Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Thankful Thursday August 31, 2023, Saying Good Bye to Summer decor......

You are my strength, I sing praise to you;

 you, God, are my fortress, my God on whom I can rely.

Psalm 59:17 NIV

Welcome to Thankful Thursday

Sweet Friends,

Hope if you were in the Hurricane area of Florida

that you faired well.  Our Hearts and Prayers are with

 those that were not so fortunate.  Have to say yesterday

 was a very long day.....

 as the hurricane hit Florida at around 8 a.m. and all 

our family here... were fine,  but then we had to wait 

until the middle of the night to find out how our 

Daughter and Son-in-love did.....they were fine all

 day, some rain, and mostly pretty windy, towards

evening they lost their power for awhile,  but the

 Power Co. was able to restore it fairly quick, which 

was amazing since it was so windy (they are on a 

Fire Station grid, so that's why, (They are never 

without  power for too long).  We got our last text 

at 3a.m and they said all was still fine. PTL.   

Pictures today are saying Good bye Summer decor,

Cause, Lord willing, we plan to start our Fall 

decorating hopefully, as soon as it turns September,

which I might add is tomorrow!!    

So we can at least pretend it is Fall .....

inside the house.  lol

Now on with my Thankfuls....


Thankful that we decided to make a few changes

to our schedule and that it is working much

better for us. Isn't it crazy how we just do things 

but don't put a lot of thought into it,  but then when

 you do start thinking about it......just a few 

tweaks can make a whole lot of difference.

Love it.....think smarter, not harder!!


Thankful for 2 really good day schooling with

lil darling on Friday and Monday, and just

 having time with her........we have been doing some

 exercise videos together....which is nice.

#3 and 4

Thankful for Kirk Cameron and his influence and leadership.  Thankful that TBN had a 2-3 hours long Special on Homeschooling that was excellent and so encouraging.


Thankful that our Daughter and Son-in-love

got back home safe and sound and had a great time

at the Lake House with his parents.


Thankful that our Beauty Berries are blooming

and changing from green to purple.  That is the 

most heavenly shade of purple I have ever seen!


Thankful our lil bunny has been visiting us a lot

this week, sometimes twice a day even,  which is 

all highly unusual.  I think this is about the

5th day now.


Thankful for take out from Tijuana flats.


Thankful for a clean refrigerator.....


Thankful I still have an ironing board and iron,

 cause every so often I still have to drag it out

 to iron something, cause usually our steamer will

do the trick.  But then there is linen fabric.....lol

and I am just not into the wrinkled look!!


Thankful for a great Sunday....Church, then we

went to visit our friend recovering from the broken

knee cap, out to lunch at Carrabbas's, then a quick

trip to Publix, home to rest for about an hour,

then back to church for a special fellowship for our

Visitation Pastor who is retiring from that

position, but is staying on at our church and will

just be serving in other ways, just not in a paid

capacity.  Got home just in time to watch one of

our favorite Pastors on TV,  Robert Morris.

Been a good day, talking to lots of people we love.


Thankful the Hurricane Idalia went from a Cat 3

down to a Tropical Storm by the time it hit SC,

where our Daughter and Son-in-law live.  There

was possibility of it being a Cat 2 when it reached them,

but by late afternoon downgraded to a Cat 1, but

then further downgraded to a Tropical Storm

before it hit.


  Well, that's all folks.....

Thanks for dropping by

Cozy place, 

 Glad to have you here,  and

hope you have a great first week

of September.

Love, Hugs and 

September Blessings,


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Shabby Art Boutique

April J Harris

Grammys Grid

A Stroll thru Life

Grace Filled Moments

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Scripture Sunday


I Love this..................

In All Things, not just in some things,

or a few things, or the small things or the

big things but 

In All Things.....

Have a Sunny Sunday!!

Hugs, Nellie

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Shabby Art Boutique

Grammys Grid

Karins Kottage

Perfectly Perfect LWL

Shabby Art Boutique

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Thankful Thursday August 24, 2023, Beautiful pictures of Flamingos


Like your name, O God,
    your praise reaches to the ends of the earth;
    your right hand is filled with righteousness.

