Thursday, October 13, 2016

Thankful Thursday Oct. 13, 2016, pics of Fall's Past #7

He is my loving God and my fortress, 
my stronghold and my deliverer, 
my shield, in whom I take refuge,
Psalm 144:2

Morning Sweet Friends,

Hope this find those of you who were in
 the path of hurricane Matthew having life
back to normal or at least are headed in
 that direction, and for those of you that are
 in those flooded areas or where there was 
really bad damage, you are getting the
help you need.....our hearts and prayers
 go out to you!  and for those of you who
missed the ravages of the storm....hope
this finds you well, happy and 
especially thankful.....

Think most folks that went thru the 
storm here have just been exhausted
 all week. That sure describes us any
way.  Today is the first day I have felt
 really good and am feeling more of
 a sense of normalcy again.

Just threw in some more past Fall 
pictures since it was easy!!  lol
So on with my list...............

I am thankful

that hurricane Matthew is over!!
and that we and our family and
 most everyone we know came 
thru it well, other than yard debri 
and no power or  land phones.
Thank You Jesus!

that the hurricane downgraded
to a Cat 3 and went further away
from the Florida coast about 16 
more miles before it hit us.
Thank You Jesus!!

that we were able to get everything
 cleaned up on Sat. along with throwing 
out all the food in the fridge, that we
 couldn't fit in coolers........

that Scott and Megan got their power
 back a lil before noon on Sat, so they
 invited us to come over there to stay,
so we finished our clean up and went
over there in the early afternoon, and 
stayed till Mon. at lunch time. 
Our power actually came back on
 Sun. night but our neighbors couldn't
 reach us by phone, so finally text
us, but we didn't get it till Monday
 morning. We had a fun time in spite
 of the situation, and it of course, was a
 very nice, cool and hospitable respite. 
It was nice to get to live with Scott
under the same roof again, since it
 has been awhile, and it was our first
 time with Megan and lil darling, so
it was really fun for us............
Thanks Scott and Megan!!

for Electricity that runs everything in
 our life practically!!
Once again, nothing like doing
without it to make you really
really appreciate it.

for all the Power Cos. that are
working hard to restore every
ones power as quickly as possible.
Last time we were without power
for a week, this time just 31/2 days.
 As we were driving to Scott and 
Megans we saw a caravan of 
power trucks coming into our just made my cry to
see that help coming to us. God
Bless those men who put their
lives in harms way to help all
of us............

that Dee and Jerry got to take their 
anniversary trip after all. They wound
up taking Rosie (their lil dog) with
 them since we couldn't get there and
 they knew no one to take care of her.
 Their plane arrived safe and sound
 today on Monday afternoon and
 Rosie did great................

for ice and coolers that we were
able to keep food cool in...altho
we had to throw out most of what
we had in the fridge, at least we
 had what we needed to get us thru
 the early days after the storm.

for flashlights, candles, our storm 
radio, cell phones and gas grill.
Don't even want to think about
what it wold have been like 
without them.

so very much, for Bible verses, and
songs about Jesus that helped to keep
 me calm during the raging of loud
and very scary sounding winds 
during the storm. My fav verse
that has helped me so many times
in so many different situations
is...........Isaiah 26:3 KJV

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace,
 whose mind is stayed on thee:
 because he trusteth in thee.

Just memorize it....and then when you 
have a scary situation quote it over and 
over again to yourself, as the quoting 
keeps your mind stayed on HIM............
and peace will come.

for those who emailed, texted,
phoned, and left comments about
 our safety during the storm. Always
precious to know there are people
who care about well as
your family..........


most of all for God's watch care
and protection over us and all those
we hold dear.........

Well, this has been our week at 
Cozy Place.

Glad you could stop in.......

Hope you have a really really
 good rest of the week!!

Love, Hugs, and
 middle of October Blessings
(Already - can you believe it??)

Sharing with:

McCall Manor with Holly and Friends

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

Walking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Life and Linda with Linda and Friends

Dwellings with Cindy

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends


  1. #1. Amen! The LORD surely blessed me! I haven't heard from Jerry S. from church. I called and left a message about my light on the lamp post column. That's the only concerned damage I had, praise the LORD!
    #2. Yes, LORD thank you for your blessing to us!
    #3. Another blessing of the LORD to me was I only lost my electricity for 14 hours. All my fridge/freezer items were okay. (The last time 14 years ago, my electricity was out 8 days!)
    #4. I surely appreciate Jim coming by before and cutting down the oak tree by the pool. How did Sweetie Pie do during the hurricane?
    #5. I think how blessed we are to live in this time of "history" to be blessed with all the conveniences people didn't have 100 years ago! How did they ever live without indoor water/plumbing, electricity/Air conditioning, refrigeration...the list could go on and on!
    #6. I saw one of Duke Energy's workers in his truck when I had my hair done last Saturday. I went over to him and thanked him, telling him how much I appreciated him and all their personnel's hard work!
    #7. I'm so glad they were able to enjoy their time during this aftermath!
    #8. I mostly had can goods I used so I wouldn't have to open the refrigerator/freezer.
    #9. Amen! I'm glad I had new batteries in my flashlight!
    #10. My verse is Proverbs 3:4-5, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all your do and He will make your pathways straight!"
    #11. Mom's friend, Agnes, called me. She's now 87 years old.
    #12. It feels so good! The a/c works less too!
    I love you all, Susan

  2. Glad you are safe Nellie with no serious damage.


  3. Thank you so much was nice to hear from you hon!!
    Have a lovely day,
    Blessings, Nellie

  4. Morning Susan,
    Thanks for coming by and for all your informative comments......and yes, the Lord definitely blessed our whole family thru this scary storm. Was glad you and the kids got your power back so soon. Our neighbors got their's back the next evening, but there were 18 of us in the neighborhood that didn't because of downed power lines and poles, so grateful we got it back as soon as we did.
    Have a good weekend,
    Love, Nellie

  5. So happy to hear that you and your family fared really well and are all happy and safe! Thanks so much for joining the DI & DI Link party.

  6. Glad you're all doing okay now after the hurricane! I love that particular verse also, one of my favorites too. Thanks for visiting and always leaving lovely comments on my blog! Enjoy your day Nellie!

  7. Sorry for the ordeal you've been through and hope the skies have cleared up. Your home is lovely.

  8. Thanks so much Christine............

    Hope you have a great week,
    Blessings, Nellie

  9. Morning Lois,
    Always nice to hear from you hon, and Thanks for your sweet comments as always. That verse
    has seen me thru lots of dental work, especially the root and other scary
    situations as well......and I would bet for you too..........
    You have a great week,
    Blessings, Nellie

  10. Morning Sugar,
    So nice to hear from you.....and thanks for your sweet and empathetic comments, it was some storm, that is for sure.....everything is back to normal now....thank heavens.....
    You have a lovely week,
    Blessings, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

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