Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Tablescape Thursday - Safari place setting

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope it has been a good day for you!

It has been for me!!  Yesterday I went shopping
most of the day looking for a few inexpensive
coastal pieces so I could finish up my coastal,  found some and finished
up today,  so very happy with the results.

This is a safari table that would look good in
my daughter's house.  It all started with me getting
her this zebra charger when we went to Hobby since I had it I thought I would play
and see what kind of tablescape I could come up 
just by finding stuff in the house, and I have nothing
safari looking anywhere.....................

but I do have printmaster,  so I went looking for zebra pictures
and found this one,  so printed it  and cut it out, and thought
 it looked great on the napkins and highlighted the zebra
 print of course.

Next I found a red Christmas candle
and an old  metal bracelet I have

The candle fit perfectly inside it!
I had red napkins leftover from Christmas too!

Stuffed one in the glass for more color

Then put the silverware at the top for a different look!

Also had this lil choc. brown satin bag, so decided to
do a place setting with the silverware in it.

Since I couldn't have the zebra there too,
decided to stick him in the goblet.

Posterized affect,  had to get at least one
picture in ya know!

Well, I had fun and hope you did too!

  Mr. Zebra says so long...............

Hope you enjoyed your

Thanks for your visit,  you are always
 welcome here,  and please say hello 
why you're here too.

I am linking up to Susan
over at between naps on the porch, so 
if you want to see more fun tablescapes

Hugs and Safari Blessings


  1. What a fun place setting. That would really be a cute idea for an animal lover. Take care.

  2. Very innovative, Nellie! Can't beat black, white & red.

    Sure hope "Debbie" steered clear of you!

  3. How beautiful! What a time for a safari! I really like it! Of course you know I love anything to do with animals of any kind!
    Love it, Susan!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a lovely Sunday, Hugs and Blessings, Nellie