Psalm 48:10 Niv

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Happy Thursday to you!!

Hope this finds you all doing well, and glad

you could stop by........

Been a busy but good week here and starting

to anticipate Fall a little,,,,, just still so hot here in 

Florida, and our Fall won't start until the end

of October probably,  but I will probably start

decorating in September to fake us out.....so it

will be Fall inside,  just not Outside!!  lol

Pictures today are of beautiful Flamingoes, compliments

of "Unsplash".  They are something I have been

crushing on for quite a while,  and have seen all sorts

of cute home decor flamingoes, but have no place to put

them in my home,  but just get a kick out of them,

and think they are so cute, and am fascinated by the 

real thing and the variety of colors that they are!  

So since it is almost the end of Summer, thought

 now would be a good time to post them...........


On with my Thankfuls.............


Thankful to get a few hours with lil darling yesterday.

I wasn't feeling to well, so Grampy had to pick her

up from school,  but altho it wasn't too long we will

get to have her all day on Monday.  So happy

about that.


Thankful that a lil project we started in the garage

is coming along.  It is so hot, that we have decided

just to go work out there for about 30 mins. in the

early morning as often as possible.

Note:  We are just about there after only

3 mornings, so should definitely we done

by next week.  Awww... progress!

Note:  It's all done!!  yea, nothing really

exciting but needed doing......


Thankful to hear from my cousin who has prostrate 

cancer that after his surgery and radiation that his

numbers were very low. It takes 3 months after

the radiation to get the results.  We were hoping

for the number to be 0 but it was still good news.


Thankful our Daughter and Hubby are having 

a lil get-away for her birthday and then will link

up with his parents for a stay at their lake house.


Thankful we had an opportunity to do something

to help our friends.  So sad... that she is still having

a lot of pain and has a long road of healing 

ahead still...........


Thankful to be feeling better today and was able

to go to church,  wasn't sure that was gonna happen

on Saturday............So thankful I was able to!!


Thankful and so tickled for a young family that we have

known for years, in fact,  my husband was an elder who

prayed over them to have a child.....then they adopted a

 lil girl years ago, and she is now 16 and her biological 

brother and sister asked her parents, if they could meet her, 

 and they said yes, and it has just been amazing what 

has happened,  they are just the sweetest kids and are

 both just a lil older than their sister, and they are all going

 to the same High School together.

It is such a God thing.....and

They have been coming to church with them and they

all get along so well,  This has happened to a couple

who were never supposed to be able to have children,

Now they have 4 children.....and one is their biological

Son, but you would never know it, they all look so 

much alike and are all so cute!  It's truly a

miracle if I have ever seen one,  and just makes

my heart so happy for them.


Thankful that we connected with a young couple

on Instagram that we just think is so talented and

adorable!  We just love watching their videos they

just spread happy where ever they go!!  So we

just wanted to encourage them in their endeavors.

My Daughter put me on to them as they stayed

in their Lake House and did some videos and

reels to advertise for them, and they were phenomenal.

You might want to check them out --

They are called "The Hive Drive"


Thankful for a good day of schooling with lil darling.

She is really maturing, and really stays on task

and doesn't want to take breaks as much. 

 Just wants to get her done!!  lol


Thankful that one of my friends 8 yrs. old 

Granddaughter came thru appendectomy surgery well.

Never heard of a child that age, having appendicitis.

She is going home from hospital today. (Wed)


Thankful for the gift of prayer!  To be prayed for when

we need it,  but especially grateful when those we love are

hurting, it gives us something tangible to do, and it is

also the best gift we can give them.


Thankful that I saw a Vegetable Soup recipe

on a blog called "The Copper Table",  and 

decided to try it, even tho, I never make soup in

the Summer time.  I have been trying to figure

out how my neighbor makes such wonderful veggie

soup (that she brings us at times).  We made it

today and didn't really follow the directions to the

T, cause you were suppose to roast tomatoes and

saute the veggies, and we did neither, but the secret

ingredient to my neighbors soup is tomato juice,

so we added that, and bingo,  we got it right!

It was a delicious dinner with some biscuits,

and we are over the moon happy that we finally

figured it out..........lol  and hopefully can take

some to my friend who is still recovering from

 knee surgery.

Well, that's it for Cozy Place

this week..............

Glad you came by....

Have a great rest of the week,

Love, Hugs,

and Mid August Blessings,


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Ridge Haven Homestead

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Scripture Sunday


When I read this verse it reminds me of how many times,
I have you heard about someone who got into trouble or
was arrested  because they were in the wrong place at the
 wrong time with the wrong people.  Maybe they would have
 never thought to do what some of their friends would do,
but because they were hanging out with them, got caught
up in a very big mess, or went to jail or maybe even
lost their lives.  Sad but true......

Who we spend time with Matters!!
God says so......

Have a Great Sunday!!

Hugs, Nellie

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Thursday, August 17, 2023

Thankful Thursday August 17, 2023, and Simple Summer table photos


proclaiming aloud your praise and telling of all your wonderful deeds.

Psalm 26:7 NIV

Greetings and 

Happy Back to School week,

 at least that is what it is here in our

 Florida county for most of the schools. 

Happy you came by to visit today!

 Can you believe we are halfway 

thru August already?? 

  That just blows me away!! 

This year is just zooming by......

Do you feel that way too?? 

Pictures today are from a late Summer table from the past, just in case you need a lil inspiration to celebrate end of Summer and

 "Back to School".

On with my Thankfuls..............


Thankful that lil darling is off to a good school year, she liked her new classroom and teacher (we already know) and made a new friend that she gets to sit by.  Got her schooling done in less than 3 hrs,  course, a lot of it is review right now.  She also got to play for a few hrs. with her lil neighborhood friends, and that is always a hit.


Thankful when I found out that all 3 of her teachers all go to our church, and they are all great ladies that we love!


Thankful for a good day at church anthen lunch out at a Mexican restaurant, we haven't been to in years.  It was okay, but the salsa was too hot for me and the food not bad, but some of the other place are better, so doubt we will go there again, anytime soon anyway!!


Thankful for candy bars hubby saw on the buy one get one free rack,  I cannot tell you how long it has been since I had a "Zero" candy bar. It was so yummy!!  lol


Thankful for some "Black Raspberry Linzer cookies" we got today too.  We love Linzer cookies and these were awesome!  From our local Publix Bakery. 


Thankful our friend got out of the rehab facility today and got home safely.  They were suppose to transport her, but didn't set it up, so hubby had to transport her, and she can't bend her leg at all.  So that must have been rather difficult, to say the least. I know she and he are happy she is home.


Thankful that the series "When callthe heart" started it's season.  We absolutely love this series and have been watching it for years now.

We get it on Hallmark Movies, in case you are interested in watching it.


 Thankful for the sweet lil friends that lil darling has made in our neighborhood.  On Sunday they came by and we weren't home, but they left an envelope with a note card in it, I would guess and a cute lil bracelet they made that had a daisy and a BFF tag on it.  She is gonna be thrilled.

So sweet!


Thankful for what we feel was a wise decision our Daughter and hubby made, and how we can all see how the Lord directed it thru many hard circumstances that happened this year.  So it all makes sense now!


Thankful that I got started on a neat Gramma book, my Daughter gave me for my birthday this year.  It's for me, to write about my life growing up.

Some of the questions are quite thought provoking, so having to spend some time thinking about them.


Thankful we have decided to try and use paint pens on our master bath tile, I have seen on some peoples where they have used them, so we have ordered a couple, and hope it comes out nicely. The grout has really been bugging me for awhile now, and replacing the grout is almost as expensive as just taking the old tile out and putting more in, but don't really want to go through all that, but could do that if this doesn't turn out well.


Thankful for our Daughter, her birthday is today. She is one sweet,  gracious, giving, encouraging,  and Beautiful person, that loves her family and friends.  Praying she has a delightful day to match her delightful personality.  Love you sweetie.

Well, that's it for Cozy Place

this week.

Have a super duper rest of the

week and weekend

Love, Hugs and mid August



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Monday, August 14, 2023

Scripure Sunday


Over the years I have heard some great teachings 
on this verse, but one very simple one comes to mind,
 and has worked for me many times.

and that is.....

"If you have to ask yourself should I do this......
then you probably shouldn't.  lol

Now I will leave that for you to think about.

Hugs, Nellie

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Thursday, August 10, 2023

Thankful Thursday August 10, 2023, and Pictures of tropical plants


Praise be to his glorious name forever;
 may the whole earth be filled with his glory. Amen and Amen.

Psalm 72:19 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends, 

Glad you could come by and hope you have

had a good week.  Ours has been good and

quiet, which is fine with us, as we are recuping

from last week.  Little darling started back

to School today, so we are looking forward

to hearing all about it tomorrow when she

comes and we start schooling again.

Pictures today are of Tropical flowers compliments of Unsplash.com


So on with my Thankfuls..............


Thankful that lil darling go to see her Aunt Deena for the 2 days she was here visiting.  She absolutely adores our Daughter and the feeling is mutual. Of course........Everybody adores my Daughter as well, and it is so hard for her when she comes to visit cause she would love to see so many people, but you can only do so much in a few days.  


Thankful that we all got to take her out shopping and to dinner kind of as an early birthday gift, since we won't get to be with her on her special day.  It really was a fun and heartwarming day for all of us, since we rarely get to do this.


Thankful always, just to get to spend any time with her at all.........such a treat!  When she is in town for such a short time, we just do a simple breakfast and go out or get take out for dinner, as we don't waste precious time in the kitchen. Gotta make the best of the time we have,  and so thankful we can do that!


Thankful that she made it back home to SC safe and sound.  Always a relief to hear.  


Thankful we finally found something for our master bath that I have been looking for a long time, I mean years and years. It is a corner shelf stand to store our towels on. and it is just perfect, and was definitely worth the wait. .Sounds wierd but it is a very small area and most things are just too big even if it is just a teeny bit and it is flanked by 2 closet doors.  I had been storing them in a basket, which worked fine, but this just looks and works so much better.


Thankful that our friend who broke her knee cap was finally up to seeing visitors on Sunday, so we were able to visit with her for a bit. She is doing quite a bit better, they finally got her pain meds straightened out, and she is Icing her knee, which is helping a lot.  She is in a rehab center and has done theraphy about 4 times now, and has actually been walking a little bit with a walker.  She still has a long way to go, but the therapist have said she is probably 3 weeks ahead on her recovery of most people who have this problem  Praising the Lord for the answers to prayer and for  so many who are praying for her. 



Thankful we got to go out to lunch with her hubby, as it was good to be able to find out more information about their situation and good to spend time with him as I am sure he could probably use the fellowship as well.


Thankful I found a new way to wash lettuce, cause with all the bacteria and stuff we have been hearing about getting on it, I decided to do a lil research to see what could help, just in case, cause I am hypersensitive to bacteria, 

It's really not all that different......you rinse it in cool water, then cut or tear the lettuce some and put it in a salad spinner full of cold water and spin it slowly, then dump out the water and spin it like normal.  I used to rinse it in a colander in hot water then cold water, but on the Martha Stewart website they said cold water. Soap is not necessary.  Also I read somewhere that using hot water opens the pores of the veggie which lets in the bad stuff.  Interesting!!


Look under how to wash leafy greens


Thankful our Son made it home safe and sound

                        back from a trip for his job.


Thankful that I have been working on "Get Well" cards.  That's usually how I make a lot of my cards because I want to give them to someone I know and love.  So since my friend is in rehab for her knee, seems like a good time.




Thankful our Crepe Myrtle is finally blooming, I was afraid we might have killed it because some months back, before we started getting all the Summer rains, we forgot to water it, and it looked pretty bad. So happy to see it alive and well, and thriving once again.  lol


Thankful that we made a list of things we want to accomplish that we have talked and talked about for while now, but finally got it down in writing,  Which means it is more likely to get done.  At our age Lists are very

                                                   Important!!  lol

Well, that's it for Cozy Place

this week!

Thanks for stoppin' in.....

Love, Hugs and 

First of August Blessings,


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Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie