Friday, February 5, 2021

Thankful Thursday February 4, 2021, Valentines table from the past

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith;

 be courageous; be strong.  Do everything in love.

                                     1 Corinthians 16:13-14

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you Well and Warm.

We are well and warm, have been

enjoying a nice Winter,  temp. are

cold but not too cold.  Not too much

going on,  just working on Valentines

for our shop and doing those house-

hold chores we all have to do. 

Decided pics this week should maybe be

something for Valentines day, since it is

right around the corner., so thought I

would do pictures from a tablescape

from the past.  I know I said it would

be Winter decor but decided it would

be better to wait until after Valentines

as it will still be

Just a table for two that I threw together
by shopping our house.  


Thankful for a few sweet and peaceful 

moments during one of our full moon lit nights

 this week, as I was up for awhile and as I

 gazed out the window in our backyard, it was

 just so still, quiet and beautiful and all just 

seemed right with the world...........

definitely a God Wink!


Thankful hubby and I had a fun night out going

 to Sams and Wally World and out to dinner at 

Longhorn Steakhouse.  Nice to get out of the house 

for awhile.  Also got to see our Son and lil darling

 for a short while too,  Which always makes

me a happy girl...........


Thankful we found some Patti LaBelle black-

berry is the bomb. Hubby just

happened on it a while back and decided

to try it, so we are sold,  really delicious 

and I didn't have to make


Thankful that there might be a possibility

of our Daughter and Son-in-love coming

in late February.  So hoping that works

out,  of course!!  lol


Thankful for my brilliant hubby and

his amazing computer skills.  As we

have had so many glitches and things

to work out since I got the new computer,

It has kept him quite busy and happy

I might add,  as he is truly in his 

element with techy stuff.


Thankful for so many new shows on

the Magnolia channel, from Magnolia

kitchen, new fixer upper shows, and

 inspirational entrepreneurial shows.

We are really enjoying their new

network.  Go Chip and JoAnna.


Thankful for a lot of texting with my

sweet friend Arlene, who has the ovarian

cancer.  She has really been going thru

so much, my heart is just breaking for

 her, and her family.  They are all taking 

such good care of her too. She sent me

 a video of her feeding her daughters lil dog 

 (an adorable fluff ball, a lil Pomeranian) some

 watermelon popsicle and she sounded so

 chipper cause she was having a good day. 

Did my heart good to hear her. She is

such an amazing woman of faith. She

is supposed to be going to Germany in the

next week or so to get T-cell treatment.

If you feel so led,  please pray that she

will be able to go physically, and also

that Germany will allow it,  as she has

been supposed to go many times in this

past year, but due to covid it has been

cancelled many times.


Thankful for 4 Valentine's cards

I completed this week.


Thankful for a nice time having dinner and 

playing games with our Son and lil darling. 


Thankful for a sweet Thank You card we

 received from a friend  today.....loved her

 sweet sentiments, and the front of the card

(done by a lady named Dawna Barton, who I

 looked up, she is an artist in her 70's that has

 lived in Utah all her life). The card front is

a watercolor of a 2 story house, I fell in

love with this card, the colors she used

(a lot of peachy pink and green) and I

totally love water colors painting. It

reminds me a lot of Erin on the show

"Home Town" cause it looks a lot like the

watercolor drawings she always does 

 for her client. Now I can't wait for

Spring as I will definitely be using

it in my spring decorating some

where for sure.......


Thankful that has hard as the Covid

Pandemic has been on everyone, and

I know it's been harder on some than

others, but I think it has strengthen us,

 and helped us see our priorities more

 clearly and has drawn us all closer to 

God, and made most of us more

 desirous of Heaven than ever before.


Thankful for all the Winter weather

we have had this year, and that 

I have actually gotten to wear all of

 my Winter dress clothes to church.

Know that sounds weird, but typically 

it will be cold during the week and

 come Sunday it would be too warm. 

So I would be lucky if I got to wear

them all once, and this year I am

actually worn some of them twice. lol

In case you don't know we live in

Central Florida. That's Why!!


Well....that's it for Cozy Place this week.

Thanks for visiting


Hope you have a Super Duper

 Friday and weekend.

Keep your light shining brightly

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Shabby Art Boutique

Grammys Grid

Grammys Grid - all things valentines

A Stroll thru Life

April J Harris


  1. Love your sweet little valentines vignette. Super cute. Have a great weekend. We are very very very cold here. Bitter in fact. Lots of snow followed by 9 degrees and a wind chill of -40. Your face literally hurts to go outside for any time. Wearing masks help. Enjoy your mild weather. I am dreaming of Spring. xoxo

  2. #1. It was definitely a bright lit sky!
    #2. Family fun time!!!
    #3. Anything you don't have to bake is great!
    #4. Yes!!
    #5. I thank him for all the times he has helped me with mine!
    #6. Wonderful shows helps us to pass the time.
    #7. I have been praying every day for GOD's will in her life for healing.
    #8. Good for you!!
    #9. yes, cards are a fun time together.
    #10. Joy in the mailbox!
    #11. Amen! Come now LORD Jesus!
    #12. It's definitely been a cold winter for us!
    Love you, Susan

  3. Hi Kris,
    Thanks for coming by and for your sweet comments. Oh wow, it is cold 9 degrees....and -40 wind chill. Gracious I can't even imagine. I would definitely be dreaming of Spring too.
    We lived in Germany many many years ago, but don't think we ever had any weather than cold.
    I guess mask wearing there is a plus in that weather.
    Stay warm sweetie, and hope it lets up soon.....You have a great weekend too, just stay in our of that cold....

  4. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for coming by and for all your comments. Wow, after reading Kris's comments we are
    very blessed to have the kind of Winters we have, they are nothing in comparison, think she lives in chicago or around that area. Talk about Brrrrrr.....
    Yea, the Lord can come anytime and it would be find with us.

    Have a good weekend,
    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...