Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love,
that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.
Psalm 90:14 NIV
Greetings Sweet Friends,
Hope yall are all doing great!
I know I am more than a tad late
but you will see why when you
read on......
I'm gonna stop right there and
get this posted. lol
Pictures today are Fall scenes
from Cozy Place this year!
Now on with my Thankfuls.....
Thankful for a nice evening out to
dinner with our Son and little
darling to celebrate his birthday,
and they wound up coming over
for a while afterwards since lil
darling wasn't up to going to
karate as she is taking meds for
an earache.
Thankful that we are all packed
and ready to leave to go to my
Daughter and Son-in-loves this
morning. We can't wait to see
them and have more than a few
days with them. We always enjoy
the time so much.
Thankful that I am married to such
a great guy and that we are celebrating
51 years of married life today (Sunday).
We have walked down many roads these
passed 51 years, but altho we have
had some scary times, some hard times,
some sad times, crazy times, we have
mostly had good times of love, blessings,
fun, adventure and have gone down
roads we never imagined we would.
and the Lord has been more than
faithful to us.
Thankful for a fun time celebrating
our anniversary with Dee and Jerry.
They took us out to Longhorn
steak house and she even bought us
a yummy orange walnut cranberry
cake with cream cheese frosting.
It was so good, but rich, so can't
eat too big a piece for sure.
Means we get a repeat tonight. lol

Thankful that even tho she had to
work today, she had made us a
brocoli/cheese quiche, and our
fav cream cheese and strawberry
coffee cake, that she always makes
us.....and she was able to run home
at lunch and eat with us. Sweet!
Thankful to be enjoying more cool
weather here in Charleston. It's
really awesome.
Thankful my Daughter did so well
with some dental surgery today,
and has felt pretty good all
day, much better than what we
expected, we thought she would
probably want to sleep all day,
but we all had a nice afternoon
together sitting outside and
catching up.
Thankful for a fun time out
shopping with our girl, and
thankful she was feeling good
enough to do that. She needed to
do shopping for the house she
is furnishing and decorating
for a client, so it was fun helping
her find and chose things. Some
one is renting it right now, but
they are moving out in Dec. and
then she will fix it up as a
vacation rental home. I think
it's gonna look awesome from
the things I have seen she has
chosen. Also managed to do a
little Christmas shopping too.
Thankful for a fun time
playing yatzee and watching
dry bar comedy with the kids.
Thankful for another fun day out
shopping with our guys and din din
at Outback Steakhouse, it's been years
since we have been there. Was happy
to see they had added some new
things to their menu, so will probably
visit them at home soon.
Thankful for some time cooking
together and playing cards just
the 2 of us.
Thankful for having this lovely time
to spend with Dee and Jerry and Bentley
(our grandson dog( for the last week.
It was easier to say goo bye this time
cause they will be at our house for
Thanksgiving next week. lol
So have to hit the ground
running to be prepared for next
week. Thankful we got a lot done
before we left since we knew that.
Thankful to God and his goodness
to us and our family. Thankful our
girl felt good all week in spite of
her dental surgery.

Well, that's it for Cozy place
this week and a half. lol
Thanks for coming by
Love, Hugs and
Mid November Blessings,
Sharing with:
Shabby Art Boutique
April J Harris
A Stroll thru Life
Grammys Grid
Lou Lou Girls
Karins Kottage