Thursday, August 24, 2023

Thankful Thursday August 24, 2023, Beautiful pictures of Flamingos


Like your name, O God,
    your praise reaches to the ends of the earth;
    your right hand is filled with righteousness.

Psalm 48:10 Niv

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Happy Thursday to you!!

Hope this finds you all doing well, and glad

you could stop by........

Been a busy but good week here and starting

to anticipate Fall a little,,,,, just still so hot here in 

Florida, and our Fall won't start until the end

of October probably,  but I will probably start

decorating in September to fake us it

will be Fall inside,  just not Outside!!  lol

Pictures today are of beautiful Flamingoes, compliments

of "Unsplash".  They are something I have been

crushing on for quite a while,  and have seen all sorts

of cute home decor flamingoes, but have no place to put

them in my home,  but just get a kick out of them,

and think they are so cute, and am fascinated by the 

real thing and the variety of colors that they are!  

So since it is almost the end of Summer, thought

 now would be a good time to post them...........


On with my Thankfuls.............


Thankful to get a few hours with lil darling yesterday.

I wasn't feeling to well, so Grampy had to pick her

up from school,  but altho it wasn't too long we will

get to have her all day on Monday.  So happy

about that.


Thankful that a lil project we started in the garage

is coming along.  It is so hot, that we have decided

just to go work out there for about 30 mins. in the

early morning as often as possible.

Note:  We are just about there after only

3 mornings, so should definitely we done

by next week.  Awww... progress!

Note:  It's all done!!  yea, nothing really

exciting but needed doing......


Thankful to hear from my cousin who has prostrate 

cancer that after his surgery and radiation that his

numbers were very low. It takes 3 months after

the radiation to get the results.  We were hoping

for the number to be 0 but it was still good news.


Thankful our Daughter and Hubby are having 

a lil get-away for her birthday and then will link

up with his parents for a stay at their lake house.


Thankful we had an opportunity to do something

to help our friends.  So sad... that she is still having

a lot of pain and has a long road of healing 

ahead still...........


Thankful to be feeling better today and was able

to go to church,  wasn't sure that was gonna happen

on Saturday............So thankful I was able to!!


Thankful and so tickled for a young family that we have

known for years, in fact,  my husband was an elder who

prayed over them to have a child.....then they adopted a

 lil girl years ago, and she is now 16 and her biological 

brother and sister asked her parents, if they could meet her, 

 and they said yes, and it has just been amazing what 

has happened,  they are just the sweetest kids and are

 both just a lil older than their sister, and they are all going

 to the same High School together.

It is such a God thing.....and

They have been coming to church with them and they

all get along so well,  This has happened to a couple

who were never supposed to be able to have children,

Now they have 4 children.....and one is their biological

Son, but you would never know it, they all look so 

much alike and are all so cute!  It's truly a

miracle if I have ever seen one,  and just makes

my heart so happy for them.


Thankful that we connected with a young couple

on Instagram that we just think is so talented and

adorable!  We just love watching their videos they

just spread happy where ever they go!!  So we

just wanted to encourage them in their endeavors.

My Daughter put me on to them as they stayed

in their Lake House and did some videos and

reels to advertise for them, and they were phenomenal.

You might want to check them out --

They are called "The Hive Drive"


Thankful for a good day of schooling with lil darling.

She is really maturing, and really stays on task

and doesn't want to take breaks as much. 

 Just wants to get her done!!  lol


Thankful that one of my friends 8 yrs. old 

Granddaughter came thru appendectomy surgery well.

Never heard of a child that age, having appendicitis.

She is going home from hospital today. (Wed)


Thankful for the gift of prayer!  To be prayed for when

we need it,  but especially grateful when those we love are

hurting, it gives us something tangible to do, and it is

also the best gift we can give them.


Thankful that I saw a Vegetable Soup recipe

on a blog called "The Copper Table",  and 

decided to try it, even tho, I never make soup in

the Summer time.  I have been trying to figure

out how my neighbor makes such wonderful veggie

soup (that she brings us at times).  We made it

today and didn't really follow the directions to the

T, cause you were suppose to roast tomatoes and

saute the veggies, and we did neither, but the secret

ingredient to my neighbors soup is tomato juice,

so we added that, and bingo,  we got it right!

It was a delicious dinner with some biscuits,

and we are over the moon happy that we finally

figured it  and hopefully can take

some to my friend who is still recovering from

 knee surgery.

Well, that's it for Cozy Place

this week..............

Glad you came by....

Have a great rest of the week,

Love, Hugs,

and Mid August Blessings,


Sharing With:

Ridge Haven Homestead

1 comment:

  1. WOW! What beautiful pictures of GOD's birds! I thought they were ALL pink! What beautiful different colors they have!
    #1. I pray you are feeling better today!
    #2. Great job on your accomplishments!
    #3. I pray the LORD's blessing of healing upon him.
    #4. Good for them! I pray the LORD's blessings upon them all.
    #5. I pray the LORD's blessing to your friend through your fellowship.
    #6. I know what you mean. These older years can take toll on us.
    #7. Our GOD is so good!
    #8. Praise the LORD for His gifts He gives to do these things!
    #9. What a joy to see her maturing! Praise the LORD for her salvation and baptism!
    #10. Another praise to our LORD for His healing!
    #11. AMEN! I praise the Holy Spirit's leading us in prayer to our Holy GOD for so many praises and requests for others and ourselves!
    #12. YES! It was delicious! I surely enjoyed it and your cornbread! Thank you!!!
    Love you, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you all had a lovely Valentine' Day! Hugs,  Nellie Sharing with: