Friday, February 4, 2022

Thankful Thursday February 3, 2022, A Valentine's Day tablescape

Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God
 a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name.

Hebrews 13:15 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you warm, well and enjoying your day. 

That's us so far.  It is suppose to be 84 here today,

but tomorrow we dip back into the 60's for awhile.

If you are in the area where the Blizzard is,

know we are praying for yall and hoping you

are doing well and staying warm and hopefully

able to enjoy all that white stuff........

Pictures today are from a Valentine's Day table

 or possibly  a Birthday table from the past. 

 But it does looks like it could be a Valentine's table

 at least!!   lol 

I used a mixture of paper goods and normal dinnerware,

  I like to do that every so often, as it can give you a theme

and it makes clean up easier too, and also lets others know

you can still have a pretty table even if you don't have

dinnerware or don't like yours..........


So on with my Thankfuls...........


Thankful that we got to watch lil darling on Friday,

after all,  as she was fine as could be by Friday and 

has stayed that way all weekend,  think it might have

just been sinus or allergy related.

Praise the Lord!  


Thankful, so thankful to see her, as we have

missed her terribly.  When you have seen your

grandchild at least once or twice a week for

her whole life,  it is shocking to be without

her for very long.  She will be having her

9th birthday in early March.  We had a 

great day even tho we had to do school work, 

 just great to be together.

Also, thankful her Daddy picked up Tijuana 

Flats and stayed for dinner and we played cards

 for awhile.  We hadn't seen him either, so just 

added to the fun day.


Thankful that we were able to go back to church

today,  it was a beautiful clear blue sky day

but pretty cold,  but I loved it.......perfect day

as far as I am concerned......


Thankful for lunch after at Olive Garden with

my honey......Our friends didn't brave the weather

today, as her Father is cold, when it's hot weather,

so can only imagine what it would be like for him

in this weather.


Thankful for Olive Garden leftovers that we can

have for dinner tomorrow night.........


Thankful for 6 new cards, I have made since 

I finally finished redecorating our house.


Thankful for a proud Mom moment

over seeing what a great job our Daughter

did on a clients Beach House.  This

was her first really big job, and she did

an amazing job on it.

See Post and Tour Here


Thankful for all the energy I have had

this week, I think I have more than I

did before we got sick.  Praise the Lord.


Thankful that I have lost 5-6 pds and

am working to keep it off,  can't believe how

much better I feel just with that 5-6

pounds gone.  Love it!

Thankful for a new series we found on 
" Up Faith and Family".
  It is called the Cowboy way.  We
have just watched one episode but we love it.
Great to see a series where people have some
of the same values.

Thankful we got to pick up lil darling from school
yesterday and spend a few hours with her, Helped
her make a pretty box to stuff her Valentines in at
school next week when they celebrate.

Thankful for a fun conversation with a lady
we ran in to at a Flooring and tile place.
It started by her asking us our opinion on the 
tile and stuff she was wanting to put in her 
bathroom she was redoing.  It was beautiful,
 by the way. Love to run into nice people,
such an encouragement,  that there are still
so many great folks out there.

Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week!

Thanks for visiting


Have a lovely Weekend.


Keep your light shining brightly!

Love, Hugs and 

Early February Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Karins Kottage

Between Naps on the Porch (Tablescapes)

Between Naps on the Porch (Metamorphisis Monday)

April J Harris

A Stroll thru Life


  1. #1. Praise the LORD for His protection over all of us!
    #2. Praise the LORD for family time together!
    #3. I pray tomorrow will not be rainy for church services!
    #4. Good times are joyful!
    #5. Aren't leftovers great!!
    #6. Good for you in your card making!!!
    #7. She is her mother's daughter!
    #8. Isn't it great!!! I praise the LORD for the strength He gives to us!
    #9. Good for you! I have been maintaining my lost weight, Praise the LORD!
    #10. Cowboy, you say! I bet it is a good program, ha!
    #11. What a wonderful time together! It reminds me of the things I did when I was a kindergarten teacher!
    #12. The LORD does bring us to enjoy even strangers!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: