Thursday, November 29, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - November 29, 2012 and impromtu pizza night table

Fall pic from last year...........last pics of Fall till Fall 2013  lol

Let them praise the name of the LORD,
 for his name alone is exalted; his splendor is above
 the earth and the heavens.
Psalm 148:13

Evening Sweet Friends,

Know lots of you are having a ball
 with your Christmas decorating,  have 
seen some pretty sights in blogland

Looking forward to more, and looking forward to seeing 
some in my house!!  lol
I am a lil slower getting started this year than usual, and 
not too thrilled about it either, but life is what happens 
when your making your plans, ya know!!  So I have might as well accept it and just go 
with it,  cause the more you fight against it the more
 miserable you I hear a hearty 
amen to that!! lol  I hear ya!!

Well, gotta get this finished up, so gonna get 
started on my list.  I swanee, I always feel so much
better when I finish this post, especially if it has
been a trying week,  and this has been one
of here goes!!

I am thankful
for all the work we have gotten done in the garage,
it looks so much neater and we have so much
more room as well.  Also it is a project we have
wanted to tackle for quite awhile.  Not quite
finished but we wil get there,  may not be till
after the first of the year tho...............

These pics are of an improptu pizza night and have
 absolutely nothing to do with this post but just had
 them and never got to post them so thought
might as well post them!!

I am thankful
that all my Fall things are packed away and
I am finally getting started on christmas a little
bit,  haven't gotten much done this week, due
to Dr. appts, my back, and a situation we have
 been helping someone with...............

I am thankful
for christmas music....I really needed it today,
it is just so uplifting.............and I also took my
CD player and listened to it while they were
 drilling my teeth.  Love that it drowns out some
 of the sound of the drill, and keeps my mind
 off the drilling as well,............well, as much 
as it can anyway!!  lol

Even impromptu and paper goods can look nice.

I am thankful
that my crown prep went well at our new dentist.
She did a great job and it was painless.............
love that part!!  She also called me today to
see how I was doing.......isn't that great the
Dr. herself called,  and her whole staff is
wonderful.  Such sweet ladies.

With posterized affect

 I am thankful
for Megan and what a sweet Daughter-in-love
she is, and how perfectly she fits in with our
family, and today is her 30th birthday, and we
look forward to celebrating with her on Sunday.
We just love her to pieces.

I am thankful
that my sister-in-law's house is coming along
well, and especially this soon.  She had a flood
in her house,  hot water heater broke, and went
all under her new wood floors she got about
5-6 months ago.  They have been working on
the floors the last few days,  so she will hopefully
we getting back to normal here in the next week
or so.  It took us a year to get back to normal
when our house flooded, course, it was our
entire house, and we had a Mother-in-law in
a nursing home that we were trying to attend
to as well,  so that slowed things a lot!!
But we were incredibly grateful when it was
all done and for the lovely results that we
could have never imagined.

I am thankful
that it has been so nice so we can walk outside
again.  Cause that is all I can do right now, and
at a much slower pace, than I am used to doing
till this back and tendinitis thing completely clears
 up.  My scales are rising.  I had lost 3 pds. and 
have now gained 4,  but I am grateful I had lost
 the 3 before or the scales would even be higher.

I am thankful
for this really neat peacock blue open front
light weight sweater I found at Sam's on Wed.
It was only $17.00 and goes great with a skirt
I have,  so think it will make a nice outfit.

I am thankful
that we will get to start teaching again this
quarter in Sunday School.  It has been a
while,  but we had some folks ask,  and we
had been feeling like we would like to.....
so those lil nudges helped make up our minds.

I am thankful
that Dee and I are gonna get to do a lil
Christmas shopping and lunch together 
tomorrow.  She finally has a day off,  so nice
I get to spend half of it with her.  Her hubby
gets off at 2,  so then it is his turn.  

We actually wound up having till 3:30,
and had so much fun together,   it was a
delightful love gift that I really need.

I am thankful
for Neutrogena anti residue shampoo,as my 
hair has a wierd texture again on top and couldn't do 
anything with it.  Hair spray build up again, and I only 
spray the top lightly. This shampoo is great tho and 
took care of the problem the last time I had it, so
hopefully will do it again, have to wait and see
as my hair is still

Update:  Once I blow dried my hair it came
out so much better and was more manageable, 
 but  think I just need to use it once or twice  more. 
 Now that I think about it.....had to do that 
the last time too.  I put it on my dry hair, then
 let it sit a few minutes before washing it out.
This stuff really works well.................

posterized affect

I am thankful
for Pastor Andy Stanley and what a great teacher
and bible story teller he is...........we are doing
on of his series this quarter called "Staying in
Love".  We have seen it already,  and it is really
good. it's a marriage class, of course!!

Well, folks..............
that's my list for this week!

Thanks for stoppin' in,
love reading your comments.

Have a wonderful Weekend.

Love, Hugs and
Last Day of November Blessings,


  1. I think you honor our Lord by this "sacrifice" of thanksgiving, Nellie. A song that comes to my mind has a line in it--"In the good times, praise His name. In the bad times, do the same. In everything give the King of Kings all the praise/thanks."

    P.S. I am loving Christmas music playing on a Christian radio station here all afternoon, too.

  2. Hi Nellie.

    Its always a joy to read your list.
    I am thankful for my life and all the love thats in it. This is the greatest gift I ever receive.

    hugs and blessings

  3. Yes you do have a hearty amen to that!
    #1. I need to clean out mine! I already have my New Year's resolution, ha! I need to go through my whole house and throw out stuff that's been piled for years! I'm so glad the County gave us those nice BIG garbage cans, lol!
    #2. I just know that person is really so grateful and thankful for your much needed love, concern, and help!
    #3. I'm hoping you are all done with the dental work. I go on Monday for my "checkup."
    #4. It is so uplifting to know there are still people who really care in this world today!
    #5. Happy 30th birthday, Megan!
    #6. Praise the LORD in all things. I'm really grateful it's not taking months. It took so much courage on your part for that to take a year! I now know a "little" of the heartache you went through. You were a joy to mom to come and do the many things that you did for her! What blessings the LORD is going to give you in Heaven for that. Even better, she (and me) will be witnesses to the crowns our LORD is going to give to you! (As well as rewards you will receive for being here for me in my time of greatest need!)
    #7. I'm praying the LORD will touch your body and heal you of the tendinitis. One day our new bodies will no longer have any kind of pain. Praise our GOD!
    #8. I can hardly wait to see it!
    #9. Great! Wonderful! The LORD will so bless you and those you teach!
    #10. That is so wonderful. I remember when mom and I use to go out and eat. It was so enjoyable! I really enjoy doing so again with my church lady friends as well as my great friend Sylvia!
    #11. I am so thankful I am able to have Melitta do my hair. She uses these kind of products too since I use so much hairspray!
    #12. I thank the LORD for all of His people who assist in out journey of learning more. I have lately been watching Joyce Meyers. The LORD has been using her teachings on faith and trust in our LORD to really hit home with me!
    I love you all so much, Susan.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie