Thursday, September 12, 2019

Thankful Thursday Sept.12, 2019, Photoshopped pics of a Tropical table

May the nations be glad and sing for joy,
 for you rule the peoples with equity and
 guide the nations of the earth.
Psalm 67:4 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you having a good day.

All is well here,  still working on my
Fall decorating and it is coming along,
but not done yet.  Today we get to
see lil darling again for a few hours.
Goes by too quickly......but better
than nothing.........

Pics today are from the overflow of
 pics I posted on Tuesday for a Tropical
 table I did awhile back.  If you would
like to see click here.

Thankful that my daughter
and hubby arrived back home
on Saturday and they had no
 damage from Hurricane Dorian
 to either home,  just some clean
 up and a broken wood framed
hammock.  PTL

Thankful for a seeing lil darling
on Thursday and having some
time to play with her this time.

What it normally looks like.

#3 and 4
Thankful for a fun night out
going to staples and Fresh
market grocery store.  I really
enjoy going there probably
because I only go once or
twice a year.  

Thankful we found a few new
snacks to munch on as well.

With lighting affect..remember you
can click on any pics to enlarge
all the pics for better viewing.

Thankful I have all my spring/
summer decor down, and am
starting to put up the Fall things.
Always look forward to that.

Thankful for our clothes steamer.  
It does such a great job I rarely
 have to get my iron out.  
Love it.

Colored pencil affect

Thankful for homemade hot fudge 
sundaes we've had lately.
Very Yummy!

Thankful that I have made quite a bit
 of progress on my Fall decorating. 
 I think Fall decorating is my favorite
 for some reason........not really
sure why......maybe it's because it
feels like Fall inside altho it doesn't

photocopy affect

Thankful for receiving a sweet 
picture of lil darling in her new 
Halloween costume.  She is 
gonna be wonder woman.
Also got to talk to her for a
few mins. as well.  Miss her
so much.........

Thankful for more new cards and
printables done this week.

Polar coordinates affect but I call it my
 alice in Wonderland affect

Thankful for an HGTV show we
have never seen before called
"One of a Kind".  It is really good
and just love Grace the designer,
you can tell she really loves what
she does, and delights in making
her clients happy, and she is a
very happy person herself.
We saw season 1 and sure hope
there will be more seasons.

Thankful for an awesome story
I saw on facebook about a lil
boy who was kidnapped but 
sang Hezekiah Walkers song
"Every Praise is to our God"
for 3 hrs. even under threat
and his capture finally just
put him out of the car.
God's awesome power at work!

Here is a link:

Posterized Affect

Well, that's it for Cozy Place this
week....a lot less crazy around here
this week,  Thank Heavens!!

Thanks for dropping by

Hope you have a super duper

Love, Hugs and 
Early September Blessings,

Only 8 more days and it will
officially be Fall....course,
it won't feel like it here tho
until mid to end of October,
but we can

Sharing with:

Bloggers Pit Stop

Life with Lorelai

Shabby Art Boutique

The Dedicated House

A Stroll thru Life


  1. #1. Praise the LORD for another answer to prayers of protection over their home!
    #2. She is quite the "young adult" ha!
    #3 & #4. It's always great to find new "stuff" to eat! I'm back on the brussel sprouts beige!
    #5. You've been a busy person!
    #6. That's why I like my polyester! It doesn't wrinkle!!!
    #7. I've gotten into the peanut butter and vanilla wafers!
    #8. The leaves have fallen, but maybe that's because of storm Dorian!!!
    #9. Funny, ha! ha! I can hardly wait to see that picture! lol!
    #10. You've been a busy person! I've been praying for your business!
    #11. I like to watch the "helps" programs too!
    #12. Praise the LORD for His Love for the smallest of His children!
    See you Sunday! Love you, Susan

  2. Definitely lots of things to be thankful for! I am thankful it is almost fall and the temperatures are starting to drop just a little! Thanks for sharing with us at The Blogger's Pit Stop!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie