Monday, December 10, 2012

The start of the baby Nursery

Morning Sweet Friends,

How are ya???  Doing well I hope.
Getting all that shopping and 
decorating done??

I am about done with both,  thank heavens!!
Woke up this morning thinking today is the 11th,
followed by oh my gosh........Christmas is only
10 days away, and I have to do this and this
and I began to feel panic for the first time of
the season,  but I nipped it in the bud with 
this thought..............have you ever not been
ready for Christmas........and I have to say
a bit fat NO,  thanks to  the Lord!!
That sense of stress or panic only slows
us down really.  like the old saying goes
the hurrieder I go,  the behinder I get,
I really think that is

Anyway,  will show you what we did on
Friday night,  some of you have probably
already guessed....................we went to
Scott and Megan's and put the baby crib
together then put all the cute linens on.
It is adorable as you will see below.

This is the room color,  and Scott did the nice
chair rail as well.  Love the color scheme.

This is the head of the bed,  and that is a lil butterfly comfort
blanky laying there on the sheets,  and you can see part 
of the bumper pads.

Here is the other end of the bumper pads. Each square is
different but coordinated.

Nice close up of the pretty quilted butterfly from the

Comforter laying in the bed.

The whole crib set up.  It is one of those 4 in one cribs,
will make into a toddler, junior and adult bed.  Very cool!
Meant to take a pic before we dressed it,  but forgot
as usual.  Anyway,  think it turned out great,  and so
do Megan and Scott.

Gotta run, have a dental appointment,  another crown
and then I get a crown insertion as well.  Last appt.
this year.............Halleleujah!

Course, I have to say since we have our new dentist
and she is very much into pain free dentistry, I have
to say I am not dreading it,  not looking forward to
the work,  but great not to be dreading it either.
The staff are all wonderful,  caring, accomodating
 and sweet as can be.  So always nice to see them.

Have a Wonderful Day

Hugs n'
Merry Christmas Blessings



  1. WOW! How beautiful! The colors are gorgeous! Scott did a really good job with the chair rail. Are there any windows in the room? It would be cute if you could find those butterfly window "stickers" in these colors. They aren't really stickers, but they attach by static electricity.

    I remember I had a child in 2nd grade back in 1983 that her name was Cheyenne Butterfly ..... I had never heard of a child having a middle name (or first for that matter) being Butterfly!

    I know you are having a great time getting prepared to be a grandmom! I have surely enjoyed being an aunt to Scott, and now a great aunt to your grandbaby!
    Love to you all, Susan

  2. I love the nursery! It is beautiful! We are doing the same thing with the crib...the one that "transforms." Lol That is just so practical:) Thanks for sharing Nellie...that is one lucky baby:)

  3. Nellie

    I love the colors. I bet you are getting so excited to meet your little granddaughter.
    I remember when we were getting ready over 9 years ago for Kayla. What great memories I have. We bought a pack N play for our house. We still have it.

    Hope all your dental work went well.

    Blessings & Love



Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...