Friday, February 12, 2016

Thankful Thursday February 11, 2016, Valentine's Living room #2

Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God 
with all your heart and with all your soul
 and with all your mind.’ 
 This is the first and greatest commandment. 
Matthew 22:37-38

Welcome to Thankful Thursday 
Sweet Friends.

Hope you have had a super duper week,
and are looking forward to a great time
of celebration with the Special
Valentine's in your life.................

 I have been sending out ecards to mine
today...........and also preparing for a
 fun time with hubby over the weekend.

Not much else going on.....watched lil
darling on Wed and we had a really fun
morning, but think she must of had a bad
dream or something when she was napping 
as she woke up crying hysterically and was
just unconsolable and she just wanted
 Mommy and Daddy,  That has never
 happened before, just broke my heart to 
see her like that...............
Fortunately daddy was only 30 mins.
away and was able to come and be with
her till Mommy came with the car seat,
so they could go home.  She has been
fine since then thankfully!

Got news at the dentist that I have to 
have a crown done on a molar soon.
Wasn't expecting that!!  But oh well,
it's gotta be done, and at least I am
very comfortable with my dentist as
 she has done quite a bit of work on
 me in the last years, and is super
compassionate and sensitive to her
patients, the whole staff is just that helps.

Well, all the photos today are still 
from Our Valentine's living room.


On with Thankful Thursday!!

I am thankful

for that new Walmart neighborhood
market that  I talked about in my post
on Monday, as I think it is gonna be
a lot more convenient for us.

that we are having continuing cold
(to us)  Florida weather. I love the
change of season, as the hot weather
will be here soon enough.  lol

A  beautiful Porcelain rose hubby gave 
me as an Anniversary gift some years
back, in case you can't see what is under-
neath the cloche in the pictures above.

for the Dollar Tree store, as we always 
find so many useful things that we
 typically buy other  places and  they are 
always $1, rather than being $2-5.00
 elsewhere, and also find some fun things
in there too,  like candles, and gift wrap
and bows.

for the cute commercials that they have
during the superbowl, at least most of
them are cute, some we could sure do
Did you see the Heinz Commercial,
 with all the Dachshund,(Weiner)
 dogs, jumping on the human ketchup
 and mustard bottles, and licking them.
  We thought it was adorable, course, 
that might be because we used to have
 a lil dachshund years ago...............

that they had an opening at my 
dental office on Thursday.  I had
missed my cleaning appt. back in
January when I was sick, and they
 didn't have another one till mid 
April, so that is good..............

that all the kids made it safely to
Savannah and back and they had
a great time as well.

for a fun time shopping by myself
after my cleaning at the dentist reward for
being a good girl!!   lol
and a Chocolate Elvis smoothie

Not to mention that it was a 
gloriously beautiful day, bright
sunshiny clear blue skies with
not a cloud in sight.  Great
day to be out..........

that I found some cute clothes for
lil darling for her upcoming birth-
day.........when she turns 3 yrs. old.
They have so many cute things 
for lil girls !  Fun shopping!

for a lovely red tulip plant from
my honey for Valentine's day.
I said I wanted some flowers early
so I could enjoy them all week.....

for a surprise Valentine from a sweet
friend of years...........always nice to
be thought of.............

for takeout dinner from Outback on
Friday evening to kick off the weekend
 and Valentine's Day...............

for a scrumptious looking cake from
Publix called "Heath Bar Crunch cake"
 for dessert for tomorrow night....
We are celebrating Valentine's Day
on Sat. and I am making a simple
but good dinner.

With Photocopy Affect

Well, happy you could join me today,
and Hope you and your Valentine's
have a Wonderfully blessed and
Sweet Weekend!

Sharing at:

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and friends

Walking on Sunshine Recipes with Lois and Friends

Designthusiasm with Lory and Friends

A Tray of Bliss with Mimi

Life and Linda with Linda and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

Starfish Cottage with Kristy and Friends

My Flagstaff Home with Jennifer


  1. Hi Christine,
    Thanks for coming by and for your kind comments.

    Blessings, Nellie

  2. #1. I have not gone there as yet. I guess I'm so comfortable with Publix.
    #2. I like it too, but just a little warmer. I'm not used to the 30's/40's ha!
    #3. I need to check out the the new one before you get to Publix.
    #4. I didn't see any of them! I wished I had seen the doggies!
    #5. I need to try again with Dr. Quinn (not the Medicine lady, ha!)
    #6. Wonderful. GOD is good all the time!
    #7. The days have surely been bright after the fronts go through.
    #8. 3 years, wow! The time is moving on!
    #9. There is beauty in this world to behold!
    #10. Friends are so wonderful. I surely enjoyed Sylvia and my brunch this week.
    #11. They do have great food! I like the pulled pork dinner.
    #12. I'm sure it tasted delicious!

  3. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for coming by and for your comments as always.

    That store near our Publix is a dollar store, not a dollar tree......and I visited
    there and was not at all impressed, altho they call themselves a dollar store, they
    don't have much that is a dollar, everything is typically more, In dollar tree stores
    everything is a dollar, no more.........there is one in the Kohl's shopping center
    but at the opposite end of the shopping center, if you want to visit one.

    Have a great day,
    Love and Blessings, Nellie

  4. I love your list! What a great insight to you as a person. :) So sweet! Thanks for sharing at Your Inspired Design!

  5. Hi Holly,
    So nice to have you come by and thanks so much for your sweet and encouraging
    comments. Thanks for hosting at Inspired Design and thanks for letting me
    share with you there too.

    Hope you have a lovely day week,
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: