Thursday, September 28, 2023

Thankful Thursday September 28, 2023, Fall Decorating #4

He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the LORD and put their trust in him.
Psalm 40:3 NIV

Hello Sweet Friends,
How are you this fine day??
Hope you are enjoying Fall in your
neck of the woods. We had a few
fallish days recently, (which was great)
but then went back to 90 degree temps. lol
Can you believe we will be in Oct. in just
a few days from now.  Shew!
Hopefully October will bring us more
of that fallish weather, but probably not 
until the end of October!  At least it
 looks like fall inside the house!!  lol

Pictures today are more Fall Decorating for 2023,  Part 4.

So on with my Thankfuls.......


Thankful for a good day with lil darling

schooling and then she and her Dad

stayed after for Dinner and to play cards.


Thankful that I finished the yard work

in our front yard, so now I can concentrate

On our master bath floor.


Thankful for a good day at church,

 and that our friend who broke her knee

cap was back again, and our newer

 friends were both there too.  They have

been helping take care of their new

Grandson, so have been watching

from home lately. Our Sr. Pastor

 preached today and said his surgery

 to remove his kidney would be on 

Oct. 17th, so he will be preaching 

until then getting us ready for 

preaching on the book of Revelation.


Thankful we tried a new Mexican

restaurant our Son told us about.

We loved was nice and clean,

had good service and the food was

 delicious and done with such great presentation.  Will definitely be going

back in the future.


Thankful for my first piece of pumpkin

pie to kick off the Fall/Pumpkin season.

Always delish!!


Thankful that we have missed the last

 4 TS or Hurricanes out in the Atlantic,

I know one hit NC and Virginia but 

think it must not have caused a lot

of damage cause we didn't hear any

thing about it.  There is one below

us and Cuba and praying that will

blow out.

Note: It looks like it is making a turn

up towards the middle of the Atlantic

which could be good news!!


Thankful that we started on our master

bathroom tile grout a few weeks ago,

and have just been doing a lil bit at a

time, which included scrubbing the tile

first, then using a grout pen.  Anyway,

we have made a lot of progress and are

getting close to being done, and it is 

looking so nice, can't wait to finish as

it is gonna look so good.


Thankful that hubby could change my

facebook log in, as I think I was hacked

cause I got a friend acceptance from

someone I didn't friend, so was trying

to figure out how that could happen,

from what I read, it said I was hacked

and change my password, then no one

can get access.  So thankful my hubby

knows about this stuff!!  lol 


Thankful for a lonnnggg phone conversation with my Daughter. 

 Next best thing to being there!


Thankful for a visit from our little bunny

that hangs out in our woods. Nice to

know he is still alive and well, as he had

disappeared for about a month or so.

(which is normal, he sometimes is gone

for months and we think something must

have gotten him and then all of a sudden 

he shows up).  lol


Thankful that we serve a God who is

creative......doesn't get more creative that

creating people, but it doesn't even begin

to stop there!  I am thankful that He

put a bit of his creativity into all of 

his children, and I think it brings them

great joy when they use it.


Thankful for the laughter of children, 

and if this doesn't make you laugh 

nothing will.

click here  or go here yourself

Happy Laughing...........


Well, that's it for Cozy Place

this week...............

Lovely to have you visit


Have a lovely rest of the week.

Love, Hugs

and end of September Blessings,


Sharing with:

Grammys Grid

Shabby Art Boutique

A stroll thru Life

Between Naps on the Porch

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Thankful Thursday September 21, 2023, more fall decorating part 3


May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a lovely week.  We have, and

 we are happy to see we are cooling off a lil bit 

here in Florida in the evenings and early morn.

Still in the mid to upper 80's, but we will

take what we can get.  lol

Pictures today are more Fall decorating for 2023,

  So this is part 3.

So on with my Thankfuls......

#1 and 2

Thankful for a lovely dinner out with our neighbors

at Long Horn steak house, and they even treated us

to dinner.

