Thursday, March 20, 2025

Thankful Thursday March 20, 2025, pics of our guest bath refresh

Faithfulness springs forth from the earth,

and righteousness looks down from heaven.

 The Lord will indeed give what is good,

and our land will yield its harvest.

Psalm 85:11-12 NIV

Happy First Day of Spring Sweet Friends,

It's finally here, course, that doesn't mean
we might not have some more cool weather,
but it's should be nicer out where ever you
are I would think....anyway!
Hope this finds you doing well.....been a 
good week here.....

Pictures today are of our Spring guest bathroom
refresh using what I had and spending 0 $$. 
Decided to use white and periwinkle blue
accents this time and found a new way to
fold the towel online.

Now on with my thankfuls......

Thankful I have started to take down our
Winter decor....

So thankful for the gift of being entrusted
and able to have our only Grandchild, lil darling
for at least one or two days a week since
 she was a baby. It has been such a blessing
these 12 years, and we have even read where
grandparents that are involved with their
grandchildren even live longer.  So it's a
double blessing!!  lol

Thankful that our friends Dad who is 102+ yrs.
got out of the hospital yesterday (Thurs.) and seems
 to be doing well.  He had the RSV flu and was
in the hospital for 4 days.
Note:  As of Sunday, He is very weak and still
 at home but having trouble breathing. So hoping
he is gonna be okay.

Thankful that Space X went up to get those
poor stranded astronauts today (Friday)
So praying all goes well, and they are able
to get home to their families.  We actually
got to watch it go up and saw the rocket 
booster fall off,  and then once it was out
of sight we came in and watched a lil of
it on TV. 

Thankful for a phone call with a long time
friend this week.  Always great to talk
with her and to hear they are doing well,
as her hubby was sick for Months and
had 2 operations.

Thankful for another phone call from a
 shorter-long time friend.  It was great to
hear from her too,  her hubby is about to
retire next weekend.  So they are trying
to decide what their next move will be.

Thankful for "Lil Caesars" muffin pizzas.
I love the cheese ones and they are so
good and so filling. That was din din
for Sat. night with a salad.

Thankful for another great day at church
and one of our younger pastors spoke on
the Beatitudes, Matt. 5:8
Blessed are the pure in heart for they 
shall see God.
 I loved that he gave an example of 
having a pure heart before God by
using each of our Pastors as an example,
which had to be an encouragement to 
each of them, and because it is so true...
We have 7 of the best Pastors, and we
love everyone of them, and are so grateful
for them and their wives, and children
for those that do have children.

Thankful for lunch out just the two of us
at Olive Garden, 

Thankful for another good school day,

Thankful for an absolutely gorgeous cloudless
azure blue sky all day long.  So Beautiful.

Thankful that the stranded astronauts are
back on earth and hopefully with their families
by now.
Note: Heard they sent them to Dallas to be
evaluated to make sure they are doing well.

That's it for Cozy Place this week.

Have a lovely day, and thanks for making
us a part of it.............

Love, Hugs, and
Mid March Blessings,

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

 “You are worthy, our Lord and God  to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.”
Revelation 4:11 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds you doing well, and maybe starting to

 enjoy a bit of Spring weather.

 It is cooler here at night but fairly warm in the daytime

and all the new growth and new leaves are showing up

 everywhere, the grass needs mowing, and our neighbors

large azalea bush is gorgeous, and loaded with hot

pink flowers, so pretty and makes my heart happy

every time I look out our front windows.

Pictures today are of our 3 in one Birthday

 Celebration from last weekend here at Cozy Place.

Since the house is still decorated for Winter,

I decided to go with a Winter themed table

as well.

Now on with my thankfuls...


Thankful all our kids and lil darling had a great time

in Savannah last weekend.


Thankful for a fun birthday celebration for just

hubby and I at his now fav Mexican restaurant.

(celebration with the family coming on Saturday)


Thankful that we got any shopping gift wise

and food wise done, so we are all set with that.


Thankful most everything is done for the family

birthday party for 3 members of the family within

one week,  Hubby, Lil darling and Hubbies Sister.


Thankful for a great time with the family

celebrating all the birthdays:  Good food, Good

 fellowship, Good cards, Good gifts ,and Good

Memories created,  Only thing missing was our

 Daughter and Son-in-love. Course, we did

hear from them.


