Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Dreary Rainy Monday............and tropical salad with citrus dressing recipe

Afternoon Sweet Friends,

Hope you had a wonderful weekend.

Started this post on Monday but didn't
have time to finish so just combined
yesterday and today!!  lol

Ours was good, uneventful and restful,  as hubby
came home Friday night not feeling too well.  I think
maybe we have been trying to fight off a bug or some-
thing as we had both been exhausted all week,  earlier
in the week I was feeling a bit queasy for a few nights,
and thought it was just cause I was tired since I am
 going thru my cyclical not sleeping all night  thing,
 but then hubby came home feeling that way on Friday 
night as well.  Dee said  she and everyone at work had
 been feeling the same way,  just exhausted,  she said
some people said it was the high pollen count,  but I
checked it and it said it was low,  course, I forgot that
we got rain all day that day,  so that helps wash away
some of the pollen thankfully.

The above picture is what all my windows look like
this time of the year when we get into the rainy season.
It has been raining a lot since last Wednesday I think
it was.  The lovely humidity outside vs the A/C on
the inside!  lol

I just looked at the weather and looks like tropical
storm Debby might come very close to us,  not too
thrilled about that, course, she is just a small storm,
but I have learned that those small storms can cause
lots of damage as well, especially flooding!

Since I did that coastal Father's Day table and
since we are having so much rain,  I decided to
change a few things around to go from spring to
summer so decided to go with a Coastal look.
So will give you a few sneak peek!
and show you sometime next week probably
once I am totally finished.

Here's just a few other shots for fun......really they are
only temporary to just have something on my dining room
 table till I decide what to do......
They are leftovers from my Father's Day table.

 Believe it or not the centerpc. is in the center of the table,  this
isn't the end of the table but just the wood in between.  If you 
look further beyond the centerpc, you can see the other half of
the table with the glass,  the side in front is just like that

I have seen a lot of pictures lately in many magazines where
they are using live greenery so decided to try it.....

This was looking down inside the trifle bowl at the shells that
are leftover and you can see the philodendron leaf and the candle.

This is the same picture but I used the auto smart fix on it, and
thought it just looked very interesting.

Am hoping to go to Home Goods this week to see if I can find
something that looks Beachy or coastal for my dining room table.
Cause I have a $25.00 gift card I got for my birthday and still
haven't used it.............so looking forward to that.

for those who are interested,  Scott and Megan found a house
they love and have put in an offer...........so now we wait to see
what happens.  It is a beautiful home and a very good deal.
and it is in our town..............Yeah!!

Made a new salad and dressing last night for dinner and it was 
absolutely wonderful,  so thought I would share it with you.
Perfect for summer, or a ladies luncheon
Actually found it in a Publix magazine, and it was from a
blogger in Ocala, Florida, course, I changed it up a bit
to go with what I had in the house.

It is also very heart healthy as well!  

starting to get hungry???

It is called 
"Tropical Salad with Citrus Viniagrettte"
and this is my version, and I do each plate
separately cause it looks so pretty. Course,
there is just 2 of us,  she said she uses a
platter,  which is a good idea too.

Ingredients for Salad
spring mix
2 cups of mandarin orange segments
1 cup of hulled and sliced strawberries
1/2 cup of fresh blueberries
!/2 cup of plain pecans (whole)

Citrus Viniagrette dressing
3 tsp. of apple cider vinegar
6 tablespoons of olive oil
6 tablespoons of honey
6 tablespoons of Orange Juice

in a food processor or magic bullet (what I use)
mix all the above ingredients, then douse your
salad.........lol......If you like fruit in your salad you
will love this,  hubby and I  both, sooo enjoyed this,
and can't wait to have it again, today for lunch. lol

NOTE: I tripled (the above) her dressing recipe and it
was probably enough for 4 people.

Hungry Now???  Am I mean or what???

This is a little egg cup of the dressing with some
gluten free crispy crackers.  Love those things.

If you would like check out Julie's blog go to
PBfingers.com.  I went there to find the original
recipe so anyone who wanted to could see it,
but couldn't find it on her blog.  I wrote her, but
haven't heard back yet,  so if anyone is interested
in seeing the original let me know and if I hear
back from her,  I will let you know.

Update:  Never heard back from her!!

So............hope you have a terrific Tuesday

Thanks for stopping in,  looking forward to hearing
from you as always,

Hugs and Rainy Day Blessings,


  1. My dad on Siesta Key and my daughter in Orlando have both been fighting all the rain and flooding. That Debby seems stuck. I'm on my patio typing this on my iPad as it is gorgeous here today-but heading to 100 degrees by Thurs. and our yard is toast. We haven't had rain in weeks.

    Your salad is my favorite kind! I will be trying that dressing. Hope things work out for the kids and their house. How lucky they are near you!

  2. The salad sounds "de-lish"! Hope you're feeling perkier, Nellie.

  3. Hi Nellie

    I have been praying that you don't get any effects from the storm. It sure it scary.

    Your salad made me real hungry. It looks very easy and I am going to try it. Marvin and I both love fruit so I think it will go over well.

    Your centerpieces are pretty. I love seashells.

    I hope all go well with your kids getting the house that they want. Such exciting time for your kids.

    Thank you for all the nice comments on my blog. They mean alot to me.

    Stay safe
    Blessings & Love

  4. The salad looks delicious! We had rain here yesterday as well, in the morning, but it turned out to be beautiful by afternoon. Happy your son found a house! Hope it all works out! How wonderful that both your children are homeowners! Hope you and hubby are feeling better! Enjoy!

  5. Oh my, that salad has got my mouth watering. Thanks for visiting me.

  6. Your salad looks delicious! Great idea for using your little egg cup! ~Tammy

  7. I can hardly wait to try your tropical salad! It looks so yummy!
    I'm gald the rain has let up too! The dogs didn't want to go out, but realized they had to. Towels were ready when they came back in!!
    Love tp you all, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie