Thursday, June 4, 2015

Thankful Thursday June 4, 2015, table ideas for Father's Day

Just click here

Why are you downcast, O my soul?
 Why so disturbed within me?
 Put your hope in God,
 for I will yet praise him,
 my Savior and my God.
Psalm 43:5 NIV

Happy Thursday 
Sweet Friends,

Hope you have been having a good 
week, and enjoying the first week
of June......June.... that is amazing!
Really can't believe it.....

My week has been good,  I am feeling lots 
better but just still coughing at times and
feeling tired especially as the day wears on, 
 so have been trying to take it easy still this
 week,  and hoping next week will be

Was also trying to finish up a blog post
I was asked to do for another blogger, for
a June 20th post.  Will tell yall more about
it when the time gets here. Was doing the
happy dance when I finished today.....since
I was a lil

Was trying to decide what to do for pics
for today's post, so decided maybe I should
put some pics of manly tablescapes in honor
 of Father's Day, which will be here before we
 know it.  So I am just gonna put a picture and 
then a link to the post that it came from...........

Hoping it can be of help to someone as guy
tables can be the hardest least for me.

Will get on with my Thankful Post.


I am thankful

for the opportunity to be a part of a celebration
for a really sweet, smart, wise, talented and
beautiful young lady as she graduated from
High School last Saturday. She got a full
 scholarship for college, and another award.
 She is also a very talented gymnast and 
has a wall full of trophys and medallions
for all her competitions she has been in.
This lil gal also went thru some really
tough times in the last 5-6 yrs. as her
 parents divorced, her grandmother she
 was so close to, passed away, and then
 her grandfather remarried and moved away.
All very tough things for her!
so it was so great to see all these wonderful
 things happen for her. and to see her
being celebrated in such a great way.

that my dear friend Becky from over at
Time Washed got to be there too. We have
not laid eyes on each other for about 8 or
 more months. Thank heavens for the phone 
and email.  It was truly a delightful pleasure
 to see and talk to her.
we have videos of the kids wedding pics
set to music and Dee and Jerry's wedding,
and since they are on DVD's we can watch
them anytime we we did watch
them all over again last Friday night, as well
as a Hawaii video that we bought when we
were in Kauai 25 yrs. ago........... and it was 
just so nice to relive it all again, in our pics
and memories.........made for a fun and
sentimental evening, ended with warmed
hearts and  hot fudge sundae'

that we saw a couple that used to attend
 our church years ago, and we never knew
 why they left or  what happened to them,
  so it was great to see them back at their
 home church again

This could be Happy Father's Day
Click here 

for a nice afternoon and evening with
Scott, Megan and the baby on Sunday.
We had some pork carnitas and they
were delicoso!!

that 2 limbs that broke off our huge tree
out front, did not do any damage to any
thing.  We had one heck of a wind and
rain storm on Monday.
that we found someone to come and cut
one of the limbs that was too high for 
hubby to get to, and he also trimmed
up our whole tree.  It looks sort of pitiful 
right now,but it had to be done as they
 suggested that we have him cut all the
 limbs off or shorten them on the side
 towards the house, so we hopefully want 
 need to worry about it falling on our house
 in case we had a bad storm or hurricane
 this year
.  Wise advice we thought!

they also told us to put copper sulfate
down our toilet before we went to bed
so it would sit in the drain field all night,
 so that if there were any roots from the
tree that got into our drain field it would
take care of that.  Someone told hubby
that the tree would actually pull the roots
out, cause it didn't like the copper sul-
fate, isn't that crazy,  but several people
told us it really works. You can buy it
at Lowe's or home depot from what I
was told.
for the enjoyment I get out of watching
our children build their nests, right now
it is in watching DeeAnna thru pictures
and in phone conversations build her
 nest.........I love the importance they
are giving to HOME, cause HOME is
a very important place in my book, as
it is the hub of everything!  and you 
don't need to own a home to make it
HOME, I have made every place we
live HOME, even when we were rent-
ing and had very lil money, and if you
didn't come from a home that really
felt like a HOME, then you understand
all the more it's importance.....

