Monday, December 10, 2012

Happy Monday, lovely Christmas Video and weekend recap

Happy Monday Sweet Friends,

Hope you had a fun and productive weekend!

Ours was both.  Friday we went to Scott
and Megans' for pizza, and tomorrow I
will show you what we did while we
were there.

 Then Sat. hubby
finished up the tree after we located
some more lights, Couldn't believe
Wally World was out of them,  but
We found them at Ace Hardware, of all 
places...which was close by, thankfully.
Got the mantle and fireplace all finished 
and the top of my hutches done, so 
just gotta do a lil decorating on the tree 
today and throw some snow on, then pack
 all the leftovers up till January,and hope-
fully the decorating is done!  and I will
be very happy about that.

Saturday night we went to Dee and
Jerry's and got take out barbecue, from
a new restaurant they recently discovered,
  played some skipbo and hubby and Jerry
 put in a dimmer switch for their dining 
room light, while Dee and I took a short 
stroll in her neighborhood.  Couldn't 
believe we actually saw 4 mangers 
scenes in such a short stroll, but so 
nice to see, and they had lots of 
pretty decorations. It was also fun
to see both of the kids homes all
decorated for Christmas..........

Sunday was our usual day of church and
 yomii yogurt, and a nap and Sunday night
 was our churches children's Christmas 
Pageant. It was really wonderful, I have
 to say. They sounded like lil angels! 
 and it was a really delightful experience.
what the season is all about.........

I rec'd this lovely link to a video of
a flash mob in a mall, singing!
It was a delight to my heart and 
think it will be to your's too!

Click Here

to enjoy it!!  Truly what the season
is all about!

Well,  Have a Sweet Day!

Look forward to hearing 
from you!

Hugs and
Merry Christmas Blessings,

Can you believe it is already Dec. 10th?
and how are you coming along??


  1. That video was fantastic! The group had a great layout of how they pressented it. When I saw the lady security guard, I thought she might "break it up." Thank the LORD she didn't. What a witness for our LORD!
    Love you, Susan

  2. You are so lucky to be able to spend time with your kids so easily. We leave for Orlando in a few days, so I will be spending some time with my sweet that! She will be working of course, but we will have dinner and a few days off with her. We are moving from the hotel to her place on Christmas Eve, so we will actually wake up Christmas morning in a home instead of a hotel for the first time in 6 years!

    I love the video in the mall. I shared it on Facebook, but one person said it was just Christians forcing their religion on others. I didn't feel that way at all. I would have enjoyed it if it had been Jewish music or Muslim (do they have music) or any religion. Of course these songs mean more to me...but it was pretty for everyone I would think.

  3. Love the video! That is what Christmas is all about...praising our savior:)

  4. We had to get lights also this year, and not just one strand! Hoping you post photos soon!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...