Thursday, December 27, 2012

Tablescape Thursday - 3 in 1 Christmas Tables

 Happy 2nd Day After
When I started was just the day
after.............but anyway..........

Hope you all had a joyful day, filled with 
lots of love and laughter and good food 
and fellowship as you celebrated the
Birthday of our Wonderful Lord.

Our celebrations were all wonderful and we loved every
minute of them.  Nothing like having your family with
you as you celebrate any holiday, but especially
as it is one of our all time favorites.

Thought I would show you my Christmas Eve table,
Christmas Day brunch table and Christmas night
dinner table.  I got a lot of mileage out of this
one centerpiece as you will see....................

Notice the lil packages to the left top of each plate, 
 they are andes mints with gift box embellishments from 
the scrapbooking section stuck on them.  Had them left
over from a few Christmas back, and the have lavendar
in them,  and there is also some lavendar on the spode
dinnerware.  So was a nice color touch.

This was a make it with what I have table,  only thing 
I spent was $6.95 for the flowers.

Saw these flowers at Sam's and they were the inspiration,
as I realized they had the same colors as in the spode
christmas dishes, then thought of these lacy looking
candle holders,  so put a glass inside and used one as
a flower holder .  The arrangement didn't look as good
on all sides as I had hoped but decided to use it anyway,
but just turned the best side out and put it at the end of
the table.  Kinda ran out of flowers,  and was gonna
stick christmas balls in there but didn't like that either
but it turned out fine.  I always say where there is
a will there is a way!!   lol
This shot was taken from the right side of the table.

Forgot I had these lil package sprinkles for the table.
They were red and green just pulled
out the green ones,  and they were the added touch
I needed.

This shows part of the centerpiece from the left side
of the table.

Notice he is sitting in there all by his lonesome.  I was 
running out of time so left well enough alone,  but
thought of something I could add when I did the next
table as you will see further on down............

this is what he looks like from the right side of the table.

Nice overview of our Christmas eve dinner table.  It was just
for 4..............

The next set of pictures below is of our brunch 
table......It was for 5 of us,  but turned out to
 be the  7 of us at the last minute, so added
them in at the other end of the table where
the flowers are...............

 I added salad plates,  cups and saucers and
changed the silverware and napkins. Added a 
pitcher for juice and andes mints with no
embellishments, no time......

These napkins are a darker green with a swirly
pattern,  but go well too, thankfully!  Also
every one was so neat,  I didn't even have
to change the tablecloth which I thought
I would for that made
it really easy...............

 Also added some green christmas balls to
the decorations

Added that green Christmas ball and ribbon in with Mr. Bear
and also on the table,  so made it a bit more colorful and festive.

This shot was taken from the top left side of the table.

Below are the final pictures from our Christmas
 night dinner table.  I had actually planned something
else,  but was whipped by then, and this was just 
easier since it was just the 3 of us.

 Decided to add in some red this time!  Used the same 
plate and napkin ideas I was originally gonna use for the 
other table I had planned,  So just added the red chargers
 and my new white corelleware I got for Christmas instead 
of the white basket weave plates.  

Also added different silverware, glasses and these 
adorable lil bear finger tip towels I bought years ago, 
 they work quite nicely as napkins. 

Then added some red Christmas balls and lil
package sprinkles and I had taken all the 
Christmas balls that were on the ribbons that
I used to embellish the napkins and stacked
them at the end of the table till I got ready
to do the next,  and thought it looked pretty
neat,  so just spread them out and added the
red Christmas balls in there

This was what I did at first.............

 Nice close up of the cute lil bear!!

Then decided to add the red  salad plates in.....liked it 
much better, more color of course.  So my table setting 
was so easy this year, it was amazing.........................
and the table is still fine,  no  messes after 3 times.........
now that is amazing!!  lol

I think the Lord really gave me extra lil graces like this
since I am still having tendinitis issues,  it is much better
tho,  so I am very grateful for that,  and think it will
probably soon be gone.

Yesterday we did absolutely nothing!!  lol
I knew I had better,  as I was feeling it more than I
had the previous days.

Sorry this was soooooo long,  but didn't 
think it would show the results of the 
subtle transformations if I split it up.....
and that was the whole point, to see
 how you can take it from this to that!!

I am linking up to Susan over at Between
 naps on the porch,  be sure to go over and
 check out all the beautiful tablescapes.
Just Click here!

Am also linking up to Kathleen over at 
Kathleen Cuisine. If you would like to
see for yourself,  Just Click Here!

Have a Delightful Day,
Can't wait to hear how your Christmas was!!

Hugs and After Christmas Blessings,



  1. You really are the Diva of Details, Nellie! You obviously enjoy yourself making the table so pretty. (I do well to remember where to put the knives and forks - LOL!)

    We had a quiet Christmas dinner & day with my parents....Our "BIG ONE" is coming this weekend as our 3 children and their families join us at an extended family weekend ending with just our immediate family as they all head back too their homes in IL & KS.

    Happy New Year, Friend! Do you have party plans for N.Y's Eve?

  2. Hi Nellie, your teddy bear theme is precious, I love teddy bears and used to collect them until I got so many that I didn't have a place for them. I am glad you are feeling better tendinitis is not fun at all.
    Wishing you and your dear family a most blessed and Happy New Year.

  3. Way to go, Nellie! I like your idea of conserving energy and resources, but giving each tablescape some individuality.

    Have a very Happy New Year!

  4. The tablescapes are even more pretty to see in person! You did a great job, Nellie.

    I really enjoyed my Christmas with you, Jim and the family! And as always, the food was delicious! Watching the joy on the faces as they opened their gifts is so exciting! Thanks be to our LORD!
    Love to you all, Susan

  5. Hi Nellie, What a wonderful table you set! When I saw your green goblets I realized I have some that are similar that I got for St.Patty's Day-never thought of using them for Christmas. You are so creative!
    Have a wonderful evening.
    Hugs, Noreen

  6. Hi, Nellie! I tried to leave a comment earlier, but it wouldn't take. I'm going to give this another whirl! This was a very creative way to get the most bang for your buck! It takes a lot of creativity to start with a single idea and stretch it into three!!! I hope your tendinitis clears up soon. I struggle with it in my right elbow, and it is so painful. I don't think the cold, cold weather you have there does you any favors where that's concerned, either! Have a happy new year!!!

  7. So pretty, but I think my favorite part is the simplicity of the white ornament with the ribbon against the green napkin.

    Merry Christmas.

    - The Tablescaper

  8. Oh yeah, I love all the green!
    Happy New Year, Nellie.

  9. Sweet tablescapes Nellie! I love your bear in a box, sooo cute and those ornaments with ribbons on the napkins...such a sweet touch!
    Blessings to you!


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...