Thankful for this sweet couple, they are the best

neighbors and friends. They are the ones that

bring us that delicious veggie soup every so often.

Love them so much!!


Thankful for a good school day with lil darling.

She had a lot to do today,... and got everything

done we could and will finish on Monday, we

 were all pretty tired at the end of the day. lol  

A good tired tho.............


Thankful that when our power went out just

 as it was getting dark on Monday evening,

 that all our candles that are battery operated

 and timed had just turned themselves on,

 so we were not in the dark or having to

scramble to find things. Another great 

reason for us to love them, they are very

useful as well.


Thankful that we got to work outside again

on Saturday, and pretty much finished up

all our bushes.  Just need to do my rose bush

and fertilize it next time.


Thankful for a great day at church, we had a

special guest this morning that we all love.

He usually comes once a year....his name is

Marquis Laughlin, and he does a dramatic

recitation of the scripture.  He is doing the

book of "Revelation" this year. It was awesome,

plan to go back to night to see the other half.

He just makes the scriptures come alive for us.


Thankful our friend with the broken kneecap

was able to be at church today and we were

actually able to go out to lunch with them.

It was great and she looks great, still in

recovery tho, but coming along well, but

still having trouble sleeping cause of pain.

It was so nice to be able to spend some

time with them.



Thankful to recognize and see a young man

who went to our church growing up 20 yrs.

or more ago.  He looks almost the same as

he did as a kid,  but is 40 yrs. old now.

He is such a wonderful young man, he

is married and has 4 girls, and he said 

they were all angels.  He was always a

 great kid back then, and seems to be the

same now..... It was lovely to see him.

He was was involved in the youth group

and stuff with our kids as well.


Thankful we had another good school day with

 lil darling and we got everything done, even 

what was leftover from last Friday,  so had

 time to have some fun.....she wanted to learn

to make a card,  so had time to work on

 that too, and she did so well.  


Thankful that we got to see a kid who grew

up in our church and who has been acting

as a Youth Pastor in our church for a couple

of years now, as he was finishing up his schooling

......He was Ordained as a Pastor Tuesday night. 

 We are so proud of he and his wife (she grew

 up in our church too),  She is our previous

Pastors daughter, and they have 3 lovely

children. It was a really good service, and

 a time of fellowship after to congratulate

all the men who were ordained as well,

there were 12 of them, and they will be

at a number of different churches in 

the Southeaster district.  

Living Rom


Thankful for a great conversation we had

with one of the Pastors who attended from

Tampa.  He told us this wonderful testimony

about his neice, who is also the churches

Worship leader.  He rec'd a call from her

husband via voice mail) that she was in the

 hospital and was in ICU. in very serious 

condition, so the first thing he did was call

 his prayer team and then went to the hospital. 

 She had blood in her lungs, her kidneys, stomach

 and one other place can't remember, anyway

she was also put on a respirator. it turned out 

to be severe Lupus attack. Anyway, she came

out of it  and was taken off the respirator,

but they said she would need to be in the 

hospital longer and  have to have dialysis

 the rest of her life, people continued to pray 

and the next day she got out of the hospital

 and was 100% with no further problems 

and no dialysis, and has been fine every since.

Praise the Lord, God is still in the miracle

business..........Love hearing these stories.

So encouraging.....


Thankful that even tho lil darling got up

not feeling well and had very large swollen

tonsils......Mom took her to Dr. and she did

not have Strep throat and even tho her

throat hurt she wasn't feeling bad otherwise.


Well,  that's it for Cozy place this week

Glad you came for a visit


Hope you have a Terrific Thursday

and rest of the week.

Love, Hugs and

Mid September Blessings,


Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Ridge Haven Homestead

A Stroll thru Life

Between Naps on the Porch

Karins Kottage

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Scripture Sunday


Jesus is Eternal..............

This verse makes me think of an old hymn

that says:

Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in his wonderful face,

and the things of earth shall grow strangely dim in the

 light of His glory and grace!  So very true.

Have a peaceful day filled full of 

eternal perspective,

Hugs, Nellie

Sharing with:

Shabby Art Boutique

Between Naps on the Porch

A Stroll thru Life

Grammy's Grid

Grace Filled Moments

Karins Kottage

Shabby Art Boutique

Ridge Haven Homestead

A Stroll thru Life

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Thankful Thursday Sept. 14, 2023, Fall decorating 2023, part 2

Therefore I will praise you, LORD, among the nations;

               I will sing the praises of your name.

Psalm 18:49 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,
Hope this finds you well and Happy (blessed).
We are well and happy over here as I finally
finished up my Fall decorating yesterday.
Love doing it, but love enjoying it even more!!  lol
At least we can feel like it's fall indoors even
when it is so hot and humid outdoors.  lol
Hope it is cooler where you are and that you
are able to enjoy Fall outdoors too. It is a bit
more fallish in S Carolina where our daughter they are enjoying it!!

Pictures today are of more Fall decorating 2023
at cozy Place.

So on with my Thankfuls......


Thankful that hubby found a new way to put a subscribe 

button on my blog, since google decided to remove it

a while back.  It's been a few weeks, but I kept forgetting

to tell in case you didn't notice, check out 

my right side bar at the top, and subscribe or 

resubscribe, if you'd like.


Thankful that I am finished with my Fall decorating

so now we can just sit back and enjoy it all!  It's a

lot of work,  but fun work and I am always happy

 that I took the time to do it.


Thankful for my first pot of Beef Stew for the

season, I am a lil earlier than usual, but wanted

to take some to my friend who is recovering,

as she loves beef stew.


Thankful that a friend who lost his wife to

cancer, is now engaged to someone that he

can love again. He's a great guy!!

A little tweaking turned into the image below.  lol


Thankful for our Sr. Pastor, and all the years

he has been with us.  We got the sad news 

yesterday that he has kidney cancer, and they

just found out last Friday, so they don't even

have all the details yet. Praying that the Lord

will be with him and his family through it all

 and that of course, he will be healed. 


Thankful that our old Youth Pastor just 

returned to us this past week, and it was

already in the works for him and our other

Youth Pastor to be working in different

capacities than before, and would be

 transitioning our Sr. Pastor into retirement.

Guess that might be sooner than we expected

but we see how the Lord has clearly taken

care of it, so that our Sr. Pastor has that

load taken off his shoulders while he goes

thru this other challenge. If you feel so led

please pray for he and his family. His name

is Pastor Brad.


Thankful for a good school day with lil darling.

  We did the normal day and worked on helping

her do a Shoebox diorama about the "Civil War" 

and also about Harried Tubman.  I learned

some things along the way too.  lol


Thankful for battery operated candles. They

enhance my decorating so much, but without

the work of having to light them every nite.


Thankful for cute reels we see on facebook

that make us laugh like this one.

Click here to see it.  or type it in yourself,

  So Precious and so funny!


Thankful for all the yummy fresh peaches I have

been enjoying for months now. One of my fav fruits.


Thankful to get out and work in the yard some

trimming bushes, as it has been awhile. Still

very hot here, so had to be out there at 7:30

to stand it.  Was back inside by 8:45, that's

about all we can humid out there.

I do love working in the yard tho, so can't

wait for some cooler weather.


Thankful I finally found some pretty fresh

Fall flowers at Publix grocery store.  Looked

at Sam's and Walmart and didn't like any

thing they had.....wierd colors,  I thought

anyway.  Was the last nice finishing touch

to our dining room table. Don't you just

love fresh flowers? They just make 

my heart Happy!!

Just a sneak peek until next week. lol

Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week.

Glad to have you here.

Have a Wonderful rest of the week.

Love, Hugs and

Mid September Blessings,


Sharing with:

Ridge Haven Homestead

Shabby Art Boutique

Between Naps on the Porch

A Stroll thru Life

Grammy's Grid

Grace Filled Moments

Karins Kottage

Scripture Sunday

  Hope you are finding rest for your soul today!! Hugs, Nellie