Sunday, September 25, 2022

Scripture Sunday


If you want to live your best life ever,
make sure You know Jesus, and then
 read your Bible and  follow what it says.
  That doesn't mean your life will be easy or
 perfect but it sure makes it a whole lot better,
Cause God knows the beginning and the end 
of your life,  He has the helicopter view, we
 only have the one day at a time view. 
 So He knows what is ahead but we don't.......
So you can trust HIM to lead you...........
and best of all, you will also know your
eternal destination

Hugs, Nellie

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Thursday, September 22, 2022

Thankful Thursday September 22. 2022, and More Fall decor pictures from the past

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.

Colossians 4:2 NIV


Greetings Sweet Friends, and

Welcome to Fall Yall.....

Course, I know blogland has been looking

like Fall for a long time now, but it is now

officially here!! lol

Hope you have had a good week,  ours has

been good, have pretty much been doing

our Fall decorating, and am happy to report

it is done,  just gotta pack the leftovers

and get it off our dining room table and

out to the garage.   Yea!!

Now we can just enjoy it all.....

Pictures today are from another Fall past.

Hopefully next week, I will have some

 from this year!

So on with my Thankfuls.....


Thankful to get to see lil darling for a few hours

today, and then after she left,  we went to the "At

Home" store to return something and to look at 

mirrors, cause I would like a new one for our

guest bedroom we are still working on. then

 we went to dinner at Longhorns, and came home

and watched the newest episode of " Chesapeake

shores",  It was a nice, fun and Blessed day!


Thankful for how the Lord shows me where things

are whent I can't find them.  I will ask the Lord where

something is, and to please show me, and it want

be too long until he that!!


Thankful that I have pretty much finished decorating

our family room.  Just need to finish the mantel and

now that the Lord showed me where my magnolia

vine is.........I can do that tomorrow hopefully.  lol

Note: I am finally finished as of today (Thursday)

Just have to pack it all away now.


Thankful that we could be at church this week, 

since it had been 3 weeks, and we finally got to 

go out with our friends for lunch, as it has been

 probably 2 month, due to both our schedules.


Thankful for the ways the Lord encourages us

in His word, and through other people.

Thankful I had a situation where I sent a lady

 one of our cards, and she was just so genuinely

delighted by it. It was just so nice to have that

incite and encouragement.


Thankful to have the opportunity to be an

encouragement to a family we have known

for years.  Brought much Joy to our hearts.


Thankful that our friends new grandbaby

is okay,  she was having some breathing

difficulties and had to go to the emergency

room and even got air-lifted to another

hospital.  Fortunately, they could give her

meds, as she was getting fluid in her lungs

because of the hole in her heart, which

will probably need surgery once she gains

enough weight. 

Note: for those of you who are praying

for her, please keep praying, cause the

Lord can still heal that heart.  Also pray

that she can gain some weight, as she

is back to her birth weight.


Thankful that our friend came thru a heart

procedure and is doing well. It was a risky

procedure and praying it does what they

are hoping it will. He is home now and

doing well.


Thankful for the gift of creativity that God

gives to each of us. There are so many ways

of being creative: Right now, my canvas is

 decorating my home and my cardmaking.  

They both bring me Joy!!  If you aren't 

using your creative skills in any way, you

are probably missing out on some JOY!!


Thankful for a long time girl friend and

her hubby.  Today is her birthday.

Happy Birthday Vicki!!


Thankful for my late Paternal Grandmother 

whom I was named after. Today is her birthday

as well,  and she has been in heaven with

Jesus for about 33 yrs. now.  She was always 

so good to me, so sure look forward to 

seeing her in heaven.


Thankful for a new song we heard this week

that we had never heard before by a fellow 

named Jordan Feliz.  The song is called

"Jesus is coming back".  Love it!!

Click here to hear it.

Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.

Happy you could come by for a visit.

Hope you have a Terrific Thursday


a Warm and Wonderful Weekend,

Love, Hugs and 

Mid September Blessings,


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Shabby Art Boutique

April J Harris

Between Naps on the Porch

A Stroll thru Life

Grammy's Grid

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Thankful Thursday September 15, 2022, and Fall Scenes from the past

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.
Psalm 100:4 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,
Hope you are enjoying September!!
Our temps have cooled just a wee bit,
in the 80's now, but in the 70's in 
the very early morning, which is the
 promise of even cooler temps in the 
future.  Can hardly wait!!  LOL

Pictures today are Fall scenes from
 Cozy Place in the past..............

On with my Thankfuls.............

Thankful to see lil darling for a few hours on Thursday and then again on Friday all day. 
We had a lot of school work to do, but we 
did have some fun when we took breaks.

Thankful she got to play with her lil friend 
next door for a few hours as well,  They just
 love each other so much.

Thankful that our Beauty Berry had changed 
colors while we were gone.  They turn the most beautiful shade of purple I have ever seen.
  So enjoy them every year!

Thankful to be feeling back to normal as I think
 I had a bit of a stomach bug over the weekend.

Thankful to be hauling out my Fall Decorations.  Want get much done till Wednesday probably 
but I have a least started.
We will be out of the house most of tomorrow.

#6 and 7
Thankful for a good report at the Drs. office
for my hubby.  It was his annual Cardiologist
appt. and we were to be one of our Drs. last 
appts. as he is leaving this cardiology group,
 and they have been rather secretive about
everything for some reason, so we were eager
to see him and find out what was going on,
as he has been hubbies Dr. since his by-pass
surgery almost 20 years ago.  When we got
there, we didn't get to see our Dr. but they
assigned us a Nurse PR because they said 
our Dr. was feeling under the weather, and 
we were somewhat dismayed because we 
thought are they just trying to keep us in 
their practice, and we might not find out
what is happening with our Dr. that has
been with us all these years.
So we are very Thankful that the Nurse 
Practicioner (sp) told us he would be
staying in the Orlando area,  but was
going to take some time off and would
not start back until Jan. 2023, so that
was a relief.

Thankful for an early dinner at the Cheese
cake factory that was scrumptious and we practically had the whole place to ourselves 
which was nice and quiet.

Thankful that we got to see a new movie
that is out called "Lifemark", and it is
about Adoption and best of all it is an
amazingly true story.  Beautiful story,
and take some kleenex.  lol

Thankful that we brought home some
cheesecake from the restaurant, so that
was our treat once we got home from
 the movie.  It was Lemon-Raspberry
 and Delicious as always, you just can't 
go to "Cheesecake factory" and not
get some cheesecake.  lol

Thankful to have finished 3 new cards,
and to have some others that are in progress.

Thankful for an encouraging conversation 
with our girl this morning.

Well, that's it for Cozy Place this Week.

Glad you could stop over.....

Hope you have a Very Special 
rest of the week.............

Love, Hugs and 
Mid September Blessings,

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Sunday, September 11, 2022

Scripture Sunday


I think the Lord gets the blame  

for a lot of things we do to ourselves  

with our own bad choices.  Definitely

something to think about.....

Have a Special Sunday!

Hugs, Nellie       

Sharing with:

Between Naps on the Porch 

April J Harris

Karins Kottage

South House Designs

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Thankful Thursday Sept. 1st and 8th, 2022, and Fall Flowers

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,

 since as members of one body you were 

called to peace. And be thankful.

Colossians 3:15 NIV

Welcome to September

Sweet Friends,

Yea, I know I am really late......on the beginning

of September and on Thankful Thursday, but we

were away enjoying our Daughter, her hubby,

and Grandson DOG, in Charleston.  Just got

home on Monday evening, so have just decided

to combine last weeks Thankful Thursday and

this weeks since I would be posting it so late.

Hope this finds you all well and looking forward

to the official date of Fall.  Once we get unpacked

I will  get started in on my Fall Decorating.  

Am looking really looking forward to it.

Pictures today are of Fall flowers, compliments

of Unsplash.  Since we are in September I am

finally in the mood.  I know many of you have

been decorating for Fall for a while now.  It is

still in the 90's,  so no feel of  Fall here, so will

 have to create some inside the house at least!  lol


Thankful for a sweet guesture from our neighbor who is

home recovering from knee replacement surgery and is

doing quite well I might add.  Our yard refuse people

usually come before we get up.....but today they didn't.

Hubby needed to mow early as we are suppose to have

rain later but was reluctant to start cause of all the

yard trash we had on part of our lawn,  but he decided

to just do the biggest portion of it and then stop is he

needed he began mowing and our neighbor

took an empty can he had and put some of our stuff

in it and took a trash bag and the can from our

yard and put it on his swale,  so hubby could mow our

whole thoughtful was that!!


Thankful for a good day with lil darling who is now in

the 4th grade.  We had a good day having her fav

breakfast and doing her schooling, and having lunch

and taking a break to rest  while watching the

Christmas Cookie Challenge (she loves that) and

then finishing up her last subject of the day  and

we were now free to play "Clucky's To Go" .  A

pretend take out restaurant.  Her Dad came early

to get her, and we had just set up Clucky's so we

all played and placed food orders for awhile and

then it was time for them to go home.  

Productive and fun day!


Thankful that we are pretty much packed and

ready to be off to our Daughter and Son-in-loves

in South Carolina on Saturday.  So looking forward

to it,  as we have not seen them since the end of May,

and it will be nice to have a change of scenery and

schedule for a short while.


Thankful for a safe and uneventful trip to SC,

no bad traffic and no detours this time.



Thankful for the great time we are having with

the kids. We just so enjoy each others company,

and have great conversations.   Love that!!


Thankful for a fun day out shopping and to dinner 

to celebrate Dee's belated birthday.  Her hubby got

her a "nothing bundt cake"  in lemon /Raspberry

for dessert.  It was delectable.  Never had one

before or even heard of it.  Something new!!


Thankful that my friends daughter brought her

sweet baby girl into the world with no labor

or delivery problems, but the baby has Down's

Syndrome, has a hearing problem in one ear,

and even tho her heart has healed a great deal

before her birth (so she didn't need surgery right

after birth),  Drs. say she will still need surgery

 in 3-6 months.  Please if you feel so led please

pray with us that she will never need the 

surgery and that God would touch her ear.


Thankful for this sweet young couple who were told that

this was the possibility for their baby she was carrying,

but chose to do what they knew in their heart was right.

They are to be applauded,  as they could have taken

 what most would have thought, as the easy way out.

Both Mom and Dad have a great attitude.

Also, thankful her Mom was able to go help out

for  a week as they also have another lil girl

who is almost 2 yrs. old.


Thankful for a fun day in the pool, no rain,  

dinner at  (Dee and Jerrys) home and

 a good game of Yahtze.


Thankful our daughter made us her lovely

cream cheese coffee cake with strawberries,

we lovvvvvvvvvve it.  We have thought of

making it ourselves but then we would not

look so forward to it when we come see 

her!!  lol   She makes a great quiche as well.


Thankful for a number of fun filled relaxing

days in the pool with lovely weather.  We

did have some rainy days,  but most did not

last long thankfully,  but were just cloudy,

so we didn't get sun burned.....  lol


Thankful Dee and I got to have some bonding time

 playing cards, and doing some facials while the guys 

got to bond over football and  battle bots.


Thankful for all the good food and good restaurants

we enjoyed while there.


Thankful for a nice long golf cart ride, just she 

and I......we always enjoy that.  Can't believe all 

the houses they are building or renovating in 

her area.  All Beautiful.....

It is such a charming neighborhood,  

so many different styles of homes.


Thankful for brownie sundae's we made twice,

It's another one of our fav things to do when 

we are together.


Thankful for the change of scenery and the

break from social media,  it was good for us.


Thankful  for a trip to the Vintage market,

one of the places we always like to go too.

Very cool place,  but we didn't see anything

calling our name this time, but we had

fun looking.........


Thankful for a trip to Hobby Lobby and where
we did find some 50% off Christmas finds that
we were happy about.  lol

Thankful for my first time ever eating 
"Cauliflower crust pizza" and it was really
delicious I might add.  

Thankful for an uneventful, almost rain free, and
seemingly quick trip home (I was reading a book to 
hubby part of the time, as he drove, so made the time
go fast), We were also concerned that the traffic 
might be bad since it was labor Day. Traffic and
weather was great too.


Thankful to be back in my own bed, not that I

had any trouble sleeping or anything cause I

didn't but just always good to be home, even

tho their house is like a 2nd home to us.


Thankful my friends new granddaughter is

eating and doing well,  they were having some

difficulties there for a few days,  also they had

a trip to the emergency room because the

babies was jaundiced and her billy rubin

count was high,  so they had to keep her over

night to put her under those lights for that,

but she has been fine every since.



Thankful we were not on the part of I-95

that had the  flooding or we would have been

stuck for who know how long.


Thankful to be all unpacked and settled in again!

and looking forward to seeing lil darling.

Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week,

and last week.

Thankful you could stop by ......

So what are you Thankful for??

Would love for you to share with us.

Love, Hugs and

 Welcome to September Blessings,


Sharing with:

South House Designs

Shabby Art Boutique

Grammy's Grid

Between Naps on the Porch

April J Harris

Karins Kottage

Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...