.
Psalm 96:11 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having a great week!

Ours has been good, rather quiet
and uneventful, which is fine. lol
We are having just a slight bit of 
coolness at times, early in the morn
 and in the evening as our temp are
 starting to come down ever so slowly, 
but it is an exciting promise of  
things to come, for sure.

Pictures today are from another
Fall table from the past.
 Think this one was actually
 a Thanksgiving Table.

So on with my Thankfuls.....

Thankful to hear in the news
that they busted over a hundred
people in Ohio that were involved
in Sex Trafficking of Children.
Unbelievable who some of the
people are, that were involved.

Thankful we found a playing
card holder for lil darling, as
we were playing go fish last
Thursday and it is just too
hard and frustrating for her
 to hold the cards in her lil
 hands. So this should solve
that problem.

Thankful for a lot of loose
ends that we got tied up or
finished on Saturday. Which is
 always a feeling of satisfaction.

Thankful for a really good
sermon from our Pastor on
Sunday, that really resonated
with me.  

Thankful for a fun lunch out
with our friends, and her Dad
and another sweet lady on Sun-
day after church to Applebees.
  Haven't been there for a long
 time, and was nice to have her
Dad join us again, as he has
been gone all summer, and also
the other lady, she is such a
sweetie too.

Thankful to find out we still have at
 least one Tea room around our area.
 Lil darling went to one they had for
 a birthday party for her lil friend. 
 So happy to hear that as it has been
 years since I have been to one....
and really thought there were 
none around anymore.

Thankful for a good report at
the dentist this week.  Always
nice to get those good reports.

Thankful that I really liked
the dental hygienist I had this
time, and could schedule with
her for next time as well.. My
 experience the first visit at the 
new dentist was not so good, 
and hoping that lady was just 
having a bad day and not that
 way all the time.

Thankful for a sweet Thank You
card from our Pastor and family
who recently moved away.
Thankful to have their address
now,  so we can keep in touch.

Thankful that all the hurricanes
and tropical storms on the east
coast at least, have gone out to
 sea, after Dorian and Thankful it
 looks like Tropical Storm Karen is
 going to fizzle out too, as of this
mornings update.  Whoo Hoo!

Thankful for the great work
of Samaritans Purse and thank-
ful they are helping those poor
people down in the Bahamas, 
that have so much devastation.
It is amazing how they go all over
the world helping people. If you
 are looking for a religious organ-
ization to donate to during these 
horrific situations, we highly 
recommend them, as most of your
money goes to their work and
not towards administrative fees.
You can see the breakdown of
where your money goes on their
website at

Note:  I get no compensation of
any kind for talking about them,
I just think they are an amazing
organization that spreads the
love of Jesus with their love
and helping hands.

Thankful that President Trump 
spoke at the UN earlier this week
and that his first agenda was standing
up for freedom of religion and against 
religious persecution globally.
God Bless this Man....


Here's to another week at 
Cozy Place.

Glad you could stop by.

Have a great Friday and weekend, 
 keep your light shining brightly.

Love, Hugs and 
end of September Blessings,


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Oh My Heartsie girl

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A Stroll thru Life

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Scripture Sunday

Happy Sunday
Sweet Friends,

Here is the verses for today.

 By wisdom a house is built,
And through understanding
it is established;
Through Knowledge It’s rooms

 are filled with rare and
Beautiful treasures
 Proverbs 24:3-4 NIV

Have a restful day,

Hugs, Nellie

Friday, September 20, 2019

Thankful Thursday September 19, 2019, Fall table for two from the past

Great is the LORD and 
most worthy of praise;
his greatness no one can fathom.
Psalm 145:3 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

So how has your week been??
Good I hope.

Ours has been good, and quick.
Really can't believe it is Friday
already.....these weeks just seem
to zoom by anymore.  Just been
busy working on cards and print-
ables, and pretty much finished
up my Fall decorating, and you
will read the rest.

Pictures today are of a Fall
table from the past......

Thankful for the most beautiful skies
 and sunsets for a number of days after 
Hurricane Dorian passed us by.
  A number of other folks noticed it
 as well, as they remarked about it
 on facebook.

Thankful for Trader Joes Bruschetta
sauce.  It is really good.  I put it over
pasta with meatballs and it made a
very delightful dish.

Thankful for all the men and women
in uniform who risk their lives for
all of us daily.  Whether they are
policemen, firemen, or our military
and even the volunteers helping with
 cleanup and assistance after a natural
 disaster, like Hurricane Dorian.
May God Bless them in amazing

Thankful for a bed to sleep in, an 
abundance of food to eat, clothes 
to wear, and a lovely home to live many are not so fortunate.

#5 Thankful that Hurricane Humberto
went out to sea and also didn't cause
a lot more problems for the poor
folks in the Bahamas.

Thankful for a good time with our
Son Scott and his family.  It has
been awhile since we have been
able to get together due to his
schedule with work.  But always
so good to see them.

#7 Thankful for a sweet homemade
gift from a dear lady at our church
this Sunday.  Such a sweet surprise.

#8. and  9 Thankful for a young couple that
was in our Young Marrieds class
a few years back.  They are just
the neatest couple.  They have a
 heart for missions, and they have
 been in a program called mission-
aries in training at our church for 
the last few years.
We are thankful that we had the
priviledge and joy of watching
him be ordained as a Pastor (along
with 3 other fellows) on Tuesday
evening.  What a lovely evening.

#10 Thankful for the singing of the
Hezikiah Walker song", every
praise that I talked about last
week. (Remember the little
boy who sang it and his captor
let him go).  We sang it at the
Ordination ceremony and it
was just so beautiful.......

