He has Risen Indeed!
That's why we call it
Good Friday, Happy Easter
and the Good News!!
Have a Wonderful Resurrection Day
celebrating with those you love.
Hugs, and Happy Easter,
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He has Risen Indeed!
That's why we call it
Good Friday, Happy Easter
and the Good News!!
Have a Wonderful Resurrection Day
celebrating with those you love.
Hugs, and Happy Easter,
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Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
1 Peter 1:3 NIV
Thankful that I found some new sandals that were
just what I needed to replace the ones I got rid of
that I feel helped me take 2 falls in the last month.
Thankful for a guy friend of ours that came to vist
over the weekend. We have known each other for
over 50 years. He used to work with my hubby
and we met he and his (former) wife when we were
in our early 20's. It was great to see him again.
One of those friends you kinda picked up where
you left off, which is always nice.
Thankful that my hubby is so sweet to do all our
vacuuming for years now because I have a pinched
nerve that isn't painful unless I do something to inflame
it. I am good for about 1 room, but more than that
causes me problems,
Thankful that Easter dinner is all planned and
we went and got our ham and candies and stuff
and ordered a cake.
Thankful I have all our cards and candies ready
and lil darlings Easter basket ahead of time.
Thankful I have our table planned, so when it comes
time to set it It should go together quickly.
Thankful that I found a quick and easy recipe
for "Chicken Cacciatore" and made it . It has
been 40+ years since I have made it. Why?
I have no idea, because it is so good, and
really not hard to make.
Thankful that I remembered all the thankfuls
I had listed but this one. I had my blog all ready
to post early this morning, but decided to change the
font (which I have done a gillion times) and it
completely wiped out everything. Why? I have
no idea.................lol
Thankful that the Drs. office called and moved hubbies
cyst removal surgery to next week. We really did not
want to do it today, since the kids are coming, but it
was all the opening they had at the time. So we are
very happy about that......and it is only delayed
until next Tuesday, so that was good too.
is for Jesus and his Resurrection from the Dead
and the gift of eternal life that He has given to
us, and the wonderful changes to our life that He
has made over the years, which have only made our
lives better, and for the Spiritual Blessings He
has given to us as well, like Love, Joy, Peace,
Patience etc. What a gift and Friend we
have in Jesus.
Well, That's it for Cozy Place Today
Thanks for hopping by...........
Hope you and yours have a
Delightful and Meaningful Easter
with your family and or friends
Love, Hugs and
Happy Easter Blessings,
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Praise the LORD, for the LORD is good; sing praise
to his name, for that is pleasant.
Happy Thursday Sweeties,
Welcome to Thankful Thursday,
Hope this finds you enjoying Spring at your house.
I have finally finished my Spring decorating and
now just able to enjoy it all. Been another busier
than usual week here, and expect it will be this way
until April.............so looking forward to April!! lol
Pictures today are from an Easter Table back in 2011
here at Cozy Place. I figured if you are like me you are looking
for table ideas now, especially since Easter is so early this year.
If you would like more detailed instructions or to see
more pictures you can go Here.
On with my Thankfuls...............
Thankful all our Winter decor is packed away for another year,
and that I have all my Spring/Easter things unpacked now.
Thankful for our neighbors and their huge, gorgeous, Fucshia
colored Azalea bush. We get to enjoy them every Spring,
and it is such a delight to look out our front windows and see them.
They are starting to fade now.......sad to see them go!!
Thankful that hubby had another Dr. visit this week, to see
about having a cataract removed. It took us 2 months just to
get an appt. and they are gonna call us in the next few weeks
to set the appt. to have it removed. That is a first.....
Thankful that our Son-in-love had some tests done as he
was experiencing some painful symptoms, and all the tests came
back fine and he is feeling better as well.
Thankful for the "Better Together" Show on TBN.
We love watching it, and I almost always take something
away from there that is helpful to me. They have a lot of
really wonderful ladies on there. You can also find it online
at Better Together.com. or .BetterTogether.TV
Thankful we have the ability to go to church freely without
any obstructions or problems. Always good to be in the
house of our Lord.
