Sunday, October 23, 2016

Thankful Thursday Oct. 20, 2016, Pics of Fall's Past #8

In God we make our boast all day long, 
and we will praise your name forever.
Psalm 44:8

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you have had a good week and
uneventful week, as far as anything
 bad goes!  lol

Our 2nd half of the week was definitely
 better than the first as you will read. of
course, it could have been worse, but
it was just totally unexpected but turned
out fine, most importantly.

We dodged the hurricane Bullet for a
 mini flood bullet, but if I had to choose
 I would prefer the mini flood.  lol

Thought I would add some photos of a
Fall tablescape I did for my son's birth-
day a few years back.

So on with my post....sorry I am sooo
late this week.

I am thankful

that we were able to take care of
a flood we had in our master bath
 last Friday. Right after I posted my 
Thankful Thurs. post I walked into 
our bedroom to find our whole
 bathroom, dressing room area and
 part of our walk-in closet flooded.
The baffle valve in our septic tank
was blocked, so hubby (my hero)
was able to unplug it. Thankful
hubby is so handy, also for our
trusty shop vac, and for fans....
Oh and that is was clean water!!
Also very very grateful we were
home, cause if it did that much
damage in a couple of hours,
can't imagine if it had been for
all day or longer.

that today (Friday) is Dee and Jerry's
 5th Anniversary,  and they are having
 as good a time as possible on their 
anniversary trip, as she got sick with
 a virus or cold. Sounds like the same
 thing I had about 6 weeks or so ago. 
 At least they are getting a much needed
 rest after the last 45 days of stress and
work they have had with moving and
 the hurricane.

for dinner out at Cracker Barrel
 and shopping for lil darling. 
 We did quite a bit of clothes shopping
 for her for Christmas.
 That is fun shopping for me, and
 really think hubby enjoyed it

for a sweet surprise of Fall
flowers and a thank you card
from a neighbor up the street
that we helped after the

that we got the carpeting and
padding all dried out in our walk
 in closet and put everything back
in our bedroom was
a big mess,  so nice to have it
back to normal as well.  Took
about 2-3 days to make sure it
was completely dry.

that we watched the Christian
Music Assoc. Dove awards for
the first time ever, it was really
quite good and very enjoyable.

for a call from my cousin I haven't
been able to get in touch with for
awhile......great to talk with her,
and to know she is doing fine.

that we heard from an old friend
(who is closer to our kids age than ours)
 and he is gonna be in town in a few weeks
and wants to come for a visit with us.  
So looking forward to catching up with
 him, as he has been through quite a lot
 since we saw him last.  

that we are studying the book of Daniel 
in our class on Sunday. It is one of my 
favorite books in the old testament.

for divinely inspired thoughts...........

I found out on monday morning at 
different times that both of the kids
 were flying into Dallas and Texas but 
because I was busy for some reason
I didn't connect the dots, that they
 were all flying into Texas.....
then in the afternoon I decided to
 layout to get some sun, and as I was 
having some time to relax, I thought
 I should email Megan to see if Scott
had gotten there yet, and when I did
she wrote back and said he was not
there yet, his plane had been delayed
and then I had the thought that... oh
my goodness they are both flying
into Texas and what if they were
both in the same airport at the same
 time, since I knew what time Dee
 and Jerry had left  from Costa Rica
and that they probably were at the air-
port right about this time, and thought
what a fun thing it would be for all of
them to run into each other.  So I wrote
Dee and told her to keep her eyes 
peeled for him just in case he might
be in the same aieport!!

Well, folks it really happened, she
 texted her brother and sure enough
 they were both at the same airport at
 the same time.  It was a short but
sweet visit only 15-20 mins., but
a nice surprise for them and it 
made my heart happy too!!

that they all got home safe an
sound as well....and that Rosie
(their lil dog) did great on the return
 trip as well........Always nice to
know your loved ones are safe
after a flight these days especially.

that with all the crazy going on 
this week,  I was able to get us
packed and ready to go to
Charleston to visit Dee and Jerry.


Well, there you have it.....

another week at Cozy Place!

Glad you could stop in......

Have a Great Monday!!

Love, Hugs and
Lovely Fall Blessings

Sharing with:

Dwellings with Cindy

The Dedicated House with Kathyrn

Stone Gable with Yvonne and Friends

A Stroll thru Life with Marty

Southern Saavy Style with Kim

Shabby Art Boutique with Kerryanne

The Craftberry Bush with Lucy and Friends

Walking on Sunshine with Lois and Friends


  1. #1. I think Jim got his handyman talent from dad! I remember when dad was such a handyman, it was like there was nothing he couldn't fix!
    #2. Tell Dee I'm surely glad she is now feeling better! Gloria (Bible Study) is now better too. She was really sick with a very sore throat!
    #3. They really have some cute things for children. Their food is so good! In fact, I think I still have some money left on one of their cards I got some while ago. I don't know if it is still good or not!!
    #4. That's so nice! I'm so glad Steve fixed my fence from the storm. Jerry one day will be taking care of my column light damaged in the storm. Praise the LORD for the people He sends to help us!
    #5. It's always such a blessing when these events are corrected and over with and we can again enjoy what the LORD has blessed us with!
    #6. Did they have any for the Gospel quartets?
    #7. That reminds me, mom's friend Agnes called me to see if we were all okay after the hurricane! She is now in her late 80's!
    #8. I'll pray for him that the LORD has led him to you for spiritual guidance.
    #9. This week we started in Ezekiel. Pastor Juan did a great job in Chapter 1!
    #10. I pray Scott is now home safe and sound! I have been praying for him/Megan all week. I'm happy Dee/Jerry are now home too!
    #11. Yes! Scott too!
    #12. What a joy to be with loved ones! The LORD is so good to give us loving family, friends, and church! I love you all, Susan

  2. I like that you posted all your blessings. Yes, you are blessed!

    Your table setting is wonderful. I like the purple with all the Fall colors.

  3. Hi Susan,
    Yes, Jimmy definitely got all his handiman wisdom from Dad for sure, and he always says that too. Yea, it is great to get things back to normal after the storm, we just put our porch
    back to normal on Tuesday and put my Fall decorations back out front.....just decided to
    leave it all till we got back from Dee's.....and it was a joy to be with them as always.

    Actually they did have some gospel music at the dove awards. Well, thanks for dropping by
    and for all your various comments.
    Have a good rest of the week,
    Love, Nellie

  4. Hi Christine,
    So nice to have you stop by and leave such sweet comments.
    Hope you have a lovely rest of the week.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Thankful Thursday March 13, 2025, and Birthday Table

  “You are worthy, our Lord and God    to receive glory and honor and power,  for you created all things,   and by your will they were creat...