Thursday, December 6, 2012

Welcome to Thankful Thursday - December 6, 2012

We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield.
In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name.
May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord,
even as we put our hope in you.
Psalm 33: 20-22

Greetings Sweet Peas,

How has your week been going??
Going well I hope!!

Mine is going well.........still trying to finish up
 the Christmas decorating, but we opted for some
 fun instead!! lol
We also managed to get a Christmas movie in this 
week too,  so that was fun......... it was called
"All I want for Christmas", I think,  it was actually
quite a cute movie.

Will tell you about the rest thru my post.

I am thankful
for this lovely and sweet gift (header picture)
 we rec'd from our sweet and respectful
 neighbors next door.They are a young couple with
 2 adorable children.  We are so thankful for them.
They are a great asset to the neighborhood.

I am thankful
for the  emergent meow's of our kitty to go out,
 on Tuesday morning, as we were under a boil water
 alert from the water Co., and I had put a pot of
 water on the stove to boil for hubby's coffee in 
the morning and was so tired I forgot all about
 it, and went to bed, and woke up to her cries at
 5:30, still dark here at that time, so I could easily
 see the stove burner in the dark, blazing red hot,
 nearly had a heart attack but was so thankful for
 Molly's cries. The Lord can use anything or anyone
 even animals. The pot was of course, empty, so
 no telling what could have happened, but I would
 think a fire could have been possible, and it was 
silverstone so don't know if it puts off toxic fumes
 or not, but did have to throw it out,  as it dissolved 
some of the silverstone,  but there was no bad 
smell,  so have a feeling it was caught just in time. 
 God is so good.
I remember a story in the bible where God used a 
donkey to speak to a man, so he could sure use
 a kitty as well.............


I am thankful
that the person we have been helping has gotten 
some sense of relief from her situation by retaining 
an attorney, and has also given us peace of mind 
for her as well.


I am thankful
we are able to gift the kids with a crib for
our new baby grandaugher to come.  My dad
did that for us,  and we really loved it and
appreciated it so much, and means a lot to
 us to be able to do that for our kids as well.
Plus there are 2 other sets of grandparents 
that probably would have enjoyed that too,
 but they were very sweet and gracious to 
allow us to do this since this is our first
 grand child. The crib arrived yesterday, so 
can't wait to see it up,  and the new freshly
painted room.  It is lilac and green with white
trim. so this white crib is gonna look so nice
in there, of course, that was their plan.

Same plant, just with the sun shining on it.


I am thankful
for all of the Christmas decorating we have
gotten done so far.  Still need to work on
the tree and mantle, did get part of it done
 yesterday,  but we had an appt. at 4:30 so,
 we figured we were dressed and out we might 
as well make a night of it, plus I had a number 
of things I needed to take back,  so we did that


I am thankful
for what a fun evening we had, and din din
at Cracker Barrel.  It was well needed.


I am thankful
to be out from under the boil water restriction
finally,  we got the all clear this morning, and
it has been since Monday.  Not so much that
boiling the water is bad,  it is that you for-
get it needs to be boiled and caught myself
a few times using a lil before I caught it, 
and then made me wonder if I had used it
and not thought about it........but we are
still alive so guess that is a good sign!!  lol


I am thankful
that hubby was able to work at home both
Wed. and Thursday this week.  It was nice
to be able to get him to do some things that
I can't like pick up stuff I drop on the floor or
 get clothes out of the dryer when he takes
a break for coffee or lunch, so I could con-
tinue on,  and not have to wait for him to
get that was a blessing,
and it is always nice having him home.


I am thankful
that we got a reimbursement check in the
mail today for our old car tag.  We applied
for it but didn't know if we would get it or
not, or some or none.  We got it all,  so
that was great,  and it came within 2 weeks
they said to be prepared for a 6-8 week wait.
So what a nice surprise and blessing.


I am thankful
that I am feeling better every day, not 
quite there yet, but coming along..........
feeling like there is light at the end of this


I am thankful
that our kitty seems to be gaining some
weight,  as we were told a while back that
she might have thyroid problems.  Hubby
did some research online and found out
cats were getting that from iodine in their
food............iodine comes from fish, so
we have been only feeding her chicken
and beef, so seems to be helping!!


I am thankful
that I heard this week from an adorable
young bloggy friend that I haven't heard
from in awhile,  and she is doing well,
in fact,  she and her hubby are expecting,
a baby too, just a month after
 Scott and Megan.

The sun was so bright it just washed all the color out,
but still a pretty picture I think.


I am thankful
that I got to talk with my cousin this week,  she
 just had her 70th birthday a few weeks ago and
 I tried to call her a few times and had no luck,  
so I emailed and had no was glad 
she is doing fine,  and that she had a nice
 birthday spent with her brother.

Well,  that's all folks, 
 as Porky Would say!!  lol

Hope you are continuing to enjoy 
this most Wonderful Season of All

Always good to hear from you.

Love, Hugs,
and Red Poinsettia Blessings,


  1. How nice (as usual) to catch up with the happenings in your home and family. I'd sure like to see a picture of the new crib - I can tell how thrilled you are to be able to be a part of the whole pregnancy adventure :)

    Well, I hope you continue to experience improvement in your back and that kitty keeps gaining weight and thriving....♥

  2. Psalm 33 - Amen! I meant to say last time how much I like your new blog lay out!
    #1. I'm thankful for my great neighbor friends too! We have all been here since the building of our homes. (George & Lillian came 4 years later.) 28 years - same neighbors!
    #2. Praise GOD he protected you from any harm. Thank you LORD for sweet kitty!
    #3. Praise GOD from whom all blessings flow!
    #4. What a blessing to you all!
    #5. It's amazing the things I had to do today as well! It catches up with me before I realize it.
    #6. I'm thankful for my outing today with the church group to Arabian Nights. The horses were just beautiful! I loved how they would bow on one knee, touching their noses to the ground!
    #7. I know you are! My friend has the big bottled water brought into her home and has it on a stand.
    #8. Togetherness is the greatest blessing the LORD has!
    #9.Isn't it great when the LORD uses His timing rather than man using His!
    #10. I'm so glad! I have been praying for your back to be healed each day!
    #11. My Sarah never liked fish. I always give her chicken & beef too.
    #12. It's always great to get great news of joy!
    #13. I'm so glad you found out about her. Happy Birthday to her!

    The joy of this season needs to be remembered all year long! What joy there would be for everyone if all could do this! Love, Susan

  3. I love your thankful notes:) They are such a great way to think about how blessed we ALL are. I can't figure the comment thing out on my blog! I will have to try googling it for sure! So exciting that your grandbaby is going to be a girl! It seems that there is so much more fun stuff to shop for with little girls lol:) But thats a good thing for me with the boy...I need to save the money! haha The nursery sounds gorgeous too, you will have to share. I am all about some interior design;) I hope your kitty continues to get better!! Take care Nellie!

  4. Hi Nellie, and Merry Christmas to you and your family! I always enjoy reading your thankfulness posts. You are such a positive and upbeat woman of God! He is using you! God bless!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...