Thursday, March 21, 2024

Thankful Thursday, March 21, 2024, and Easter Table from the past

Praise the LORD, for the LORD is good; sing praise

 to his name, for that is pleasant.

Psalm 135:3 NIV

Happy Thursday Sweeties,

Welcome to Thankful Thursday,

Hope this finds you enjoying Spring at your house.

I have finally finished my Spring decorating and

now just able to enjoy it all.  Been another busier

than usual week here, and expect it will be this way

until looking forward to April!!  lol

Pictures today are from an Easter Table back in 2011

here at Cozy Place.  I figured if you are like me you are looking

for table ideas now, especially since Easter is so early this year.

If you would like more detailed instructions or to see

more pictures you can go Here.

On with my Thankfuls...............


Thankful all our Winter decor is packed away for another year,

and that I have all my Spring/Easter things unpacked now.


Thankful for our neighbors and their huge, gorgeous, Fucshia

colored Azalea bush.  We get to enjoy them every Spring,

and it is such a delight to look out our front windows and see them.

They are starting to fade now.......sad to see them go!!


Thankful that hubby had another Dr. visit this week, to see

about having a cataract removed.  It took us 2 months just to

get an appt. and they are gonna call us in the next few weeks

to set the appt. to have it removed.  That is a first.....


Thankful that our Son-in-love had some tests done as he

was experiencing some painful symptoms, and all the tests came 

back fine and he is feeling better as well.


Thankful for the "Better Together" Show on TBN.

We love watching it, and I almost always take something

away from there that is helpful to me. They have a lot of 

really wonderful ladies on there.  You can also find it online

at Better  or .BetterTogether.TV


Thankful we have the ability to go to church freely without

any obstructions or problems. Always good to be in the

house of our Lord.


Thankful we have a home, a car, food in the pantry and fridge,

a comfy bed to sleep in, and clothing to wear, and running

water and Air Conditioning. We are beyond blessed.


Thankful for the last 2 beautiful sunny but hot days.

Just gorgeous out............

Thankful we have another cool front coming through

 that will take us back into the 70"s.


Thankful I have most of my Spring/Easter

decorating done.  Hoping to finish in the next

day or so.    


Thankful I am finally finished decorating and

tweaking....was in the mood for more tweaking but

just had to quit, gotta get everything put away

and get the guest bedroom cleaned up since that

is where stuff was coming



Thankful we are having a sleep over with lil

darling Tonight,  it has been awhile, so looking forward

 to it.


Thankful that once again the Lord protected me from

being badly hurt. I tripped over something (that I was

gonna remove but just hadn't done yet) while preparing

 the guest room.  Completely forgot it was there, and

my sandal caught it and I fell face down but on carpeting,

 Praise the Lord. I am a lil bruised and sore but

nothing broken, and I am amazed my glasses didn't

get broken or at least scratched.  I am getting rid

of these Clarke Sandals I bought not to long ago,

as they are just to clunky and wide for me, and I 

really think that was the cause of both falls.

Well, that's it for this week at Cozy Place.

Happy you are here


Have a Beautiful Rest of the Week,

Love, Hugs and

Mid March Blessings,


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A Stroll thru Life

Karins Kottage

Between Naps on the Porch

Senior Salon Pit Stop


  1. #1. Yea! And spring is here! Warmer weather is on its way!
    #2. How pretty it is!
    #3. I have an appt. with the dentist on the 10th to put in my new crown!
    #4. Praise the LORD! I have been praying for him!
    #5. Great shows are encouraging!
    #6. With my knees so weak now, I praise the LORD for Brad's sermon being on the internet!
    #7. The LORD is so Good to bless us with more than our needed provisions!
    #8. It's been so good to see clear, bright skies!
    #9. Praise GOD for our risen Savior!
    #10. It's amazing how quickly things accumulate!
    #11. A time of joy and fun!
    #12. Thank our LORD for you not getting hurt badly. I have learned I have to pay attention to every move I make!
    Love you, Susan

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Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...