Thursday, June 21, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - June 21, 2012

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord,
 continue to live in him,  rooted and built up in him, 
strengthened in the faith as you were taught,
 and overflowing with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:6 & 7

Hello Sweet Peas,

Hope you have been having a great week, 
 it sure has gone by fast.... I must say!

Nothing real exciting going on around here, however, we
 are excited for Scott and Megan, as they are house hunting,
 so we are praying that find just the perfect house for them,
 and that they get a great deal................this is certainly the
right time to buy.

Well, on with my list of Thankfuls

I am thankful
that my well deserving hubby had a very nice
Father's Day.

I am thankful
for these lovely  flowers you see here that my 
sweet SIL Susan brought to me on Sunday.

I am thankful
for the lovely time I had having my quiet time this morning
 out on my porch. Circumstances just seemed so perfect:
 the lawn was freshly mowed,  had just cleaned the porch
yesterday, and it was nice and cool cause it rained last
 night,  it is typically too hot out there this time of the 
year, and all the landscape was fresh and lush, and I
had that perfect cup of coffee, but best yet, got some
new incites from the word of God.

So it was really a blessed time...............

I am thankful
for my porch and my backyard,  they are
both such a huge blessing to me.

I am thankful
for the White and Orange Ibis in our yard this morning,
 when hubby was leaving for work, and squirrels all out
 eating their breakfast.  They are just such pretty birds. 
 We see these as lil gifts from the Lord.
then a lil while later as I was walking past the window
I saw some darker birds with them,  they are evidently
just a different variety of Ibis.  They are dark grey, with
a lil white and brown legs and beaks.  Course, maybe 
one is the female and one the male.......gotta look that
up online, be right
Think the darker ones are young ones that have not
lost their baby feathers yet.

Here you can see a lil bit of the white Ibis's, but I was mostly
trying to capture the dark Ibis as we have never had them 
come here before.

Never had the white ones until just a few years ago.  They have
been by quite a number of times already this year.  

Can you see the lil gray blob on the right, that is a
squirrel.  Told my husband he is a brave fellow to
go out there with all those birds with long beaks.

I am thankful
that I found a new Meme's to link up to today,
and was invited to join 2 others that I didn't
even know existed,  so that was fun.

If you are interested in knowing about them too,
 scroll down to my last post 
 "Coastal themed Father's Day
 and go all the way to the bottom of the post,  and they
are listed there and you can click on the links.

# 7
I am thankful
that we got to visit the new Hobby Lobby last 
night, finally.  We didn't get to see everything, 
so will probably take another trip sometime soon,
 but was sort of disappointed that they were so
 expensive  but fortunately, I didn't really see 
anything calling my name yet!!
But it was a fun trip!

I am thankful
for the new exercise wii videos or games the
kids gave Jimmy for Father's Day.  We did the
"Walk it Out" exercise game, but we are still trying
 to figure it out, so we sort of did our own thing,
but got a good workout, not so great on the game
 part! lol  Course, we are more concerned with the
exercise.  I learned about it from Sue over at I need
 Mom,  she is a fountain of good information.  We also
 did the other one too, it is more of an exercise routine,  
so we will be working up to this one, but they are both
  good,  but gonna be better once we get the 
hang of them................So thank You  kids!

I am thankful
for my lil samsung point and shoot camera,  love
that everytime I upload pictures to the computer
I can recharge it and it is ready to go anytime.
and of course, I like the fact, it takes all these great 
pictures you see on my blog.  A few of these today
are an exception,   more the lighting or the
which would be Me!   of course!!  lol

I am thankful
that our kitty Molly seems to be feeling better,
she didn't seem like she was feeling very good
for awhile and wasn't eating much,  but she 
seems to be coming out of that.  We were
starting to get worried about her.

I am thankful
for Ghirardelli and Lindt Dark Chocolate Bars.
We eat a square every day for heart health,
and boy, what a
They are fabulous, just had a piece, so that's
what reminded me.

I am thankful
for the 2 nice ladies that came by today and
invited me to join in the 2 new memes.  Thanks
for your encouragement, it was very appreciated.

I decided to put this arrangement in the new pitcher
 hubby gave me for Mother's Day and put it in my bathroom.
  Since it is the only place that I have purple, and never get 
the luxury of having fresh flowers in there, 
 and  sure have enjoyed it.

Well,  that wraps up my thankfuls for this week!

So glad you could join me today and I really 
appreciate your visit.

Love, Hugs,
and Beautiful Floral Blessings to you!



  1. The bouquet is BEAUTIFUL, Nellie! And thanks for "sharing" the ibis with me. That's a sight I'll probably never see in OUR backyard.

  2. Love the hint of purple in your bathroom. Looks really pretty. Hope your son and wife do find a great house! Your table setting from Father's Day is really pretty! Things are good here. One more week until hubby comes home! And the best news, his job at the university was extended for another year. We thought he was losing his job because the man he replaced when Phil came home from Afghanistan was supposed to come off active duty and wanted his job back, which meant Phil would be out of a job in August. Well, this man had his active duty orders extended for another year so Phil was offered the job for the coming year. Hopefully something else will open for Phil NEXT summer, but for now he has a job! Michael leaves on Monday for a local missions trip, which he is excited about and that means I don't have to get him down to the football most mornings by 7:00, great for me! HOpe the weekend is good for you!

  3. #1. It's always a great celebration!
    #2. Thank you for all you do and all you mean to me.
    #3. I love my time with the LORD too! Some days I don't even realize I have been in study with Him for 3 hours!
    #4. I am so thankful for my den!! It's where I spend most of my time.
    #5. I'm so glad to see all of the scrub jays and other birds have come back in the trees in my back yard (since there are no more ferral cats.)
    #6. Meme's! I will check it out. i don't know what that is!
    #7. I haven't gone as yet. I don't know of any hobbies I'd be interested in.
    #8. Tell me about it! Believe it or not, I was sore later on into the night after our 3 games of bowling, ha!
    #9. I'm using my older camera that is still working great!
    #10. I'm so glad to hear that. She was really tired and missing you when you were gone.
    #11. It is good! I eat some ocassionally. I'm not suppose to eat chocolate because of the caffine and my heart valve interaction.
    Love to you all, Susan

  4. Those are nice birds. I'm glad your kitty is feeling better. Sometimes they eat things they shouldn't. Like nasty bugs. Then they have a nice stomach ache. Cats!
    Hobby Lobby is a nice store. The trick is using that 40% off coupon. And when they put things on clearance it's very cheap.
    Well keep enjoying your porch!

  5. Hey there.
    Thanks for checking in with me. Life has been very crazy since I landed a role in community theater.
    Finally wrote about in on my blog this morning.
    Still miss our childern and grands so much! Trying to learn to trust and let go.
    Your purple flowers are stunning and I love the pitcher. Have a wonderful day! ((HUGS))


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Let's praise the God of Heaven Every day! Blessings,  Nellie