Thursday, September 5, 2019

Thankful Thursday September 5, 2019, .with Pretty Florals

But let all who take refuge in you be glad;
 let them ever sing for joy.
 Spread your protection over them,
 that those who love your name 
may rejoice in you.
Psalm 5:11 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you are having a good week.

Ours has been good and busy and 
pretty stressful with watching and
tracking Dorian after seeing what
she did to the Bahmamas, and 
knowing that we were next on
her list.  So our week pretty 
much consisted of hurricane
prep and watching as my post

We are extremely grateful that
she has passed and that all our 
family and friends here faired 
very well,  PTL......
We feel incredibly blessed.

Now we are watching it go thru
our daughters territory, fortunately
they left and are safe inland. So
want know how their home and
newly acquired beach house did
until Sunday probably.

Just found out my cousin who
lives in VA. is way inland, and
was very happy to hear that.

If you are in the path of Dorian
please make sure to prepare as
best you can, and of course, we
 have to remember those in the
Bahamas who are in living in 
devastating conditions with 
our prayers and help however
we can.............

Pics today are pretty florals.
Think we can use some beauty
after all the devastation we
have seen and heard about.
  Now on with myThankful
Post......I sort of make my
Thankful list every day
throughout the week, and 
you can really tell that this
week.  lol

Thankful for a very encouraging
message I saw from Tim Tebow
speaking about how God uses 
the simpliest things even when 
we have no idea he is at work.

Thankful to see lil darling on
Thursday, even tho it was for a
 shorter time than expected.  

Thankful that we have all the
hurricane supplies we needed
and are already partially
 boarded up.

Thankful for answered prayer
about hurricane Dorian.  She is
already off the Florida coast
and headed out to sea.  PTL
Now we just have to pray her
away from South Carolina.
That has happened to, but she
needs to be further out, but
from the models it looks like
it will not hit the East coast
at all.  PTL
update:  Tuesday.
We are still waiting for Dorian 
to pass us by, just heard she was
 downgraded to a Cat 2, PTL 
and she is still off shore. She will
be passing us by around 8pm

Thankful for all the updates
and info you can find about
the hurricanes, that is 
so helpful.

#7 Thankful that our contractor and
 his son are here (Sat.) getting rid of
 this debri in our backyard. Another
 answer to prayer and Thanks to you 
if you prayed for us about that issue.
 I am a hap hap happy woman to see
 that pile go after 5 mo. or so.

Thankful to finally have all our 
hurricane prep done, what a job...
boarding up, moving everything
 off the porch and moving things 
in the yard.....especially with the
 heat and humidity.
So happy and thankful to 
be finished. 

#9Thankful for a sweet email from
 my nephew who lives in the Pan-
handle, concerned about us and 
the hurricane and wondering if
 we were leaving or staying and
 said he was praying for us and
for wisdom to know what to
 do to be safe.........

Thankful for a facebook message
from his step Mom (my sister-in
law of my late brother) who was
also concerned about us and was
urging us to leave.....again always
 nice to know there are those
who love us, and who are con-
cerned for our safety.

Thankful that my daughter and her
hubby already have a hotel booked 
in case they need to evacuate from
Charleston.  They live close to the
water,  so that is always a relief.
update: They left for Asheville
this morning. (Wednesday) a 
relief for this Mother after this
crazy week of watching and
waiting for this destructive

Exceptionally Thankful that 
when the storm passed us it
was not even like a storm for
us....we lost power at 4 in the
morning and thought gonna
be a fun week, and much to
our amazement it came back
on at 4:30 a.m.  So God has
been incredibly good and
merciful to us.  So happy it
has passed us now.

This has been our week.....
here at Cozy Place.

Thanks for stopping in

Have a Blessed Weekend
know we are praying for you
if you are in the path of Dorian.

Love, Hugs and


1 comment:

  1. #1. I praise our GOD for His mercy and grace. I thank the LORD our country is giving great assistance to those in the Bahamas! I thank the churches in America and other organizations who are giving assistance to those in the Bahamas. I'm praying for those who lost loved ones there in the devastation.
    #2. "In all things give thanks for this is the will of your GOD in Christ Jesus." I Thessalonians 5:13. I pray many will come to the LORD's salvation.
    #3. I pray she is doing well.
    #4. Me too, other than I had no boarding.
    #5. I was in constant prayer (without ceasing!) Even during the night I woke up in prayer to the LORD throughout the night, praise His Name.
    #6. Praise the LORD for no long blackout in electricity in our area!!!
    #7. Thank our LORD the debris is gone!
    #8. I moved the bird bath to the ground on its side. It is so heavy, it did well not to be moved by the wind.
    #9. I am thankful to all the people who lifted up prayers in our behalf!
    #10. Yes, thank you for your invite to me as well!!!
    #11. I'm glad they were safe! I pray all was well with family in DeLand.
    #12. Yes, my electric went off at 2:30 a.m., but was back on at 3:30 a.m.!
    Thank the LORD again for protecting us! Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie