Thursday, March 20, 2025

Thankful Thursday March 20, 2025, pics of our guest bath refresh

Faithfulness springs forth from the earth,

and righteousness looks down from heaven.

 The Lord will indeed give what is good,

and our land will yield its harvest.

Psalm 85:11-12 NIV

Happy First Day of Spring Sweet Friends,

It's finally here, course, that doesn't mean
we might not have some more cool weather,
but it's should be nicer out where ever you
are I would think....anyway!
Hope this finds you doing well.....been a 
good week here.....

Pictures today are of our Spring guest bathroom
refresh using what I had and spending 0 $$. 
Decided to use white and periwinkle blue
accents this time and found a new way to
fold the towel online.

Now on with my thankfuls......

Thankful I have started to take down our
Winter decor....

So thankful for the gift of being entrusted
and able to have our only Grandchild, lil darling
for at least one or two days a week since
 she was a baby. It has been such a blessing
these 12 years, and we have even read where
grandparents that are involved with their
grandchildren even live longer.  So it's a
double blessing!!  lol

Thankful that our friends Dad who is 102+ yrs.
got out of the hospital yesterday (Thurs.) and seems
 to be doing well.  He had the RSV flu and was
in the hospital for 4 days.
Note:  As of Sunday, He is very weak and still
 at home but having trouble breathing. So hoping
he is gonna be okay.

Thankful that Space X went up to get those
poor stranded astronauts today (Friday)
So praying all goes well, and they are able
to get home to their families.  We actually
got to watch it go up and saw the rocket 
booster fall off,  and then once it was out
of sight we came in and watched a lil of
it on TV. 

Thankful for a phone call with a long time
friend this week.  Always great to talk
with her and to hear they are doing well,
as her hubby was sick for Months and
had 2 operations.

Thankful for another phone call from a
 shorter-long time friend.  It was great to
hear from her too,  her hubby is about to
retire next weekend.  So they are trying
to decide what their next move will be.

Thankful for "Lil Caesars" muffin pizzas.
I love the cheese ones and they are so
good and so filling. That was din din
for Sat. night with a salad.

Thankful for another great day at church
and one of our younger pastors spoke on
the Beatitudes, Matt. 5:8
Blessed are the pure in heart for they 
shall see God.
 I loved that he gave an example of 
having a pure heart before God by
using each of our Pastors as an example,
which had to be an encouragement to 
each of them, and because it is so true...
We have 7 of the best Pastors, and we
love everyone of them, and are so grateful
for them and their wives, and children
for those that do have children.

Thankful for lunch out just the two of us
at Olive Garden, 

Thankful for another good school day,

Thankful for an absolutely gorgeous cloudless
azure blue sky all day long.  So Beautiful.

Thankful that the stranded astronauts are
back on earth and hopefully with their families
by now.
Note: Heard they sent them to Dallas to be
evaluated to make sure they are doing well.

That's it for Cozy Place this week.

Have a lovely day, and thanks for making
us a part of it.............

Love, Hugs, and
Mid March Blessings,

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Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 20, 2025, pics of our guest bath refresh

Faithfulness springs forth from the earth, and righteousness  looks down from heaven.   The  Lord  will indeed give what is good, and our la...