Thursday, June 28, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - June 28, 2012

Picture from last summer

Helloooo  Sweet Peas,

Hope your day and 
your week is going well!

I am having a good day myself, enjoying
the fact,  that the storm has left Florida
and dissipated completely, and our weather
is sunny with blue skies and not a cloud in
sight............amazing the difference since

Just putzing around and doing my usual
routine, not much happening here, so 
will get on with Thankful Thursday....

I am thankful
for a really fun day out shopping by myself on 
Tuesday,  found a few cute things that looked
coastal,  and something else that was very 

I am thankful 
for a bench that I found..........  I have been
wanting a bench to go with my kitchen table
for a long time, but had given up as they were
either too big or way to expensive.  Tuesday
 I just happened on one at Home Goods,  and it
was smaller and a great price, so I put my gift
 card towards it and paid the rest,  and hauled
 it home.  I love it!  but it does make the table
 stick out more, so I am trying it out for a few days 
to make sure I am gonna like it....................
so far, so good!

I am thankful
that our neighbor had our lawn done again,
another unexpected gift,  which was great, as it 
gave us some time to go do some trimming and
 stuff that needed to be done too.  So the yard
looks even better now,  and I am so thankful
for this sweet neighbor,  he really is a jewel.

I am thankful
that Scott and Megan have found a home
that they both are in love with and it is in
our town,  and now we are in the waiting
mode to see if their offer will be accepted.
Somehow I think it will be.........

I am thankful
that we got to spend some time this evening
 with some new neighbors who are a young couple
 with a toddler and fairly new baby,  very sweet kids,
and they gave us a tour of their home,  they have
really been doing a lot of work over there and it looks
 great...............and they did it all themselves.

I am thankful
that I finally finished decorating the house in a
coastal decor for a nice summery change, and
I am savoring  it everytime I walk thru the house,
and think hubby is really enjoying it too.

I am thankful
that a former blog friend that I hadn't heard from
in awhile has visited several times, it was so great
to hear from her, as she is a very sweet lady.
(an Donnie that would be you!!  lol)

I am thankful
that Tropical Storm Debby is out to sea,  and
that we didn't really have to deal with her,  just
her precipitation!  lol
but our lawn loved it!!

I am thankful
that DeeAnna passed her state boards for her
mammography course.  Now she can get on with
 life.  It has been hard studying so much especially
 since she is a newlywed and they are having so 
much fun together and with their new home.

I am thankful
for what a bright, clear, sunny and gorgeous day
it really appreciate those more, when
you have had days and days of dismal and rain.

I am thankful
to get a chance to be outside in the sunshine too.
I have only had that pleasure once since we have
been back from vacation and that sun feels absolutely
delicious and makes me feel good all over, that is 
because it boost your melatonin levels and it is a great
way to get your vitamin D,  sure works for me!

I am thankful
for another really good movie with a message that
we saw last night.  It is called "To save a life",  it
is really very good,  and if you have teenagers it
might really hit home with them as well,  cause it
is about peer pressure and how we treat people,
and what life is really all about.
You can rent it from netflix.

I am thankful
for a really wonderful surprise we got this week,
but unfortunately, I can't tell you  what it is yet, 
but surely will as soon as I can!! 

Well that's all

Tried to make the porky pig
 version but couldn't figure 
out how to do it!!  lol

Hope you have a simply delightful 
Friday and Weekend!

Thanks for droppin by..............
love hearing from you as always.

Love, Hugs and
Blue Sunny Sky Blessings,


  1. I always enjoy reading your Thankful posts and laughed when I saw #7. You are so sweet and I'm thankful for a friend like you. Hugs.

  2. Sounds like life in Florida is just fine and dandy :) Enjoy your weekend, Nellie.

  3. #1. I haven't gone shopping (except at Publix) in quite a while!
    #2. Another goody to look for when I come to visit next time!
    #3. That jewel comes in the name of my neighbor, George. His friend James is coming soon to bush hog the back property.
    #4. I know it will!!! I'm praying for the LORD's blessing on them!
    #5. I remember when another couple in Ft. Lauderdale had a newborn son and did the same to their home! What a lovely home...white, yellow, lime green! Lol!
    #6. Isn't it a joy when your hubby appreciates all of your work to make your home beautiful!!!
    #7. That is great. My friend in the Netherlands is taking a break. I don't know how she could do so many blogs in one day on the same site! I hope she didn't burn herself out!
    #8. My yard greened up early this summer, ha!
    #9. Praise the LORD! I didn't realize how often they have to recertify until Alice told me all of the on-line courses they continually have to do!
    #10. Cody and Katy liked it too! They were laying on the ledge of the den window where the early morning sunlight shines in for about 30 minutes!
    #11. I get a little, but the Losartan I'm on says in big print to not be long out in the direct sun.
    #12. You'd think with the chanels I get on Bright House, that I would have movies I'd watch. I sometimes watch one on Hallmark chanel.
    #13. I think I know what it is and if that is it, YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Love to you all, Susan

  4. Can't wait for your surprise! I am thankful that hubby is home and we were able to get tons of work done around our house today. Love being home with my Colonel! Enjoy your weekend.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 13, 2025, and Valentine's decorations from the past

    For God so love d  the world that he gave  his one and only Son,   that whoever believes  in him shall not perish but have eternal life....