that I have the opportunity to hear
 things like "Hi Maw ye" meaning Hi Molly
 to our kitty from our lil darling,  it just
 makes us smile.........

for hearing her trying to carry on a
conversation, "Maw ye, gibber gabber,
gibber gabber, hands flung out in emphatic
deliberate moves, gibber gabber, Mommy,
Da da, gibber gabber, gibber gabber,
 gibber gabber Rye ya (Lola her dog)
gibber gabber gibber gabber.   Now
hubby and I were dying laughing.

for watching her notice hubby chest
hair sticking out of his T-shirt and
running her lil hand thru it and feeling
his face and stubble from not shaving,
as she had the biggest sweetest grin
on her face,  her whole face lights
up and her eyes laugh too,  and of
course, we were all laughing 
hysterically.  So Adorable!
She is such a lil joy giver!! 

Click here

 for cologne and perfume.....I so enjoy it
when I wear it,  and just recently got 
back to putting it on daily again.  I used
to do that and somehow got out of the
habit of it,  and just put it on when I am
going out, but realized it just get strong
or evaporates so I should be using it 
daily...........and I feel and smell so

that hubby and I were able to steal a few 
minutes in the sunshine today at lunch,
as it was an absolutely gorgeous bright
azure blue sky with cotton ball clouds day.

Click here

Bi de, bi de bi de, and that's all folks,
as Porky Pig used to say!!  lol

Hope you enjoy the thankful post
and the Father's Day table ideas....

Thanks for stoppin by......

Love, Hugs,
and Early June Blessings,


Sharing over at:

Ivey and Elephants with
Patti and Paula

Shabby Art Boutique with
Kerryanne and Friends

Walking on Sunshine recipes with
Lois and Friends

Life with Lorelai with
Lorelai and Friends

Stone Gable with Yvonne

Between naps on the Porch 
with Susan


  1. Hi Nellie,

    It's lovely to meet you!

    We all have things in our lives for which we are thankful. Your own list, a personal one, special to you and yours, is, indeed, one to appreciate for all its wonderful features.

    Happy weekend!


  2. Not knowing the future of concerned events can really be hard. Thank you for your opening statement.
    #1. I don't know how young people can withstand the pressures of life. It's hard enough when you're an adult!
    #2. Thank our LORD for family and friends!
    #3. There were very few of those when we were growing up!
    #4. I so enjoy when that happens. However, my encounters are usually at the grocery store, ha!
    #5. I went by Ruby Tuesday's and used my gift cards to order out. I had enough for 3 days!
    #6. I'm glad there was no hail! The way the wind was blowing the rain against my bay windows and blowing my rose bush against the windows sounded horrendous!
    #7. I'm still waiting for James to bush hog the back. I just hope there are no gopher turtles in the brush!
    #8. I am fortunate not to have trees that close!
    #9. My home is my refuge from the world. I praise the LORD for protecting it from criminals.
    #10. Not seeing her that often, really shows her progress when I do!
    #11. I have to remember to not put on any when I go to doctor visits. One office even has a sign asking not to wear any due to some patients' not able to tolerate the least fragrance.
    #12. I love the bright blue days!
    I love you all, Susan

  3. What a beautiful, heart restoring post Nellie my love. I identify with so much of what you have written. Perfume is something I wear every single day. In fact, when asked to give one piece of advice to a teen daughter for a small book, my contribution was 'Always wear lipstick, always smell nice, and eliminate anyone from your life who is mean to you.' Yes I know that's three, but I got away with! As for granddaughters, well, I have two. They are 3 1/2 and 1 1/2 and they are so much fun and being with them is a joy beyond anything I ever expected. I'm guessing it's the same for you? Love, Mimi xxx


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday February 20, 2025, and pics of Spring Beginnings

  The grass withers and the flowers fall,      but the word of our God endures forever.” Isaiah 40:8 NIV Greetings Sweet Friends, Hope you a...