Thankful for a longggg Sunday nap, as I

didn't get much sleep on Sat. nite, but made

up for it on Sunday afternoon.  lol


Thankful for Banana Pudding - a dessert the

whole family loves. Lil darling made it this

time for her Grampy and Aunt Susan, and

she did a great job with very lil help.

It was so good we ate it all in one night,

so I made some more the next day. lol


Thankful that our friends 102 and a half yr. old

Father is doing better.  He had a bad case of 

RSV flu, and had to go in the hospital on Sun

day evening, but he is doing considerably better

today (Tuesday) and hubby was able to go

visit him, so it seems the meds are working

and he might be able to go home in a few days.

Thankful for a another long chat with my
Daughter.  Such a blessing.

Thankful for the Bible which is God's
love letter to us humans. So much good
stuff in there that is helpful to our lives.
He really does know best about what will
make our lives good and worthwhile,
and even better than that, He (God) wants
 us to know and have a relationship with
His Son Jesus, so that we will go to live
with Him in heaven when we leave this

Because Jesus said I am the way, the Truth
 and the Life and no one comes to the Father
accept through me.
John 14:6 NIV

Thankful for the "Presidential Prayer Team"
which enlightens those who join about  
specific things to pray for that pertain to
those in the Trump Administration. These
prayers are greatly needed for everyone in
this administration, .
If you have a desire to join, once you join
you will get an email every morning from them
which highlight what to pray it.
Makes it very easy for us to pray for our leaders.

Go to
If you would like to participate...

Thankful for YOU sweet friend, and
all those who follow or visit my blog.
It keeps me keeping on.....

Well.....that's it for Cozy Place this week.

This is the 3 Birthdays...
 all in one week Edition!!  lol

Have a super duper rest of the week

Love, Hugs,
and Mid March Blessings,

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Friday, March 7, 2025

Thankful Thursday March 6th, 2024, and a previous birthday table from the past

Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name.
Hebrews 13:15 NIV

Happy March Sweet Friends,

Hope your week has been a good one and that maybe most of you are seeing signs of Spring, we are, and then it was cold again yesterday but 78 degrees today.  Likes to keep us guessing!! lol

This week has mostly consisted of celebrating

a lil bit, and get ready for our all 3 birthdays 

in a week birthday bash on Saturday. Made

the Beef Stroganoff today, and lil darling

made the banana pudding, tomorrow I will

do the salad and bread, and that will 

make everyone happy!! All gifts are wrapped

or should I say bagged!! lol Still need to set

the table, but pretty much know what I

am gonna that is helpful...

Pictures today are of a birthday table

from the past here at Cozy Place.

Just so you know the dinnerware is

paper if you don't have

china you can still set a beautiful

table for any occasion.

So on with my Thankfuls...


Thankful that I finished refreshing our guest bath for Spring/Easter, and it didn't cost me a penny, and love how it came out.


Thankful it has been sunny and warm enough to sit out and get some sun for a few minutes the last few days.  My legs are not quite so white now! lol


Thankful for "Sweet Loren's" pre-made cookies you can bake yourself.  They were buy one get on free at our Publix recently, and love the have clean ingredients and taste really good. We had her brownie cookies and her oatmeal with cranberry ones, and they were great!


Thankful that our Son, lil darling, and our Daughter and Son-in-love are all meeting in Savannah for the week-end for an early celebration of lil darlings birthday. They always have such a great time together, which makes my Mom heart happy!


Thankful that I am able to turn my

attention to planning our 3 in a row 

birthday dinner celebration for next

Saturday, All cards done, most gifts

purchased, menu planned, working on

the tablescape next, already have some

things in mind, so once that's completed

 will just need stuff from the grocery 

store to make it,  pretty much.


Thankful we put 6 new cards in our shop today.


Thankful for a sweet and unexpected text from

 lil darling telling me that were having fun in

Savannah, and they were going shopping.  That

 was what she wanted to do with her Aunt Dina

 for her birthday, so she was excited!!  lol


Thankful we saw our bunny that comes

to visit, always happy to know he is still

alive and kicking. Have also been seeing

a lot of birds on the ground lately.  Wrens,

 and Cardinals. Guess they know it is 

Spring, so they can come out and play.


Thankful for clean drinking water and

indoor plumbing.  We are so blessed.


Thankful for the opportunity to under

stand how it feels for a complete stranger

 to compliment you, because I compliment

others I don't know a lot.  On Sunday

 when I was in my church clothes at the

grocery store I was blessed to get 2 nice

 compliments from complete strangers.

and another one from someone we don't

know really well.  It sure was a sweet

surprise and made my day better and 

made me realize how important that

can be to someone else, especially if 

they happened to be having a bad day,

which I was not having....but it really

blessed my heart and made me feel seen. 


Thankful that lil darling and I pretty

much finished pulling up ferns on Monday

once she finished her school work.  Now

I can move on to the next phase:

Washing flower pots so we can fill them

with flowers.


Thankful for a nice long chat with 

my Daughter.


That's it for this week at cozy Place

Happy you could drop by


Hope you have a great weekend.

Love, Hugs and 

First of March Blessings,


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Shabby Art Boutique

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Thankful Thursday February 27, 2025, and cute whimsical pictures

Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”
John 6:35 NIv


Good Morning Sweet Friends,

How has your week been??  Hope it has been good.

I've have just been working on a bathroom refresh

for Spring. Always nice to have a lil change.

So Changed the shower curtain, the color of the

towels and rugs, and changed the contents of

some small pictures I have hanging in there,

still working on redoing a shelf and of course,

 the vanity top. Liking it so far.......

Pictures today are of cute whimsical pictures

compliments of Pixabay!!  

On with my Thankfuls.................


Thankful for white chocolate Raspberry cookies

from Tate's Bake shop, that we got at our

Publix grocery store. They were limited edition 

cookies,  but hope they keep making them.


Thankful for lovely clean sheets on the bed.

Just always feels heavenly.............

such a pleasure always.


Thankful to have finished 2 birthday cards for the family, only 1 more to go, as we are coming up on birthday row here. Hubbies sister Susan, lil darling and my husband all within a week. We usually have 2 dinners, but due to schedules we are doing them all at once this year.


Thankful we got our Winter tree down (Christmas tree

with lights only), and packed away. We really enjoy

 leaving it up as it gives the room a warmer look and

 just looks so pretty. 


Thankful we got the furniture rearranged and

everything (fake snow mostly) vaccummed up.

Looks nice, and is ready for Spring decorating

whenever that takes place.  lol


Thankful we were so inspired we cleaned

the whole house, always nice to have a freshly

cleaned house.


Thankful our new microwave arrived today

 rather than tomorrow when it was expected

since we are gone a lot on Sunday. I love

that is it just like my old one too.


Thankful for a new bacon cooker that we got

because it encloses the bacon and the grease.

Our old microwabe just got covered in grease

even tho we covered it with a paper towel, we

were constantly having to clean it. All that

grease started making the paint peel inside

the microwave.

Note: in case you are interested the name of

the new bacon cooker is just called "Bacon Cooker"

it is white ceramic with a ceramic separator that

goes inside and a silicon top.  Work great and

no grease in our microwave...........Yeah for That!!


Thankful for a good day at church, and after

we did a lil shopping for lil darlings upcoming

birthday which is a few weeks away, then

hubby and I went out to lunch.  


Thankful to find the right size American Flag. 

We have had a 3X5 one but it drags in our bush, 

so finally found a 2X3, so hopefully it will solve

 that problem and look so much more respectful.

 Got it from a Veteran and family owned business

 here in Florida and it is made in American.......

.love all of that!!


Thankful for the pleasant surprise of running

into our old (timewise) Music minister and his

wife while we were in Kohl's shopping for lil

darlings birthday. We used to hang out together 

along with 2 other couples, such great memories

of that time in life. That was when we first

came to our church almost 45 yrs. ago, and

they were called to another church, so we lost

contact, but So it was really great to see them.


Thankful for a purchase we made before

Christmas - of a red, green, black and white plaid

throw and 2 pillows. I have admired that plaid

 when I saw it in other homes online or in

magazines, but can not tell you how much we 

have enjoyed them during the Christmas season,

 and all thru the rest of Winter, Think I 

will really miss them when I decorate

for Spring............

Well, that's it for Cozy Place today,

Great you could come by.....and

Have a lovely rest of the week,

Love, Hugs, and

End of February Blessings,


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Shabby Art Boutique

Thankful Thursday March 20, 2025, pics of our guest bath refresh

Faithfulness springs forth from the earth, and righteousness  looks down from heaven.   The  Lord  will indeed give what is good, and our la...