Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Table Top Tuesday - Loving the Beachy look....

Hello Sweet Friends,

Hope you all had a really lovely weekend
and Monday!!

Ours was lovely, just quiet until Sunday.  We watched
a really good movie on Friday night called "7 days in Utopia".
Another great movie with a message from Netflik.  Saturday
had a great breakfast with sweet potato pancakes,  and they
are delightful,  they actually are in a package but are heart
healthy,  will show you maybe next Tuesday. We discovered
 them because Someone gave them to us in a gift basket and
what a great discovery they were...................
that is all I can remember right now about Saturday!!  lol
Sunday was our usual church and smoothie,  then in the late
afternoon Scott and Megan came over,  and they found
out their offer was accepted,  so they will be closing the
end of the month on their new home.  I made them 
that new tropical salad recipe I showed you last week,
but added chicken to it.  They really liked it, and I 
thought It was good,  but really think I liked it better
 without the chicken.  Just in case you missed the
 recipe and would like to see it,
Just click here!  and scroll down towards the bottom
and you will see some pics of it along with the recipe.

I have also been thinking that the next time I make
the viniagrette I might just add some coconut to it.
Sounds yummo to me!! or could just sprinkle some
on top of salad too.

Well, better get on with Table Top Tuesday...................

All these pictures are of our coffee table in the family room.

 blue tea tray and blue and white stripe kitchen towel

 Shells in a bird nest

 Love this starfish,  I have had him for ages.

 New coastal find from Target,  thought it was so cute!

 Lantern was a new find from Target as well,
on sale ......................

Really Love the look when the candle is lit!

An overview,  and just added some raffia to add a lil spice.
Sorry this is a bit blurry,  but didn't have time to do a retake.

These next pictures are of a lil side table beside the sofa!

Here is another new find this time from last weeks shopping
 excursion..........I had seen him at Cracker Barrel many times
 while we were away on vacation, and loved him from the start,
but didn't want to pay $21.00 for him,  last week I found him
 at our Cracker Barrel for $10.00,  so decided to bring
him home.....................lol
Put him on the chair with a pillow behind so you could
see him better, cause he doesn't show up as well in the
other pictures..................

This was my fist vignette but decided to change it
just a little......................

Changed it to this.....thought Mr. Sea Bird looked better
on the other side................he doesn't look like a seagull 
or sandpiper to me,  so not sure what he is, 
 If you know please tell me!! lol

Had the clam and conch looking shell from a few
 years back for a table I did for my daughter for her
 birthday, the beads I have had for ages,  and the 
candle was a gift.

Just in case you are wondering what the scent was
 and the fragrance is lovely.

same pic as above just posterized

Mr. Sea bird says,
Hope you have a Beachy Day!!

Thanks for stoppin in,
 always great to hear from you!

Am linking up to Marty over at
 a stroll thru life and
if you want to see more vignettes
 and tabletops, be sure to visit 
Marty by Clicking Here!

Big Hugs and Beachy Blessings,

Oh yea, and Happy 4th of July!
God Bless America!


  1. That looks really pretty and summery! Hope you have a nice holiday tomorrow!

  2. so pretty.. I love the nautical look and you did yours just right.

    have a great week.

  3. I'm going to the beach tomorrow (albeit for a very short trip) and you just got me very excited!!! Thanks!

  4. Love your coastal look, gal! Too much fun! Good to hear that all is well. Wanted to call today, but the day got away from me! Ugh! Maddy's friend Amanda is here, so I took them to the mall.

    Love and hugs, Nellie!
    Maybe we'll be able to connect for a few minutes tomorrow!!

    Have a wonderful 4th!

  5. Oh I love your beach look too. Just enough and not overdone. Perfect. Thanks tons for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  6. Hello again, Nellie! I don't know if you remember me from my old redeemed blog. I just love your tablescapes--so lovely! The colors have me thinking of the beautiful ocean and seashore of FL.
    Blessings :)

  7. Cute beachy things, Nellie. The loon (or whatever the cute long-legged bird is) is wonderful!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...