Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Table Top Tuesday - The Real Cloches Party - make it 3 again!

Well Hello Sweet Friends,

How in the world are you doing?? 
 Feel like it has been ages...........
but it has just been 4 days.

Hope you all had a great weekend.

Our's was very good I have to say quiet
and restful until Sunday. We watched a
few movies over the weekend, one was
"A house of our own" and it was a really
great story about a widowed Mom with
6 kids.  Quite a story and the ending is
so great it made me cry because of the
good things that happened to them.
If you need to be encouraged,  this will
do it.............lol

We also played some wii tennis, table
tennis and bowling.  We are just loving
that thing!  Who would have thought!! lol
Did some reading, talking, and eating!
We are so easily entertained, I have
to say.

Scott and Megan came over after church
on Sunday and Scott made Jambalaya 
for us.  I had never had it before,  but
it was good eating,  and so sweet of
him to do that!  Who doesn't love a
guy that can cook.  We had a very fun 
day and evening.  These guys are
loving that wii tennis, and are so
cute together.

Yesterday something went kafluey with
my computer again, so since hubbies boss
 was in town knew he would be working 
late so decided to go out shopping and 
get out of the house. Lately,  I like to
buy something for Dee for her house
when she does my hair,  cause one of
her love languages is gift giving, and
 I would have to pay the hairdresser if 
I went to one anyway!  and We both 
enjoy it sooo much............have 
always loved shopping for my kids!!

Fortunately,  after hubby came home
and had dinner and rested a bit, Thank-
fully he was able to get the computer 
back to normal.  Thank

Was gonna post some Coastal table
tops today,  but was feeling creative,
and like playing today
so decided to make some new cloches
for this week. I thought last week was
the cloche party,  so I was a week early
but I have had fun coming up with some
new ones.  It inspired me to get some
dusting down as well.....nice bonus!!

Well, on with the cloche Party...........

same picture in colored pencil

Birdhouse cloche with flowers and birdie
This resides in my bedroom.  Forgot about it
as it was a recent replacement for something
I moved onto the porch when I redid it a few
months back

Candle cloche
This is in my bedroom too, and forgot I could
use it this way! It can be turned  up the other
 way and it can be a vase.
  Had potpourri in there before.

Posterized affect

I Like the shadow and the candle

This is my teeny cloche
This is now on my kitchen table.  Decided to
fill it with faux strawberries.

Colored pencil affect

posterized affect

Hope you have enjoyed the 
Cloche Party

and what is a Cloche, you say???

Here is the dictionary definition:


  [klohsh, klawsh] 

a woman's close-fitting hat with a deep, bell-shaped
 crown and often a narrow, turned-down brim.

a bell-shaped glass cover placed over a plant to protect
 it from frost and to force its growth.

a bell-shaped metal or glass cover placed over a plate
 to keep food warm or fresh.

My Definition:

Something fun to decorate!  lol

I'm linking up to Marty over at
A stroll thru life,  so if you want
to see what Cloches are
Just click here!

Please drop by again soon, now that
you know what a Cloche is........lol
Always love hearing from you!

Have a Great Week with
Beautiful Cloche Blessings!



  1. Oh sounds like such a fun weekend. I love game and impromptu dinners and get-togethers. Best times of all. Love your cloches, they are fabulous. The birdcage is beautiful and the candle cloche is so creative and so pretty. Love it. Great pictures too. Thanks so much for joining the party. Hugs, Marty

  2. It was neat seeing all of your cloches...hard to pick a favorite. I think I like the birdcage cloche the best though...so sweet! Enjoying your blog as well...

  3. I really like your birdcage and birdie cloche.....love birds!

  4. As always, your photos of your home are beautiful. Must be a really pretty relaxing place! I think it's nice that you bring something to offset the price of getting your hair done. And I think I saw that movie, it was good! Things are good here. Trying to keep up with everything, but enjoying the summer with hubby home! Enjoy your Wednesday!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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