Thankful we have a home, a car, food in the pantry and fridge,
a comfy bed to sleep in, and clothing to wear, and running
water and Air Conditioning. We are beyond blessed.
Thankful for the last 2 beautiful sunny but hot days.
Just gorgeous out............
Thankful we have another cool front coming through
that will take us back into the 70"s.
Thankful I have most of my Spring/Easter
decorating done. Hoping to finish in the next
day or so.
Thankful I am finally finished decorating and
tweaking....was in the mood for more tweaking but
just had to quit, gotta get everything put away
and get the guest bedroom cleaned up since that
is where stuff was stashed.........company coming
Thankful we are having a sleep over with lil
darling Tonight, it has been awhile, so looking forward
to it.
Thankful that once again the Lord protected me from
being badly hurt. I tripped over something (that I was
gonna remove but just hadn't done yet) while preparing
the guest room. Completely forgot it was there, and
my sandal caught it and I fell face down but on carpeting,
Praise the Lord. I am a lil bruised and sore but
nothing broken, and I am amazed my glasses didn't
get broken or at least scratched. I am getting rid
of these Clarke Sandals I bought not to long ago,
as they are just to clunky and wide for me, and I
really think that was the cause of both falls.
Well, that's it for this week at Cozy Place.
Happy you are here
Have a Beautiful Rest of the Week,
Mid March Blessings,
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Hello Sweet Friends,
Wishing you a Wonderful
Spring Season
Click here to see your flipcard
Love and Blessings,
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Happy St. Patrick's Day
Sweet Friends
Have a Lovely Day,
Hugs, Nellie
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“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”
Jeremiah 17:7-8 NIV
Morning Sweet Friends,
Hope this finds you well and enjoying late Winter..... knowing Spring is just 5 days away. It has seemed like Spring has already Sprung here, since it has been in the 80's already. Hope you are having a good week, mine has been fairly good, I have just been really tired the last few days, think it is from all the activity we have had since we got back from our trip. So yesterday I pretty much did nothing, but I did spend some time talking with our girl, which is always good for me.
Pictures today are of our "Ode to leaves and trees Spring birthday table" for 3 family members. Since our house was still done in green, white silver and gold for winter. It seemed sticking to green and white would work best. When I found these napkins, I wasn't that thrilled with them really, but they were the prettiest ones I could find, so felt like I was sort of settling, but once I got them home and started working with them, they became a very happy surprise after all.
This could also make a lovely St. Patricks day table with just a few tweaks.
So on with my Thankfuls................
Thankful for a nice evening out to dinner for Hubbies birthday at Carrabbas, Just the 2 of us. Family celebration on Saturday.
Thankful for a fun time making Banana Pudding for our birthday celebration on Saturday with lil darling. She worked right along side me, and did a great job, and it took all our restraint not to dig in, cause it did smell so good!!
Thankful that I also got the Beef Stroganoff done today as well, it will taste even better tomorrow as it flavors through. I will just need to make yellow rice, caesar salad and rolls, and we will be good to go!! and set the table, half way there on that too, and had planned that already ahead.
Thankful that we have implemented a decision we made about our Card Shop today, and will let you know about it very soon.
Thankful for a lovely time with the family celebrating all the birthdays. Good food, Good fellowship, and a Good time....had by all.
Thankful I did my hair today and didn't have to do it tonight after all the festivities. Cause knew I would be a tired girl.
Thankful to be back at church today, and also to be able to go to lunch with our friends, as it has been awhile for one reason or another. We also got to meet their Son who is visiting from California. So that was a nice surprise since we have heard so much about him, very nice guy, much like his parents.
With the lights out!!
Thankful they moved hubbies Dr. appt. till Tuesday, which worked out so much better for us, since we home school lil darling on Mondays.
Thankful for the great Science project lil darling and her Daddy (our Son) did over the weekend. Looked great and she did a great job explaining it as well. Also had a good school day.
Thankful that I got all my Winter decorations down today, just got to get them put away now. Hoping the Spring things go up as quickly as the others came down. lol
Well, that's it for Cozy Place
this week. This is the Birthday
Thanks for dropping by
for a visit, We are glad
you were here!
Have a lovely rest of the week.
Love, Hugs, and
Mid March Blessings,
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