Thankful that our beauty berry
is blooming, they are just the
most beautiful shade of purple
I've every seen.  Really enjoy
seeing them every Fall....

Thankful for a fun night out
running errands and going to
din din at Cheddars again.

Well, that's it for this week.

Thanks for coming by
Have a Great Weekend,

Keep your light shining brightly!

Love, Hugs, and
late September Blessings,


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The Dedicated House

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Scripture Sunday

Happy Sunday
Sweet Friends,

Here is the scriptures for today.

 I write these things to you who believe
 in the name of the Son of God so that you
 may know that you have eternal life.  
This is the confidence we have in
 approaching God: that if we ask 
anything according to his will,
 he hears us.

1 John 5:13-14 NIV

So, Have an ASKING good day!


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The Dedicated House

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Thankful Thursday Sept.12, 2019, Photoshopped pics of a Tropical table

May the nations be glad and sing for joy,
 for you rule the peoples with equity and
 guide the nations of the earth.
Psalm 67:4 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you having a good day.

All is well here,  still working on my
Fall decorating and it is coming along,
but not done yet.  Today we get to
see lil darling again for a few hours.
Goes by too quickly......but better
than nothing.........

Pics today are from the overflow of
 pics I posted on Tuesday for a Tropical
 table I did awhile back.  If you would
like to see click here.

Thankful that my daughter
and hubby arrived back home
on Saturday and they had no
 damage from Hurricane Dorian
 to either home,  just some clean
 up and a broken wood framed
hammock.  PTL

Thankful for a seeing lil darling
on Thursday and having some
time to play with her this time.

What it normally looks like.

#3 and 4
Thankful for a fun night out
going to staples and Fresh
market grocery store.  I really
enjoy going there probably
because I only go once or
twice a year.  

Thankful we found a few new
snacks to munch on as well.

With lighting affect..remember you
can click on any pics to enlarge
all the pics for better viewing.

Thankful I have all my spring/
summer decor down, and am
starting to put up the Fall things.
Always look forward to that.

Thankful for our clothes steamer.  
It does such a great job I rarely
 have to get my iron out.  
Love it.

Colored pencil affect

Thankful for homemade hot fudge 
sundaes we've had lately.
Very Yummy!

Thankful that I have made quite a bit
 of progress on my Fall decorating. 
 I think Fall decorating is my favorite
 for some reason........not really
sure why......maybe it's because it
feels like Fall inside altho it doesn't

photocopy affect

Thankful for receiving a sweet 
picture of lil darling in her new 
Halloween costume.  She is 
gonna be wonder woman.
Also got to talk to her for a
few mins. as well.  Miss her
so much.........

Thankful for more new cards and
printables done this week.

Polar coordinates affect but I call it my
 alice in Wonderland affect

Thankful for an HGTV show we
have never seen before called
"One of a Kind".  It is really good
and just love Grace the designer,
you can tell she really loves what
she does, and delights in making
her clients happy, and she is a
very happy person herself.
We saw season 1 and sure hope
there will be more seasons.

Thankful for an awesome story
I saw on facebook about a lil
boy who was kidnapped but 
sang Hezekiah Walkers song
"Every Praise is to our God"
for 3 hrs. even under threat
and his capture finally just
put him out of the car.
God's awesome power at work!

Here is a link:

Posterized Affect

Well, that's it for Cozy Place this
week....a lot less crazy around here
this week,  Thank Heavens!!

Thanks for dropping by

Hope you have a super duper

Love, Hugs and 
Early September Blessings,

Only 8 more days and it will
officially be Fall....course,
it won't feel like it here tho
until mid to end of October,
but we can

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A Stroll thru Life

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Casual Tropical Table

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you all doing well.....
especially those of you who went thru
hurricane Dorian.

I had planned another post for today,
but then came across these pics I
had forgotten about, and figured
since we weren't officially into
Fall yet,  I would share it instead.
Since it is more of a summer table.

It all started with me finding these cute
paper goods at the Christmas tree store.
I had no plans for them at the time just
always pick stuff up ahead when it is
a good deal.

Not long after we decided to have my
nephew and his family and my son and
his family over, so decided to make it 
an easy evening since there were 10
of us.

Then it was trying to decide what to do 
for an easy centerpiece.  Looking at the 
napkins I knew I could use lemons and
limes.  Then remembered I had a paper
pineapple with some other paper goods
I bought years ago and have never used
cause they are up in my closet and I kept
forgetting about them.  So got her out
and then threw in some strawberries to
match the hot pink on the napkins.
For picture purposes I just laid extra
napkins on the plates,  but when we
actually had out dinner,  I put real
 watermelon wedges there instead, 

I used 4 different flatware sets, one for each 
side and end of the table, and since I only
have 8 of each kind of glasses I used blue
and clear ones that were the same shape
at every other place. Worked out great!

The view from the opposite
end of the table.


Check out the pineapple

now check out the one below.

The very next day our neighbor brought
us a real fresh pineapple they had grown
in their back yard.  I couldn't help but
think I wish they would have brought it 
yesterday cause it was so cute and would
have looked great with the real limes and
 lemons for our dinner.  Never thought of 
buying one, guess cause I had never cut
 one myself, but I learned.....good old utube
 you can find out just about anything you
need to know.
   I just had to look at it for a few days 
before we cut it just left this
whole arrangement below on the table
for almost a week.
When we cut was perfectly ripe 
and it was really delicious.
I don't think I will every buy already
cut pineapple again, it is so much
better when you cut it fresh.  

Thanks for coming by.....

Hope you have a good rest of the week,

Love, Hugs and 
Early September Blessings,


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The Dedicated House

Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...