Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Casual Tropical Table

Happy Tuesday Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you all doing well.....
especially those of you who went thru
hurricane Dorian.

I had planned another post for today,
but then came across these pics I
had forgotten about, and figured
since we weren't officially into
Fall yet,  I would share it instead.
Since it is more of a summer table.

It all started with me finding these cute
paper goods at the Christmas tree store.
I had no plans for them at the time just
always pick stuff up ahead when it is
a good deal.

Not long after we decided to have my
nephew and his family and my son and
his family over, so decided to make it 
an easy evening since there were 10
of us.

Then it was trying to decide what to do 
for an easy centerpiece.  Looking at the 
napkins I knew I could use lemons and
limes.  Then remembered I had a paper
pineapple with some other paper goods
I bought years ago and have never used
cause they are up in my closet and I kept
forgetting about them.  So got her out
and then threw in some strawberries to
match the hot pink on the napkins.
For picture purposes I just laid extra
napkins on the plates,  but when we
actually had out dinner,  I put real
 watermelon wedges there instead, 

I used 4 different flatware sets, one for each 
side and end of the table, and since I only
have 8 of each kind of glasses I used blue
and clear ones that were the same shape
at every other place. Worked out great!

The view from the opposite
end of the table.


Check out the pineapple

now check out the one below.

The very next day our neighbor brought
us a real fresh pineapple they had grown
in their back yard.  I couldn't help but
think I wish they would have brought it 
yesterday cause it was so cute and would
have looked great with the real limes and
 lemons for our dinner.  Never thought of 
buying one, guess cause I had never cut
 one myself, but I learned.....good old utube
 you can find out just about anything you
need to know.
   I just had to look at it for a few days 
before we cut it tho.......so just left this
whole arrangement below on the table
for almost a week.
When we cut it....it was perfectly ripe 
and it was really delicious.
I don't think I will every buy already
cut pineapple again, it is so much
better when you cut it fresh.  

Thanks for coming by.....

Hope you have a good rest of the week,

Love, Hugs and 
Early September Blessings,


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The Dedicated House

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Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie