Thursday, July 5, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - July 5, 2012

Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt his name together.
Psalm 34:3

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have been having a good week
and a great 4th of July!

Have had a good week myself, and a good
4th as you will read,  so without further
adieu I will be on with my list.

I am thankful
for this Wonderfully Blessed Country 
that I live in...........Even with all her
problems she is still the best place in
 the world to live, this side of Heaven!

I am thankful
for the freedoms that we have, and
 I am particularly thankful for our 
religious freedoms. Something to
never take for granted, for sure!

I am thankful
for electricity and A/C,  cause in this
terrible heat I realize there are so many 
without power right now,  and have been
praying for them.

I am thankful
for the nice 4th of July we was
quiet and uneventful,  just the 2 of us,
but we had a fun day together.

I am thankful
that we got to see Scott and Megan on
Sunday,  and Dee and Jerry and Rosie,
on Tuesday evening.  Both visits were
really fun.

I am thankful
that the guys are especially enjoying
the wii games, we all really like it, but
just sometimes we girls like to talk
instead, and you know how guys love to
 do things together, so they are having
a great time.  Always love to see our
family have fun together.

  Hubby and I have recently
been playing a lot of wii tennis.
That is Lots of fun!!

I am thankful
that Dee is really enjoying her new job
in mammography,  and that they are really
enjoying their new envirionment where they
now live.  Last week  she saw a racoon,  and 
she videotaped him,  he was in her podocarpus
 bushes eating the berries, it was quite humerous,
  and they have also had some deer in their yard
 too.  So they are getting a kick out of it.

I am thankful
I am getting to participate in a surprise... 
 can't tell you now,  but will tell you about
it next week.  But I just love surprising

I am thankful
for an dear friend who is helping me
with the surprise as well.

I am thankful
that Scott and Megan got their offer accepted on
the house and hopefully should close by the end
of July.

I am thankful
for something really sweet my hubby said
to me yesterday, and the timing was so

I am thankful
for the gift of prayer, and that I can pray
anytime,anywhere knowing that God
 hears my prayers.  what a blessing!!

Well,  that's a wrap!

Thanks so much for your visit,  always
 enjoy when you come by......

Hope you have a joyous weekend,
with family and/or friends and furry
friends as well.

Love, Hugs,
and Freedom Blessings,


  1. Happy Friday Nellie, As always I love your list and your heart of gratitude. So glad you had a good 4th; sounds like fun playing tennis.
    I can't wait til I hear about the surprise-how fun.
    Have a joyous weekend in Him.
    Love, Noreen

  2. HI! I'm glad you had a great 4th. We had a ton of fun too. Glad to hear everything is going so well for your entire family. Have a beautiful Sunday!

  3. #1. I praise GOD that He is still blessing the Christians by not allowing the problems in D.C. to harm us.
    #2. I pray for our Christian freedoms to continue.
    #3. I don't know how we ever did without it when we first lived in the Florida Keys!
    #4. Same here other than watching some fireworks on tv. and hearing the real thing over one of the lakes behind me, ha!
    #5. Joy, joy, joy!!!
    #6. You DO get the exercise. I remember aching a few days after I had played the bowling games!
    #7. I hope she can get you the video tape to share on your blog!!
    #8. The surprise went off great! What a nice compliment Jim gave you form our church pulpit! That's why I was in the second service (to record it and the Boy Scout presentation. It wasn't in the first service.)
    #9. Tell your friend she did a great job too!
    #10. I'll pray it happens sooner!!
    #11. You two are the ideal lubby-dubbies!
    #12. and can pray for anyone whether they like it or not, ha!
    GOD bless you all so very much, Love, Susan


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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