Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Valentines living Room #3 (some With Photo affects)

Hello Sweet Friends,

Happy Wednesday night!!
Hope you have had a good week 
so far............

Mine has been good, had some nice
long chats with my daughter and finally
got some appts. scheduled for routine
tests that need to be done, checking out
and trying to educate myself on new 
beds, as we are in the market for one,
and just doing the normal routine
household stuff.......and watched lil 
darling today ..... played Tea Party,
    quite a number of times, did some
 pretend shopping, looked at ecards
 online, did some reading by me and
 her, and took a 2 hr. nap with her,
 that was quite by mistake......couldn't
believe I  went out like a
 So guess I must have needed it....

 Had all the pics for this post done 
yesterday but my neighbor needed to 
use our computer to get her school 
work done last night and tonight, so
am hoping I can get this finished up
and posted, late tho it might be.  lol

These are the rest of the pics from
our Valentines Living room,  and
many have some photo affects, as
well........I get a kick out of those hope you enjoy them.  

With Colored Pencil Affect

With Cutout Affect

Soft Omni Affect

Back In January I got this darling lil hand
made heart pillow from a dear blogging 
friend, all the way from Australia,  and
of course, wanted to find just the right
place to add it to my Valentines

Thanks so much for this pretty
 handiwork... Mimi
I love it.............

So removed the pear and tried it here. 

and liked it.................

then decided to try it here in our
recliner along with another pillow..........

and that is where she stayed.....
because no one ever sits in this chair
but it is safe from harm.

This table sits right next to the chair.

This lil girl statue sits on the
floor next to the above table.

and this shelf hangs right above the table
 and chair,  could have sworn I took a pic
 of the whole area, but could not find 
it if I

Just a closer look

with Posterized Affect

 With cutout Affect

With Photocopy affect


Very nice you could come by today,
always happy to know you are here.

If you missed the first 2 posts and
would like to view them,
Just click here for Part 1
and here for Part 2.

Hope you have a really delightful
rest of the week..........

With Soft Omni Affect

 Love, Hugs and 
Belated Valentines Blessings,


  1. Hey Nellie! You have such a fun way with vignettes, I love how you switch things around and try new angles! That glass oil can (I think that is what it is) is just too cute! Thanks for sharing at Your Inspired Design!

  2. Hi Holly,
    Good to hear from you hon. The glass oil can is really a garden mister,
    but you are right it does look like an oil
    I think it is cute too, and it was a sweet gift from a dear friend, I really
    liked that it was something different you don't see all the time.
    Thanks so much for stopping by and for your warm and friendly comments......
    Hope you have a good week,
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: