Thursday, July 27, 2023

Thankful Thursday July 27, 2023, Summery Beach pictures

that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent. LORD my God, I will praise you forever.

Psalm 30:12 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have been having a good week, and enjoying 

the last of July. Can you believe it... next Tuesday we 

will be into August.  Shocking!!

Our week has been good, quiet but good. We were

able to tie up some lose ends for things that just

have been hanging around waiting to be done, always

so happy when we finally get those lil naggers 


Pictures today are to give you a Summery feel..... 

cause when I think of Summer I always think of the

 beach. as it is just so beautiful!!

These pictures are Compliments of unsplash.

On with my Thankfuls..................


Thankful for a nice evening out doing a little

 shopping, and happily finding what we needed, then

 out to dinner at Longhorn steakhouse.  They are

 always the best place in town these days,  great food

 and great service. Which seems to be a lot harder to

 find these days!! 


Thankful to find a pretty blue throw, I wasn't

really looking for but needed to make our

 loveseat that used to be in the living room 

look better in our bedroom, as it needed

a little bit of color.


Thankful that I found some new or newer

Leslie Sansone exercise videos that I can

do.  I have a number of her videos but

they are older, so nice to have something

new and different.


Thankful that we finally got a new shower

curtain up, that I have had in a drawer

 for well over a year.  Got it on one of 

our trips to our Daughters, and sort of

forgot about it for awhile, and then been

trying to figure out a few other things

I can do in there to do a lil refresh. lol

Love how it looks, and love the way the

new shower curtains hooks slide so easily.


Thankful I finished my girls birthday card,

and like how it came out.


Thankful for a good day at church, and lunch

out with our friends to Cracker Barrel. Thankful

our friend looks great, and is feeling so much

 better after her episode last Sunday.

Think she really needed those days of rest in

the hospital.


Thankful for a caramel Frappe from McDonalds

as we haven't had one in a long time,  so it was

a real treat!!  Hubby has learned to make them,

and his is just as good, but tastes a lil different

which is just fine since they went from $3.30 

to almost $5. now.


Thankful for Sunday afternoon nap, as they always

refresh us and get us ready for the week ahead.

We have taken them for probably 40+ years, and

we highly recommend them.  lol


Thankful for all the people who have poured

into my life all these years!


Thankful for sweet neighbors who watch

out for us, even when we don't know it.

Got a sweet text from my neighbor across the

 street this morning. They were concerned

 about us as they didn't see us come home

 from church yesterday. Our car stays in

the garage, so you can't really tell if we

are home or not sometimes.


Thankful for memes or videos we come across that

just crack us up. This one is about cats! Didn't know cats could these things.

Click here to see it


Thankful that I didn't get hurt in any way.

I woke up about 4 in the morning to nature

calling........and I tried 3 times to get up

and kept falling back on the bed, and had 

been in a deep sleep and was sort of out of  

it....and didn't really know what was wrong

 then I got up a 4th time and when I did I fell

into our rocking chair (that thankfully was

full of pillows) so think my angel pushed me

that way. lol but it did scare me as I didn't

know what was happening and of course, it

was in the dark too. So called to hubby and he

 helped me and then I went back to bed and

 when I woke up I was perfectly fine. 

 Seems my equilibrium was off for some strange reason.  Been fine every since.  PTL

Well...........That's it for Cozy Place
this week!

Have a Super Duper Weekend
thanks for coming by....

Love, Hugs, and
End of July Blessings,

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  1. #1. Praise the LORD for His blessings to us!
    #2. You are the "great decorator", ha!
    #3. We do need it in these "older" years!
    #4. For the joy of showering, lol!
    #5. Her birthday will be here before you know it!
    #6. I praise the LORD for all the Doctors, Nurses, First responders, police! Every time I hear a siren I pray for their safety and for those whose need they are going to!
    #7. The joy of "goodies," but not for the costs, ha!
    #8. Praise the LORD we have the time to nap when we need it!
    #9. Yes, and all the more to enjoy them with our Savior in glory!
    #10. Praise the LORD for good neighbors!
    #11. Oh wow, I didn't realize they could take such falls! They are definitely the ultimate acrobats! HA! My two surprise me with their "knowledge" of feeding time! lol!
    #12. Thank our LORD you did not get seriously hurt! That's why I have gotten into the habit of using my walker, especially when I have to get up at night! Praise our awesome GOD for the new and perfect bodies we will one day have with Him in glory!
    Love you, Susan

  2. Nellie, such blessed things to be thankful for indeed.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: