Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Valentine's Day Living Room

Hello Sweet Friends,

How is your week going???
Anyone getting prepared for 
Valentine's Day out there???

I did my living room in red and
white and added some Valentine's
touches awhile back just haven't
gotten around to showing you since the holiday is
fast approaching thought this
should be the

Haven't done too much else
other than make a card for our
lil darling, and get her a cute
lil bear.....gave it to her today
since I wasn't sure if we would
see her on Valentine's Day, 
and since she is not quite 3
yet, don't think she will know
the difference anyway.

Tomorrow I have to go out
to the dentist so will look
around for something to 
surprise Mr. Cozy Place.

So the rest of this post is 
showing you our foyer wall
and part of the living room.

 I made this wall arrangement with some
 roses and rinaculous I already had, and I
put them in a clear shopping bag that my
 Valentines flowers came in last year.....
I just stuffed it with white tissue paper first
 and popped the flowers in.  You know how 
I love pretty packaging because someone's
 hardwork and creativity goes into it, and
 it typically just gets thrown out, so when I 
come across something cute as this bag, just
 had to do something with it, and it seemed 
like it would make a great wall decoration. 
 So...this is what would greet you when I 
open our front door.
Only wish the wall switch was not there.
but oh well...........It is what it is...........

 With colored Pencil affect

With Posterized Affect

This is one the table just to the left as you come
into our living rooom.

This is our coffee is my cedar hope
chest I got for graduation with transluscent
paint, that shows the  wood grain. 

A lovely silver and white bowl my daughter
gave me a few years back,  with an Alabaster
heart a dear friend gave me years ago too.

My lovely cake plate Dee also gave me this
 past Christmas with
 my Love Blocks and pearl beads.

Faux Red Roses I already had
 stuck into one of my pretty white
 pitchers with some sparkly tulle 
 that also came with my
flowers last year.

A shot of the sofa that is in front of the coffee table
and the corner.  Love that the sun is streaming in...

Love this lil statue,  have had her for 
a number of year now...........just added
a red rose to her basket.

This is on the corner table top.


Have to say I have loved the change 
up this year of having all the 
Valentine's decor in the living room.
It makes me smile every time
 I go in or by the room.


Very happy you could come by and
 hope you enjoyed your visit here.

Enjoy the rest of your week.....
Hope you have a Sweet Week....


  1. Darling Nellie, I hope your were loved to bits on Valentines Day. Your piccies are so pretty and just ooze L'amour! Thanks for sharing at Five Star Frou this week. Love, Mimi xxx

  2. Hi Mimi,
    Great to hear form you hon........ and have to say we had a lovely Valentine's
    weekend, and hope you did as well.
    Thanks as always for your sweet comments, and thanks for letting me share
    at five star frou frou...........

    Have a good week ahead,
    Love and blessings sweetie,

  3. You seem to really enjoy 'doing up' your home. I love seeing the joy you find in bringing out the current holiday! Thanks for sharing with us at Your Inspired Design!

  4. Hi Holly,
    So nice that you could visit today and I appreciate your sweet comments. I have to say I do love and find joy in making my house a home...I have always felt, it's not a matter
    of what you have it is a matter of doing the best you can with what you have.
    Thanks for hosting and letting me share over at Your inspired design.
    Blessings, Nellie

  5. Pretty! Love seeing all the bright red pops of color in your home. Just lovely.

  6. Morning Christine,
    So nice to have you come by and thanks for your kind comments, they
    are certainly appreciated.

    Have a great weekend,
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: