Monday, July 16, 2012

Cloche Party- make that 3 cloches

Happy Monday Sweet Friends,

So how was your weekend?? 
 Hope you had a really good one.

Our's was good,  went to see Dee and Jerry on Friday night,
for an easy dinner of subs and chips and fruit salad and sat out
 by the pool and caught up, then played some skipbo. Girl's
Rule..........cause Dee and I both won!  lol
  It was a great time................

Saturday, got some things done around here that have needed
 doing for awhile.  Hubby fixed some dresser drawers that have
 been acting up,  found a place for our sign we bought in Tenn.,
(maybe I can show you next week) then, hung another metal piece
 that we bought for our guest bedroom,  then we mowed and
 trimmed some bushes and of course, we did find time to play
 some wii tennis and watch a good movie called 
" A  letter to Dad".  It was really a good movie and it was
 based on a true story and had a great ending.
As always we got it from Netflix.

Sunday was our usual,  worship and rest..........we can never
 get accused of working too hard on a Sunday
that is for

As you can see we got our computer back up and running,
 the fellow came out this morning and fixed it before noon.
 Hubby was right, it was the modem.  Amazing how many
 things you think to look up or need to look up when
it isn't
The blessing of it.....was that the technician said we needed
 a new box on the outside of our house and it should have
 been done 15 yrs. ago,  so he put a new one in and
 guess what??
  Our internet service has been faster...............when Jim
started his new job we upgraded to the faster DSL since
he would be working at home on Wednesdays, but
I could never tell the difference,  but I sure can now.

Well, on with the cloche par tay.......................

I have 3 to show you, one in the kitchen, on in our
coastal family room,  and one in our white living room.

This typically sits on my counter top,  and it has
bagels and blueberry biscuits inside along with
the faux blueberries.

So just decided to play some and make a nice lil 
coffee/tea party look.

From the opposite side just with a Posterized affect.

These were carnations I had left over from the
bouquets for the Pastors wives.

This is a mini cake plate that a friend made for me
several years ago................

Love these cute lil dessert looking candles,  I have 4 and they
are all so cute.  They typically sit on my kitchen counter as well.

I bought these pink carnations and they looked great
at the store and then when I got them home some of
them were broken,  so I thought they were too old
maybe so decided not to use them.

You can see the blueberry biscuit from this side.

I love carnations and I love this shade of pink too.

My small cloche done with Shells.

Loved this picture with the colored pencil affect

My large cloche with one of my favorite cream pictures and some
added raffia........................this sits in our white livingroom.

With a colored pencil affect again!!

Hope you enjoyed your visit
and that you come again soon.

Thanks for your visit and look 
forward to hearing from you.

Will be linking up to Marty over at
a stroll thru life,  so if you want to
see what everybody is doing with
their cloches, Just click Here!

Also linking up to the Style Sisters
for centerpiece Wednesday, so you
can see some pretty centerpieces
or something that has been the 
centerpiece of their life that week.
to check it out Click Here.

Linking up to Kathleen over at
 Faded Charm Cottage as well.
So want to see lots of pretty
whites,  just click here.

Also linked up to Susan @
Between Naps on the Porch
to see some great tablescapes
just click here!

Love, Hugs and
Pretty Cloche' Blessings,


  1. Oh I absolutely love your cloches. How cute are they. Love the bagel and biscuit, so wonderful. The flowers are gorgeous. The pitcher under the one in the family is so simple and so stunning. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  2. What a sweet table you set! I can taste the pecan waffles, and fresh coffee right now! :o)

    The cloches are so cute! Love the one with the shells! Oh and I meant to ask you earlier how the bouquets went! I sure prayed that all would go well!

    So lovely! Found out about Friday. Will give you a buzz tomorrow!

    Love ya bunches,

  3. Lovely cloches, Nellie. I love your table too, it looks so cozy and charming...Christine

  4. I love the table settings! I especially love the last one with the white pitcher underneath. Very pretty. Glad you had your computer fixed and are running fast again! Seems like a nice weekend also. Ours was nice. It was Phil's birthday on Saturday but he was away as usual with his reserve unit but came home unexpectedly Saturday night. It seems the government forgot to pay him for a day in April and try as they could no one could get the government to fix the problem and pay him the day they owe him. So his unit agreed that he could sign in and leave Saturday. So he had off on Sunday but will be paid anyway. Does that make sense? LOL Enjoy!

  5. I just love your clohes, so pretty.TFS.
    Have a great day.

  6. Beautiful tablescape Nellie! Don't you just love carnations? They seem to last a long time. All your sweets under the cloches look delicious!

  7. So pretty! A sweet table to sit at and chat with your sweet friends.



  8. Enjoyed my visit!! I like pink too!! Everything is just lovely!!

  9. Love your table with the cloche with the goodies underneath! They're perfect for that. Love your others as well.

  10. Nellie

    I love carnations. They smell so good. They were one of my weddings flowers.
    I also love when you use the pencil affect on your photos. I need to look into that .

    Blessings & Love

  11. Your kitchen is pretty - love the wallpaper. Your cloches are pretty and so are the carnations. I always liked the smell of carnations!
    Hugs, Beth

  12. So much delightful eye candy. I love your cloche designs. Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  13. Nellie, your table looks so pretty, especially those carnations against your floral wall paper -- so feminine! I see I am going to have to get a cloche or two so I can play along! Thank you for your kind comments on my table -- I'm late returning the visit, since I've been out of town.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a hopeful Sunday and week. Hugs  and Blessings, Nellie