Friday, February 26, 2021

Thankful Thursday February 25, 2021, Winter Decorating 2021

For what you have done I will always praise you 

in the presence of your faithful people. And I will

 hope in your name, for your name is good.
 Psalm 52:9 

Greetings Sweet Friends,

 How are You?? Know many of you endured

the Winter storms last week, and sure hope you 

are doing well.  Praying for those of you without 

power, that you are keeping warm and fed.

This week we have been excitedly preparing and

 looking forward to our Daughter's visit. It

will be a quick one, but we will make the best

of it.....she is coming to go to Universal 

Studios with lil darling and her brother.

Since lil darling is on break from school

right now.

 We needed some good news!! 

Pictures today are from our Winter Decorating

 202l, hence the opening picture.  I decided to 

undecorate our tree and leave it up in it's natural

 state until Spring, and we might still look a lil bit

Christmasy... but have to say we have really 

enjoyed the beauty of the tree and lights.

And let there be light...........

On with my Thankfuls.....


Thankful my friend Arlene came through

her surgery and is stable. and continues

to be stable.  Has a lot going on still

but remaining stable is very good.

#2 and 3

Thankful for what a loving family she

has, who is doing everything they possibly

can to help her.  Also thankful for all the

prayer warriors she has (family and friends

galore and even people who don't know her).

In real life it is not crooked  Just the picture


Thankful that we are in the process of

getting our porch back together, looking

good so far, think we are gonna try and

put a fresh coat of paint on our swing

 before we put it back


Thankful that I think I have finally 

found some new rugs for our porch I have 

been looking for 2 yrs, but couldn't find any-

thing that would work.......that wasn't

 ridiculously priced!.  So ordered them

and they will arrive next Monday, and

 hoping they look as good as I think

they will.....will see!! lol


Thankful hubby was sweet to take on

painting the swing by himself,  so I 

could work on preparing my daughters

room since she is coming for a few days

to visit.  Can't her room

and the swing both look great!!  


Thankful that the rain held off just long

 enough for him to finish the whole front 

of the swing and we were able to get it 

in out of the rain just in the nick of time

 as the raindrops starting coming.


Thankful that a group messaging text for

my friend Arlene that went off at 7 this

morning (Monday) was not what I

 thought it was at first.  She was asking for

 water and ice and cold water in different texts

 a nunber of times, and sounded frantic, and

 it scared me, I was thinking she was trying

 to get ahold of her daughter and husand,

fortunately they are on the feed too, so

they were able to contact the hospital,

and let us all know she was fine.......

turns out she was a lil delirious from the

meds they have her on.  Was also afraid

she might have a high fever or something

cause of infection,  but she was good.

Thank the Lord.....she has just been

through so much......


Thankful that Arlene's family have 

found a way for us all to talk to

her with a u-tube link, so she can

 play it whenever she wants. 

thought it was a really great idea,

  that way she can hear us or 

maybe even see us.


Thankful that if we had to go 

through this covid thing that the

Good Lord made it where we

could connect in so many different

ways,  and also that we could

do things like instacart, and that

folks could work from home and

learn from home. Just imagine

if this had all happened 15 yrs

or so..... none of that would not

 have been so easy.


Thankful my Daughter got here on

Wed. afternoon safe and sound.  

Also thankful she is feeling better as

she has a sinus infection she is being

treated for....


Thankful for a fun time out with

hubby, our Daughter and lil darling

shopping for lil darlings birthday that

is quickly approaching,  and a nice

dinner at Cracker Barrel including

her Daddy as well.


Well, there you have it....our week

at Cozy Place.

Thanks for stopping by,

and Hope you have a great weekend.

Love, Hugs and end of February



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  1. Love your winter decor. We are finally warming up here in the Midwest. Yay! Today we will hit in the 50's. I know cold for you southerners but feels great for us. Have a beautiful weekend. xoxo

  2. #1 Thank the LORD for His blessing!
    #2 & #3. Praise the LORD for the prayers being lifted to Him!
    #4. You have been busy!!!
    #5. I can hardly wait to see them!
    #6. What a wonderful time you will have!
    #7. We have had much rain this winter!
    #8. Praise the LORD for His strength!
    #9. I pray she has been greatly encourages!
    #10. Yes, thank the LORD for the modes of communication!
    #11. I'm thankful for the LORD's protection over her journey here.
    #12. Thank the LORD for His protection over you all!
    Love you, Susan

  3. So many wonderful things to be thankful for, Nellie! It sounds like you've had a blessed month and have been such a big help and encouragement to others too. I'm excited you were able to spend some time with your daughter and her family. Universal Studios is always so much fun and I know it was great to have her home. Hope your March is richly blessed as well, CoCo

  4. Sounds like you had a busy week but also a great week with lots of blessings. Thank you for stopping by and sharing with us. #HomeMattersParty


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: