Friday, February 11, 2022

Thankful Thursday February 10, 2022, Livingroom/Valentine's decor for 2022

Enter his gates with thanksgiving
 and his courts with praise; 
give thanks to him and praise his name.
Psalm 100:4 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you well and Warm!!
Are you preparing for a fun Valentines
day for or with those you love the most??
I have a lot done but have a little more
to do, not that I am doing a
But we just consider it a Fun day and
we are all about celebrating anything
that is worthy of celebration!!

Pictures today are from our 2022
living room all gussied up for Valentine's
Day,  haven't done it for a few years,
so decided to have a red and pink
Valentine's living room, and our dining
 room and family room are decorated for 
Winter in Blue, creams and green which
 I will probably show you next week.
Sounds crazy, but I don't care, it's been
fun for us, and who doesn't need any
fun they can get these days!!  lol



                          So on with my Thankfuls


Thankful for more cards I finished

for our shop. Still working on 2 for 

the family, then I am taking a break.


Thankful that I saw a little brown bunny

early this morning running across our

backyard and stopping to eat some

asparagus fern.  Not sure if he is "Coco"

or not,  but hoping it is, cause we haven't

seen him for 3-4 months,  and thought

maybe a cat got him or something.

Lil darling will be thrilled!

Note: She was, and actually got to

see him today (Friday) while she

was here.


Thankful for a lovely day at church,

I think the break from preaching in Jan.

 was really good for our Pastor cause he

 was so funny today.  I told him when he

retires he might want to become a comic.


Thankful for lunch out with our friends

 to Cracker Barrel.  It was so good to see 

them as it has been quite a long while

 since we have seen them, as they were sick,

 then we were sick......Crazzzzzy!


Thankful that the Lord protected

me from a fall while in the grocery

store. It was like I just slide and

thought I would fall but I stopped

 without even losing my balance. 

Looked at my the bottom of my shoes,

which were heels, and have no idea what

 caused it, but sure know who stopped it.


Thankful for Cuban food that I made

for dinner.  Yummy Picadillo and yellow

rice and black beans. Been awhile and

it was so good if I do say so myself.

Picadillo Recipe here

Black Beans and Yellow rice recipe here

In case you would like to try it.


Thankful that I happened on some

information about 2 search engines

where you don't have to worry about

anything being deleted, hidden or

removed because it doesn't meet with

 their community standards.

  They are "Duck Duck Go" and "Brave",

and they are Free cost wise.  Haven't

tried the Brave yet tho.


Thankful that one of my Daughters

friends whose 80+ yr. old Mom has

Covid and wound up having to go to

the hospital and is in ICU is showing

good signs of progress, so hoping to

hear more good news today. She has

had many people praying for her.

Note:  She is still in ICU but they

are weaning her off the oxygen, so

definitely headed in the right direction.

Note:  Just heard from my Daughter, 

her friend's Mom is doing much

better and will be moving to rehab 

on Monday.


Thankful for a nice clean house, we have

 sort of been doing a little Spring cleaning,

 and getting some things put away that

have needed to be done since Christmas,

but with being sick and all just didn't

 happen, so thankful for having

 that done finally. 


Thankful that we were able to get 

lil darling from school and have a

 sleepover since her Dad was out of

 town for work. We played awhile

then went to Olive Garden for din

din. Then went to Publix and got

 some dessert. Hubby got a pc. of Red 

Velvet cake and we got a Fun Fetti 

bar cake and it was so good. When we

 got  home we got into our jamies and

got comfy and watched a few episodes

 of the Christmas cookie challenge, while

we ate our cake, then it was off to

beddie bye land!!  lol

Note: I kept one small  pc. of cake and 

sent the rest home with lil darling. Trying 

not to get back into bads habits. lol


Thankful for a fun Friday with lil

darling.  We did school work, but

managed to have some time to play

as well before Dad came to get her

earlier than normal. 


Thankful that our Son had an uneventful

and safe business trip going and coming!


Well, That's it for Cozy Place this week.

Thanks for stopping in......

Always nice to know you came by.

Have a Super Duper Weekend!

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  1. #1. What a fun time in making cards.
    #2. Thank the LORD He takes care of His wildlife. I haven't seen any bunnies for a while, plenty of Sandhill Cranes. I thought they went further south in the winter.
    #3. I enjoyed his sermon too!
    #4. I thank the LORD, for His protection over you when you're out!
    #5. Praise the LORD for His protection over you!
    #6. You do make delicious Cuban food!!!
    #7. I'm not much on the internet much other than e-mail, blog, and Presidential Prayer Team.
    #8. Praise our LORD for His healing for her!
    #9. I'm sure you are glad it's done!
    #10. What a great time for you all!
    #11. They will be memorable moments!
    #12. Thank our LORD for protection over His own!
    Love you, Susan

  2. Thanks for coming by Susan and all your Praises, and yes, he does protect His own.
    Have a great week,
    Love, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: