Thursday, June 14, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - June 14, 2012

All the pics you will see were our view from the back porch of the cottage.

Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the
 wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of 
mockers.  But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on
 his law he meditates day and night.
  He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields
 its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither.
 Whatever he does prospers.
Psalm 1:1-3
(This above pic reminds me of this verse)

Greetings Sweet Peas, has your week been going??
Well,  I hope..........also hope there has
been lots to be thankful for,  course, there
always is whether we recognize it or not!

Have just been trying to get back into the swing of things,
got all my unpacking done and clothes washed,  wasn't
too much washing to do cause I did a load at the cottage
 before coming home. The house is all nice and clean 
cause we did that before we left,  really hate coming
 home to a messy house.  So just got to get my recipes
 out and figure out what sort of mexican food I am
 making for Father's Day.
Well, on with Thankful Thursday...............

I am thankful
for such a restful and relaxing week of vacation 
with just hubby and me. We have taken our kids to
 that area on vacation many times when they were 
younger, so we have some great memories from
that area,  so it was fun to reminisce and see all
the changes to the area. Pigeon Forge has always
been a touristy area,  but it is triple or quadruple
that now.....................we were shocked, we
hardly recognized the place.  Gatlinburg was
the same tho..............

If you missed my post yesterday about our 
vacation and would like to read about it,

I am thankful
that tho our vacation started off with a bit
of trouble with hubby and his blood pressure
that we had faithful praying friends that lifted
us before the throne of grace and the rest of
the time was about as perfect as it could be
on this side of heaven.

I am thankful
for my sweet sister-in-law who took such great 
care of our kitty Molly while we were away. 
 We have never been gone for more than a week, 
 so it was comforting knowing she is in good hands, 
 course, we feel that way anytime we have to go
 and  leave her, cause cats aren't like dogs, that 
you can just take them over to someones house.
So Susan you were such a blessing as always.

I am thankful
that hubby celebrates his first Anniversary on
his new job today!  They even gave him a gift to
 commemorate it,  a very nice pen.  Guess now
we can start calling it an old job!!  lol

I am thankful
that we had rain almost the whole time we were
 gone and our yard and plants all looked wonderful 
when we returned, cause in Florida just 3-4days 
without water things can start looking pretty bad, and
 we hated to have to have Susan fool with all that.

I am thankful
that our neighbor had our yard mowed just before
we got home on Monday.  We were thinking we
would have to be out there Tuesday night getting
it what a wonderful surprise
and blessing to come home to a manicured lawn.

This was the area directly across from the cabin across the river that looks
 like an electric light parade in the dark.  Love those Lightning bugs!

I am thankful
for all the wonderful  scenery and wildlife we got to see 
while we were away, it just lifts our spirit and makes
us amazed at what a creative and loving God we have
to make all these things for us to see.............

I am thankful
for Sue over at I need Mom.........not only is she a
sweet blog friend,  but unbeknownst to her,  we had
been looking for a condo at the beach and the area
we like to go only rents condos for once
a month, so we were asking the Lord what can we
do now.........and she did a lovely post on a vacation
they took,  about going toAsheville and the pigeon
forge area and I had a great flashback of all the
wonderful times we had in those places with our
 kids and on family vacations over the years,  so just 
typed in VRBO (vacation rentals by owner, in case 
you didn't know what that stands for). Pigeon Forge, Tn.
 and that is how we decided to found our cottage and 
decided to go there!  So thanks Sue for sharing your life
 with us, cause we do have an impact on one another!!
So you were a blessing to us!
Also, if you have never visited Sue,  please go
over and check her out.  Just click here.

I am thankful
that the Lord protected Dee, Jerry and Rosie
from a bear that was wandering in their neighbor-
hood.  They were out walking and happened
to spot him in between some houses,  and he
was not real far away and he was big!

I am thankful
that Dee was able to do my hair last night,
as it was time,  and got rather bleached out
while we were away, and of course,  it was
great to get to visit with her and Jerrys as well.
They had done a few new things to their house
and yard while we were gone,  so looking better
all the time.

I am thankful
 that we got to bring Rosie home until Sunday.
One of hubbies early Father's Day presents!!  lol
and a welcome home present for me!!  lol

I am thankful
for a phone call today from an old friend that used
to live here and go to our church,  but they moved
away years ago, we email but haven't talked with
them lately, so it was so great to hear from him.
As we were talking I asked about their kids, they 
have 7 adults children.  He was telling me that his
 son and wife had a florist and wedding events
 business and his daughter also works with them.  

Well, to say I was impressed would be an under-
statement for sure, they are incredibly talented.
So if you live in the Tampa, Florida area and
are planning or know someone who is planning
a wedding you should send them to their website.
and if you just want to see some Gorgeous and 
Fun eye candy.
Once you are there, click on either of the enter
site pictures,  then at the top they have portfolio
or blog.  If you want a quick look go to the blog.
I'll warn you tho,  you will probably want to see
the other pictures too,  they are all of 
different weddings.  Fun stuff!

Well, that completes my list for today!
and hope you enjoyed the view!!  lol

Been a good week here.....
Hope you have your own list,  and if not,
 I challenge you to start making one of 
your own, at least weekly, 
 I promise you.... 
it will transform your life!

Glad you stopped in, and can't wait to
hear from you!

Have a Wonderful Weekend
with your family/ and or friends.
Happy Father's Day to all you
Dad's out there,  and especially
to this dad.
My Hubby and Wonderful
Dad to my 2 adult children
and their spouses.

Taken in Gatlinburg, Tenn. while on vacation  6/12 

Love,  Hugs and
Scenic Beauty Blessings,


  1. I love your blogs new summer look. It's very cute!
    I can't believe it's already a year since your husband got his job. Time flies!
    Have a gorgeous weekend! Happy Father's Day to your husband.

  2. Hi Nellie

    It sounds like you had a wonderful time. Your "cottage" looks really nice.
    I am also thankful that youe hubby was okay and I am glad that you included me in your prayer request.

    I am thankful also that your daughter and her husband are safe. Bears are so scary.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes for my mom. I am counting down the days until I can see her.

    Thanks for sharing all your blessings!

  3. What a wonderful place to stay, gal!!
    So glad everything went so well, and was great when you returned! What a joy to not even have to mow the lawn!!

    Sam and fam spent the night last night, and I just took her and the girls to Altamonte about an hour ago! Whew...I'm pooped! So I hope to chat tomorrow, at least for a few minutes!!

    Love you bunches and can't wait to hear more about your great time!

  4. #1. Were these the same cabins you stayed in with the kids when you went there?
    #2. Thank the LORD! I'm so glad he felt great and you too!
    #3. Molly and I had really good quality time, ha! She is so loving.
    #4. WOW! I can't believe it's been a year already! Thank the LORD!
    #5. All the more time to spend with Miss Molly!
    #6. The LORD truly blesses us with our wonderful neighbors! I'm so thankful for George. He mowed mine today.
    #7. Many of the birds have come back since my neighbors had the ferral cats caged and removed. My heart sank for them, but the wildlife has returned.
    #8. It's so great to have friends that can help out!
    #9. I'm glad they didn't decide to run! Hopefully the wildlife services has caught him and moved him to the Ocala National Park.
    #10. I was out with my teacher friends. They asked me out with them to Ruby Tuesday's. They said they have been so busy this year they haven't had time to go out! We used to go out every 5-6 weeks.
    #11. I'm sure Molly like sharing you, ha!
    #12. It's wonderful that the LORD is blessing even though our economy is not so well. I pray every day for those less fortunate. I'm so glad our churches are involved in helping out those that need it.
    Your Thankful Thursdays always transforms and uplifts me!
    Love to you all, Susan

  5. Such beautiful photos! Glad you had a nice trip. We're hoping to get away to the beach in July. Just for a day or two. Cannot believe there was a bear in their neighborhood! For some reason, I don't associate bears in Florida. Silly, I know! Enjoy your weekend and especially your Father's Day. Hope you found a yummy meal to make!

  6. I am so glad to have sparked an idea that led to a relaxing vacation! It is such a beautiful area isn't it?

  7. Sounds like you're back in the swing of things! It's always nice to "hear" you count your blessings, Nellie :)

  8. lucky you!! your vacation sounds wonderful...and so do friends who mow your grass when you're gone...lucky you!!!

  9. Praise GOD for this precious vacation! We were so tickled that you persevered and relaxed in spite of your "rocky" start. GOD is good all the time! Blessings~


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 20, 2025, and pics of Spring Beginnings

  The grass withers and the flowers fall,      but the word of our God endures forever.” Isaiah 40:8 NIV Greetings Sweet Friends, Hope you a...