Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Dee/Nell Teamwork Salad Recipe

Morning Sweet Peas.....

Hope this finds you doing well today.

Thought I would share a delicious,
 and pretty salad with you today.........

My daughter and I sort of came up with
this salad back in the Fall to make for my
son's birthday, as I wanted a new and tasty
salad, so I remembered a salad we had 
at Cheesecake Factory many years back.
 They don't make it anymore as we looked
 on the menu and could not find anything
 that sounded like it, so guess they dis-
continued it for some reason......why I do
 not know as it was a really great salad
 and pretty too..
All I could remember was the lettuce and 
beets and that there was something white, 
and Dee thought it had zucchini, carrots
 and tomatoes and we weren't sure about 
the cucumbers, then I decided to add the 
french friend onions and Ranch dressing.
  So since I can't really call it a 
Kopy Kat recipe since we aren't sure of
 the all the ingredients, and we added
some of our own, I decided to call it
 our Teamwork salad.  lol

Knew it probably wasn't the best time
of the year to post a salad recipe but
I wanted to get it into my recipe
collection on my blog....so I don't
forget the ingredients again.....


 Romaine and butter lettuce)
(The picture shows spring mix, but I 
didn't like it quite as much as the
Romaine and butter lettuce)

shredded carrots

julienned zucchini

julienned or cubed pickled beets
(They have lil cups of cubed beets in 
a 4 pk- just be sure to drain them first)

julienned cucumber

tomatoes  (grape or regular)
(We cut our grape tomatoes in half
 as they were larger than normal)

french fried onions (the ones you
 would put atop green bean casserole

Ken's Steak House Buttermilk
 Ranch Dressing
(and I get no monitary or otherwise
compensation for stating Ken's brand,  
we just happen to really it)


Prepare your lettuce, then layer on
each item listed above, topping it with
 the french fried onions and Ranch dressing.
you can put each item in its own bowl
 and each person can put as much as
 they want of each item atop their lettuce.


Thanks for your visit......

Come again soon!

Sharing with:

A Stroll thru Life

Saavy Southern Style

Life and Linda

Shabby Art Boutique

Life with Lorelai

Oh My Heartsie Girl

StarFish Cottage


Life and Linda

The Dedicated House

Stone Gable


  1. Hi, Nellie.
    Sounds wonderful, looks great! You know me, I'd have to go with your Italian dressing, ha!
    Love you all, Susan

  2. Hi Susan,
    You have had it........you must have just forgotten.......lol
    You really should try some ranch dressing, the buttermilk ranch does not have Mayo....

    Have a good evening,
    Love, Nellie

  3. The salad looks delish! I will have to give it a try. So glad to have come across your blog!

  4. This looks delicious! You and I had similar ideas this week with adding beets to salad. Personally, I love beets, and think they go very well in salad, not to mention the fact that they are so darned good for you. This looks not only beautiful but tasty, and I love the addition of the French fried onions. I’m going to add that to mine. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Hi Tamyra,
    So nice to have you visit for the first time, and think you will enjoy the salad.
    Thanks for coming by and do come again,

  6. HI Pattie,
    Nice to hear from you hon and hope this finds you doing well......
    Yes, I love beets as well, and how could I not, the ones I get are called Aunt Nellie's
    beets, lol........as you say they are not only delicious they are very good for us as well.
    Think you will enjoy the addition of the french fried onions.
    Thanks for stopping in.........and for your sweet comments.


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

Scripture Sunday

  Have a Lovely Sunday. Hugs,  Nellie