Friday, September 20, 2019

Thankful Thursday September 19, 2019, Fall table for two from the past

Great is the LORD and 
most worthy of praise;
his greatness no one can fathom.
Psalm 145:3 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

So how has your week been??
Good I hope.

Ours has been good, and quick.
Really can't believe it is Friday
already.....these weeks just seem
to zoom by anymore.  Just been
busy working on cards and print-
ables, and pretty much finished
up my Fall decorating, and you
will read the rest.

Pictures today are of a Fall
table from the past......

Thankful for the most beautiful skies
 and sunsets for a number of days after 
Hurricane Dorian passed us by.
  A number of other folks noticed it
 as well, as they remarked about it
 on facebook.

Thankful for Trader Joes Bruschetta
sauce.  It is really good.  I put it over
pasta with meatballs and it made a
very delightful dish.

Thankful for all the men and women
in uniform who risk their lives for
all of us daily.  Whether they are
policemen, firemen, or our military
and even the volunteers helping with
 cleanup and assistance after a natural
 disaster, like Hurricane Dorian.
May God Bless them in amazing

Thankful for a bed to sleep in, an 
abundance of food to eat, clothes 
to wear, and a lovely home to live many are not so fortunate.

#5 Thankful that Hurricane Humberto
went out to sea and also didn't cause
a lot more problems for the poor
folks in the Bahamas.

Thankful for a good time with our
Son Scott and his family.  It has
been awhile since we have been
able to get together due to his
schedule with work.  But always
so good to see them.

#7 Thankful for a sweet homemade
gift from a dear lady at our church
this Sunday.  Such a sweet surprise.

#8. and  9 Thankful for a young couple that
was in our Young Marrieds class
a few years back.  They are just
the neatest couple.  They have a
 heart for missions, and they have
 been in a program called mission-
aries in training at our church for 
the last few years.
We are thankful that we had the
priviledge and joy of watching
him be ordained as a Pastor (along
with 3 other fellows) on Tuesday
evening.  What a lovely evening.

#10 Thankful for the singing of the
Hezikiah Walker song", every
praise that I talked about last
week. (Remember the little
boy who sang it and his captor
let him go).  We sang it at the
Ordination ceremony and it
was just so beautiful.......

Thankful that our beauty berry
is blooming, they are just the
most beautiful shade of purple
I've every seen.  Really enjoy
seeing them every Fall....

Thankful for a fun night out
running errands and going to
din din at Cheddars again.

Well, that's it for this week.

Thanks for coming by
Have a Great Weekend,

Keep your light shining brightly!

Love, Hugs, and
late September Blessings,


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  1. Hi Nellie,
    I am able to access your blog with no issues. Yay! I hate when they change things and make new rules! I am so not computer savvy. I am glad this was not a hard thing to do. Have a great weekend. Love the votive with the leaf. I will sign up to make sure I get your posts into my email too.

  2. Thanks for letting me know Kris, glad you are able to access it now. I am not very computer
    saavy myself, but thankfully, my hubby is....that's what he did as his job before he retired.
    Now he is making a website for
    Hope you have a lovely weekend too, and thanks for coming by hon,

  3. #1. It has been beautiful, the calm after the storm! It has now even gotten cooler!
    #2. I'll have to try the sauce! It sounds delicious!
    #3. I thank GOD for our community protectors! I pray His blessings upon them all!
    #4. My daily praise prayers thank our Almighty GOD for all of His provisions, protection, and love for us every moment of the day!
    #5. The LORD is answering prayers! I thank him also for turning storm Humberto out to sea and I pray as well for Him to do so with storm Jerry! It reminds me of the Bible's mention of Jesus sleeping during the storm upon the Sea of Galilee when the disciple woke Him and ask Him if He cared that they were going to perish! He immediately calmed the sea!
    #6. Getting together certainly is a blessing whether friends or family!
    #7. Isn't that true! I have gotten surprises from Gloria!
    #8 & #9. GOD surely provides us with many times of joy with one another!
    #10. Songs of praise we lift to our LORD.
    #11. The birds love the berries too!
    #12. I will start eating out again when our Bible study starts next week!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie