So on with my Thankfuls.......
Thankful for a good day with lil darling
schooling and then she and her Dad
stayed after for Dinner and to play cards.
Thankful that I finished the yard work
in our front yard, so now I can concentrate
On our master bath floor.
Thankful for a good day at church,
and that our friend who broke her knee
cap was back again, and our newer
friends were both there too. They have
been helping take care of their new
Grandson, so have been watching
from home lately. Our Sr. Pastor
preached today and said his surgery
to remove his kidney would be on
Oct. 17th, so he will be preaching
until then getting us ready for
preaching on the book of Revelation.
Thankful we tried a new Mexican
restaurant our Son told us about.
We loved was nice and clean,
had good service and the food was
delicious and done with such great presentation. Will definitely be going
back in the future.
Thankful for my first piece of pumpkin
pie to kick off the Fall/Pumpkin season.
Always delish!!
Thankful that we have missed the last
4 TS or Hurricanes out in the Atlantic,
I know one hit NC and Virginia but
think it must not have caused a lot
of damage cause we didn't hear any
thing about it. There is one below
us and Cuba and praying that will
blow out.
Note: It looks like it is making a turn
up towards the middle of the Atlantic
which could be good news!!
Thankful that we started on our master
bathroom tile grout a few weeks ago,
and have just been doing a lil bit at a
time, which included scrubbing the tile
first, then using a grout pen. Anyway,
we have made a lot of progress and are
getting close to being done, and it is
looking so nice, can't wait to finish as
it is gonna look so good.
Thankful that hubby could change my
facebook log in, as I think I was hacked
cause I got a friend acceptance from
someone I didn't friend, so was trying
to figure out how that could happen,
from what I read, it said I was hacked
and change my password, then no one
can get access. So thankful my hubby
knows about this stuff!! lol

Thankful for a lonnnggg phone conversation with my Daughter.
Next best thing to being there!
Thankful for a visit from our little bunny
that hangs out in our woods. Nice to
know he is still alive and well, as he had
disappeared for about a month or so.
(which is normal, he sometimes is gone
for months and we think something must
have gotten him and then all of a sudden
he shows up). lol
Thankful that we serve a God who is
creative......doesn't get more creative that
creating people, but it doesn't even begin
to stop there! I am thankful that He
put a bit of his creativity into all of
his children, and I think it brings them
great joy when they use it.
Thankful for the laughter of children,
and if this doesn't make you laugh
nothing will.
click here or go here yourself
Happy Laughing...........
Well, that's it for Cozy Place
this week...............
Lovely to have you visit
Have a lovely rest of the week.
Love, Hugs
and end of September Blessings,
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