Friday, February 5, 2016

Thankful Thursday February 4, 2016, Completed Winter Family room

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope your first week of February

has been a good one.........

Mine has been mostly good with
a few disappointments, but such
 is life..............right???

I am sharing a few more family
room table tops, and a few areas
that I hadn't completely finished
the last time you saw it.  The fire-
place mantle got different candles,
they went from 3 clear glass with
white candles to 5  gold mercury
glass candles, (wish I had taken a
 pic with the 5 candles lit, looks so
 pretty) and I finished the hearth
 off with candles as well.

So on to Thankful Thursday.

I am thankful

for a fun time with our lil darling on
Friday night.  She was full of energy
and excitement even tho she had a 
bit of a would have
never know it..........if only you
could bottle and sell that energy
that kids

later I moved the snowflake candle
 on the hearth up to the mantle and
 put it in the middle with 2 of the
 gold candle cups, then put a crock
 with pine cones on the hearth.
 looked more balanced
 that way!

that our surprise house guest who
left this morning (Monday), seemed
to enjoy her stay her with us, and was
comfortable and feeling fairly well
 most of the time, as she has struggled
for years with what they call an en-
vironmental illness, which makes
her allergic to so many things! But
she is doing way better now than
 she has for years.  Bless her heart!  
We were blessed to have her here,
and we had some great spiritual
 conversations.  She has authored
a number of books due to her
illness as well.  which I think is
just awesome........and she is only
36 years old.

for shrimp......I have been craving
some for a week, and we finally got 
some on Sat. evening from our local
Publix grocery store.  I have said it
before, but in case you missed it....
if you buy shrimp there they will
steam it for you so you don't have
to stink up your house!  lol
I love that...........they have a lemon
herb seasoning, and that is my 
favorite one.........then I mix up
some ranch dressing with a lil
lemon juice and cilantro to dip
it in.........Delicious!!
We had some leftover so gonna
make some shrimp salad out of
it today...........that is some good
eating too................

Did you notice my lil snow covered 
tree ornaments, hanging on the fireplace
 doors. Got them from the dollar store
a few years ago,  perfect for  Winter
 decorating I think!
I enjoy using christmas ornaments that
 don't necessarily look like Christmas
 ornaments all year long.  I hang them
from window latches, and cabinet doors,
and some times just add them to a table
top, as you will see a few pics down, the
lil white sled ornament.

for a beautiful video I rec'd thru
email from a friend about a man
who is planting flags all over
America in honor of our fallen
I have never heard of it before
but certainly should have on
the news.................
Be sure to watch the video......
it is very touching, and amazing
to see how it unites people!

One Life, One Flag, One Mile

This is a shot of our new rug we got last month.
We think it is perfect for our room. Our other 
one was oval and the colors similiar but it had
a few roses around the border.

that Ted Cruz won in Iowa........I was
disappointed it wasn't Ben Carson but
very thankful it was a man who loves
God, this Country and the Constitution
of the United States and stands for a lot
of the same things Ben does. 

With Colored Pencil Affect

for Shrimp salad, waldorf salad and 
peanut butter oatmeal chocolate chip 
cookies I made on Tuesday.  It was
all yummy................had the shrimp
salad for lunch with cheese and 
crackers, the waldorf salad w/ Pork 
Chops and beets for dinner, and the
 cookies for dessert of course! 
 Made my Day!!  lol

for "Honey Crisp" apples.
If you have never had one you
definitely need to try them.
I am not a fan of apples unless
they are in a fruit salad, but I
can eat these,  they have such
a wonderful flavor and sweet-
ness.  They made our Waldorf
Salad taste even better than 

for a new series we found on
netflix called "When calls the
heart".  We have only watched
2 episodes and I already love
it.  We just finished up one
called "Cedar Cove",  think
it has season #4, but don't
know when we will get to see
 that or not but hope so............
These are such wholesome shows, 
so much like TV used to be years
 and years ago. Wonderful to see
 that they still have things like this.
Think many of them come from
are made in Canada and by 

that Mimi over at a Tray of Bliss
is gonna continue on blogging,
as I saw a post earlier in the week
where it didn't sound like that was
the case, but before I could let her
know of my disappointment, she
said nothing was gonna change.
So was very happy about that,
as she is a very lovely lady and
friend, and has a lot of great content
 on her blog, so she would surely be

that our kids are all meeting
together in Savannah for a lil
get away weeked.  Our kids are
7 yrs, apart and there were times
we wondered if they would ever
be close, so it makes us happy to
 see them having a good time
 together with them and their

that we could help our neighbor out
tonight by letting her use our computer
to take a test that she had to get done
by 10 pm. tonight for her online
schooling.  She got it done and was
quite happy about that, and we were
happy to be able to help her.  She
is the neighbor that brings us the
fruitcake.........and other goodies
at times nice to be
able to do something for her!

for a lovely walk outside this 
morning in the 50 degree temp.
Felt amazing & Invigorating!


Happy you could come by to hear about 
Another week at Cozy Place................
and to see some more Winter Decorating.

Thanks for stopping by,

Hope Your Friday is Fun........

Your Saturday and Sunday....

 Sunshiny and Sweet!!

Sharing over at:

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

My Flagstaff Home with Jennifer 

Walking on sunshine Recipes with Lois and Friends 

Life with Lorelai with Lorelai and Friends

A Tray of Bliss with Mimi

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Designthusiasm with Lory and Friends


  1. Sounds like a pleasant week, Nellie. I especially like the rug. It fits your room SO wel!

  2. Hi Rebecca,
    Good to hear from you as always......and thanks for your comment our new rug, it is thicker and fluffier than our old one, so nice to sit on but we have trouble getting lil darlings toys to stand up on it. lol but other than that we love it.
    Actually it really was a pleasant week in so many ways.

    Hope this finds you doing well hon,
    Blessings, Nellie

  3. #1. By all means! We surely could use some of their energy.
    #2. We have so much to be thankful for when we see the "thorns in the side" that our friends have. I think of my friend Norma M. She is now losing her eye sight.
    #3. I love to have them steamed in Ole Bay seasoning!
    #4. I pray the LORD unites this country again too.
    #5. I pray daily the LORD will place His servant in the White House.
    #6. I need to get more veggies in!
    #7. I need to get me some.
    #8. Hallmark movies are always wholesome.
    #9. I have dropped back to posting once a week.
    #10. How wonderful for them!
    #11. Alice is always having to do things on computer to keep her certificate valid.
    #12. I like it in the 60's, ha!
    Love to you all, Susan

  4. Hi, Nellie.
    I just wanted to thank you for praying for me and Max (macaw). I do miss him, but not his recent antics, ha! I was told he is doing well. There surely is a big empty spot in the room as well as my heart. I miss him telling me bye-bye when he heard me leaving. Jerry and Cuddles are whistling and talking all throughout the day. Talk to you later.
    Love you all, Susan

  5. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for coming by and for all your comments.
    Yes, seeing the suffering of others definitely gives us perspective for sure, there is
    always some one worse off than us, and someone better off than us............
    and there are others that feel the same way about our situations. lol

    We like old bay too, Jimmy likes it more than me, but the last time we got it they
    put way too much, so it was a big we haven't gotten old bay again.
    Course, the guy asked me how much and no one had ever asked me that before, so I
    said I don't know.......and so I said I guess medium.......anyway, it was horrible.
    So the last 2 times Jimmy has said lets do the lemon herb......much to my happiness.

    I pray too, that whoever winds up in the White House will be someone who loves and serves the Lord and who has a desire to heal the nation and reunite it again.

    Yea, you can never go wrong with Hallmark movies for sure.

    Your welcome about the prayers and hope you and the other birdies are getting used
    to things.........glad to hear Max is doing well, that is good.........glad to hear
    the other birdies are carrying on more......maybe since he was such a big bird they
    were afraid of him or something, so they feel a freedom to sing and talk more now.
    or maybe it is a hierarchy thing in the bird world.

    Well, Take care and see ya manana,
    Love ya, Nellie

  6. Nellie, what a beautiful sanctuary you have in your home. I love shrimp too, but we call them! I hope your week is lovely, sweetie! All is well here. Just changes afoot, which is always fatiguing. Love, Mimi xxx

  7. Morning Mimi,
    Nice to hear from you hon, and happy to have you come by and thank you for your sweet comments as always. It truly is our sanctuary.
    Sometimes they do call shrimp Prawns over here too, usually in fancy restaurants. lol

    Glad things are better there and changes are exciting albeit exhausting as well, especially if we are not up for change at the moment........which is how it typically

    Hope you have an industrious and exciting week, and that the excitement would be so
    inspiring it will overcome any fatique or tiredness.

    Blessings my friend,


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

Happy March to You!! Hugs, Nellie Sharing with: