Sunday, November 28, 2021

Scripture Sunday

Good Sunday Morning

Sweet Friends,

Here are the verses for today!

Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD their God.  He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them— he remains faithful forever. 

Psalm 146:5-6 NIV

Have a Blessed/Happy Day!


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Thursday, November 25, 2021

Thankful Thursday November 25, 2021, and Our Thanksgiving table 2021

then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession 
and thanksgiving be made for all people— 
or kings and all those in authority, 
that we may live peaceful and quiet lives
 in all godliness and holiness. 
1 Timothy 2:1-2 NIV

Happy Happy Thanksgiving


Welcome to Thankful Thursday.

Hope you have had a Wonderful day with your family

and or friends.  We celebrated on Wednesday with

our family, as our Daughter and Son-in-love 

arrived on Monday late afternoon, and then were

going to visit his/their other family today. 

Our Son and lil darling and my Sil Susan 

all live here already, thankfully.

  It all worked out about as perfectly as this side 

of Heaven could be. They all left around noon

 and since we were very tired from all the fun, the

 rest of the day was quiet and restful and we had

 our 2nd Thanksgiving dinner with all the yummy

 leftovers, (always the benefit to hosting. lol) took

 a long nap and are gonna watch a movie or two

once I finish posting


               Pictures today are from our Thanksgving

table 2021 since google now uploads them

for us so quickly.  Gotta love that!

Now on with my Thankfuls.....


Thankful to have lil darling all day on Friday,

we were home schooling most of the day, but we 

did get some play time in as well.

It was a joy to have her all day.....


Thankful the guest room is all finished

and ready for our Daughter and hubby

and we are looking forward to there arrival

tomorrow night.


Thankful that something that would have been

a big disappointment did not come to pass.  

Praise the Lord


Thankful that we had a gentleman

named "Marquis Laughlin" do our church

service this week. He is a dramatist that recites

 the word of God with great expression and 

drama and makes the scripture come to life.

He did 6 chapters out of the book of Daniel,

and it was wos really wonderful.


Thankful that our kids made it in safe and sound

 on Monday afternoon late.


Thankful that I am feeling better today,

I was feeling sort of sick last night but

thought it might just be overtiredness, and

guess that must have been it. PTL


Thankful our friends we go to lunch with

on Sunday celebrated their 51st Anniversary

yesterday.  Such a great folks, and such

a great testimony of God's grace and Love.


Thankful for pumpkin cheesecake that we found

at Sams.  It was rich but wonderful.  They

are pre-sliced at just the right size too.


Thankful that all of our dinner is ready for 

our early Thanksgiving on Wed.....all we 

need to do is pop most of it in the oven. Love,

Love, Love dishes we can prepare ahead

so we are not in the kitchen all day.

I have to say, if I do say so myself,

it was all really delicious!


Thankful for the fun and help from my 

Sweet Daughter.  We really enjoy 

cooking together.  It also gave hubby

a break............cause he has become my

sous chef these


Thankful for a great movie called


We have seen it before and it is a true story. 

 So...if you would like to see something

that will boost your faith, this is your movie.  

It is so great to know it is a true story. 

Love that.


Thankful for our dear family and for the

great time we all had,  just talking and hanging 

out, going to Olive Garden for dinner,  preparing 

Thanksgving dinner together, watching dry bar 

comedy,  Playing charades and wii bowling,

and having hubbies breakfast sandwiches for

Thanksgiving morning.  Also thankful we

could all be together and that we are all 

healthy and happy and loved by God and

each other.  Doesn't get much better than that!!


Thankful for these lovely berries.......

In case you don't know these are called 

"hypercum berries", they come from a St Johns

wort plant from what my Son tells us.  I just

love them for some reason and the only time you

ever see them in Florida is around Thanksgiving

and I usually have to go to Market Fresh

store to get them, and thought I would have to

pass on them this year, and lo and behold on

Sunday our local grocery store had them, and 

in different colors than I normally get but

 was perfect for our table this year. Usually

 they are orange or rust colored. They are a

simple pleasure for

This is how it looked once I finished with the 

berries,  couldn't put them on till close to table time.

Forgot to take these yesterday but wanted

you to see how pretty they were.  Also they

were taken just a few mins. ago and it is

night time.

That's it for Cozy Place this week

This is our Thanksgiving edition!! lol

Thanks for visiting......happy you could come by.


Have a great rest of the week.

Love, Hugs and 

Thanksgiving Blessings!!


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Karins Kottage

Shabby Art Boutique

Lou Lou Girls

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Scripture Sunday


Happy Sunday Sweet Friends,

Here is the verse of the day.

Gracious words are a honeycomb,

 sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.

Proverbs 16:24 NIV

     Have a Sweet and healing week,

 using your kind words........



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Karins Kottage

Shabby Art Boutique

Lou Lou Girls

Friday, November 19, 2021

Thankful Thursday, November 18, 2021, A Cozy Place Thanksgving table from the past

Enter his gates with thanksgiving 

and his courts with praise; 

give thanks to him and praise his name.

Psalm 100:4  NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you doing well, and 

excitedly getting geared up for Thanksgiving.

  That is what is happening over here! 

 So happy planning and doing..............


Pictures today are of one of our

Thanksgiving tables from the past.

I figured you are the same as me,

probably looking for ideas for

your Thanksgiving table this year

as well.

Now on with my Thankfuls.....


Thankful we made it home safe and sound and

uneventfully on Monday evening. and as much

as we love being with our kids and sleeping well

there,  it is always a joy to get back home and

in our own bed.  lol


Thankful that as we started home our tires

were showing that they were low, and we

figured it was just because it was cold, but

hubby has a tire pump,  so after we had 

gone aways and it still didn't change he

decided he fill the tires a little bit, and it

was a great idea as it gave us peace of mind 

that they were fine, cause they were all at

the same level.  Cause you never know if

you might have picked up a nail or some

thing and have a slow leak.


Thankful that we are all unpacked

 and everything is tucked away where

 it should be, and the mail has been 

gone through, and hubby went to the

store so we have food in the house,

 now I can move on to other things 

that need to be done tomorrow

which is Wednesday.


Thankful once again for the

"Better Together" show on TBN.  

Almost everyday I walk away 

with some nugget of truth or 


Today Laurie Crouch shared

a quote that I really liked.

She said, she read it somewhere,

and here it is.....

"Thankfulness is like a tonic for

 disillusionment and bitterness"

I love that, cause I think it is

so true...........


Thankful guest bedroom is almost done.

Had stashed a lot of stuff in there from

when I did my Fall decorating, so had

to put it away finally.   lol


Thankful our Son took a few things 

off our shopping list, by getting some 

things for us that we wanted to get

 for lil darling for Christmas.


Thankful for a successful

shopping trip as we were on

 a mission to finish up our

 shopping for Dee and Jerry, 

 so they can take their gifts

 home with them, since they

can't be here for Christmas

this year.


Thankful we get to see lil

darling on Friday. It seems

like ages since we have 

seen her.

Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week, 

 it was a short week,  since I did 10 days

last week.

Thanks for coming by

Keep your light shining brightly.

Love, Hugs, and
Happy Thanksgiving Blessings,


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Monday, November 15, 2021

Thankful Thursday November 15, 2021, more Fall decor from 2021


Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love,
 that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.
Psalm 90:14 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope yall are all doing great!

I know I am more than a tad late

but you will see why when you

read on......

I'm gonna stop right there and

get this posted. lol

Pictures today are Fall scenes

 from Cozy Place this year!

Now on with my Thankfuls.....


Thankful for a nice evening out to

dinner with our Son and little 

darling to celebrate his birthday,

and they wound up coming over

for a while afterwards since lil

darling wasn't up to going to 

karate as she is taking meds for

an earache.


Thankful that we are all packed 

and ready to leave to go to my

Daughter and Son-in-loves this

morning.  We can't wait to see

them and have more than a few

days with them.  We always enjoy

the time so much.


Thankful that I am married to such 

a great guy and that we are celebrating

 51 years of married life today (Sunday).

We have walked down many roads these

passed 51 years,  but altho we have

had some scary times, some hard times,

some sad times, crazy times, we have

mostly had good times of love, blessings, 

fun, adventure and have gone down

roads we never imagined we would.

and the Lord has been more than

faithful to us.


Thankful for a fun time celebrating

our anniversary with Dee and Jerry.

They took us out to Longhorn 

steak house and she even bought us 

a yummy orange walnut cranberry

cake with cream cheese frosting.

It was so good,  but rich, so can't

eat too big a piece for sure.

Means we get a repeat tonight.  lol


Thankful that even tho she had to

work today, she had made us a 

brocoli/cheese quiche, and our

fav cream cheese and strawberry

coffee cake, that she always makes 

us.....and she was able to run home

at lunch and eat with us.  Sweet!


Thankful to be enjoying more cool

weather here in Charleston. It's

really awesome.


Thankful my Daughter did so well

with some dental surgery today, 

and has felt pretty good all

day, much better than what we 

expected,  we thought she would

probably want to sleep all day,

but we all had a nice afternoon

together sitting outside and 

catching up.


Thankful for a fun time out 

shopping with our girl, and

thankful she was feeling good

enough to do that. She needed to

 do shopping for the house she

 is furnishing and decorating

for a client, so it was fun helping

her find and chose things. Some

one is renting it right now, but

 they are moving out in Dec. and

then she will fix it up as a 

vacation rental home. I think

it's gonna look awesome from

the things I have seen she has

chosen. Also managed to do a

little Christmas shopping too.


Thankful for a fun time

playing yatzee and watching

dry bar comedy with the kids.


Thankful for another fun day out

 shopping with our guys and din din

 at Outback Steakhouse, it's been years

since we have been there. Was happy

to see they had added some new

things to their menu,  so will probably

visit them at home soon.


Thankful for some time cooking

together and playing cards just

the 2 of us.


Thankful for having this lovely time

to spend with Dee and Jerry and Bentley

(our grandson dog( for the last week.

  It was easier to say goo bye this time

 cause they will  be at our house for

 Thanksgiving next week.  lol 

 So have to hit the ground

running to be prepared for next

week.  Thankful we got a lot done

before we left since we knew that.

Thankful to God and his goodness

to us and our family. Thankful our

girl felt good all week in spite of 

her dental surgery.

Well, that's it for Cozy place

this week and a half.  lol

Thanks for coming by

Love, Hugs and 

Mid November Blessings,


Sharing with:  

Shabby Art Boutique

April J Harris

A Stroll thru Life

Grammys Grid

Lou Lou Girls

Karins Kottage


Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie