Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Making your normal Pictures look christmasy -an easy fix tutorial

Season's Greetings Sweet Friends,

Can't believe we are already into Decemeber.....
boy, that week after Thanksgiving just flew by....
for me anyway!!   lol 
How about you??

How are you doing??  Are you 
running behind, ahead of schedule
or right on track???  

I am so happy to say we caught up a lot over the 
weekend.  So helpful having hubby home as it
is difficult to get a lot done when you are not
 suppose to bend over and stoop down.  lol
and all of a sudden It seems like I drop every-
thing I pick up, which is not the typical norm ......
Just gotta keep a sense of humor,  cause I am 
determined not to be drug to the pit over this 
back thing.

We were able to at least get the family and
dining room pretty much done and make it
homey enough for Megan's birthday celebration
on sunday.  So was very happy about that.
We all enjoyed it, as always.

Still gotta get our tree up, and lights outside,
hubby is on the ladder out there as I type.
I am taking a short break.  I have been work-
ing in the white living room,  and the guest
bath,  so am about done with both,  and
then have some finishing touches in the
family room,  probably mostly the tree,
Ohhhh. and gotta figure out something to do
 with the mantle yet, forgot about that!!  lol

Well, was christmasizing my pictures today,
and thought hey, maybe I should do a tutororial
for yall.  It is very easy and I do it on smaller

1. Decide what picture you would like to change,
 find a pretty christmas card you would like to use.

2. Choose a background paper,  this was actually
printed paper that I happened to have,  but you could
use any cardstock or scrapbooking paper, or even
wrapping paper, I would think.

3. Flip your paper over and roll up a piece of masking tape 
so it stick together, (like double stick tape) then stick it to
 the back of the paper, I just did one pc. at the top since the 
paper was thin, didn't want it to show up a lot,
but you can put the tape wherever you want, might need
to be on both ends,  if so I will find out later!!  lol

4. Center the paper and then stick it right on the glass.

5. Now take your pretty card or whatever pic you would like
to use and flip it over.............

and put a lil larger pc. of masking tape on the back of it.
and make sure you get it centered, then stick it to your
background paper or stock

6. Enjoy the new picture you have!

FYI:  I find the tape usually holds everything  fine........
since it is only up for a month or so,  and it pulls 
right off with no mess or stress!

7. Put it where you want it ...............and decorate to 
enhance it.......................

Here it is in it's place,  in our white living room.

You can roll up some scotch tape and put it inside the card too,
if you need the card to lay down or close (if it is a side opeing
card).  This one folds from the top down,  so didn't use any,
since I just got it in the mail yesterday!!  lol

Aren't they adorable lil angels......................

I did this one today too!

This went on our breakfront in the same room.
Had another picture there, so left it to cover a nail hole
and just leaned the new one against it, then decorated
the rest of the shelf.

 I am doing a lil bit of a vintage look in here,  it all started 
with Megan's table centerpiece.  Will show you the table
later this week or next week, lord willing!!  and some
peeks of the living room soon....................

Front view

 Have had this lil dove since 1976,  it is an Avon
ornament made out of  real silver, guess it would sure
be considered vintage since it is 36 years old.

side view

posterized affect!

Am linking up to Marty over at a stroll
thru life,  to see more fun table tops
and ideas............just click here!

Linking up to Becky too, over at 
Timewashed for Blissful White
 Wednesday, check it out,
by just clicking here.

Hope you have a Wonderful Day
enjoying the Christmas Season.

We are excited............hubby finished
the lights and it looks so nice.........
one step closer to being finished and
ready to just enjoy it all.................

Hugs and  Special
Christmas Season Blessings,


  1. what a pretty idea Nellie.. Love those laterns too~!

    Merry Christmas

  2. Hi Nellie, thanks for visiting my blog! I really like this picture idea you have, it sure dresses things up!

  3. Hi Nellie

    Very cute idea with the picture. I love the 3 little angels. It reminds me of me and my 2 sisters except I am the middle and problem should have been the one with her eyes open.

    I am getting around better with my Verigo. It has really slowed me way down. I am almost done with deorating the tree but still have more decorations to put and shopping to do besides working full time.

    I am enjoying every moment of this season because I have been forced to slow down I can see and appreciate more.

    Blessings & Love

  4. Great Idea of the picture cards in the frame! I surely pray your back gets better! Be careful to not hurt it more with all of the bending. That's hard to do during this busy time of getting things done!
    Love you all, Susan

  5. Everything looks so gorgeous on your blog, Nellie. Beautifully presented. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Wishing you all the best for the Christmas season. Hugs, Gayle.

  6. Wow Gal! What a great idea! I have never seen anything done like this before! And it looks so good! Thanks for linking up to Blissful Whites Wednesday!!

  7. Nellie...I love this idea! I kind of do something similar except without the background-I'll have to try that out! I am finally blogging again, and I glimpsed at an email that you sent me but I can't find it now. How are you? It seems as though you have injured your back? Prayers!

    I have moved my blog to www.peachesandpearlscassidy.blogspot.com...have a little surprise for you as I think you do for me too:)


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 13, 2025, and Valentine's decorations from the past

    For God so love d  the world that he gave  his one and only Son,   that whoever believes  in him shall not perish but have eternal life....