Saturday, September 26, 2020

Thankful Thursday September 24, 2020, Our Fall Mantle


Now, our God, we give you thanks,

 and praise your glorious name.

1 Chronicles 29:13 NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

How are you?? Some of you are probably 

enjoying Fall weather already, and know

you must be delighted about that.

Our early morning are a bit cooler,

so happy about that.  We are fine.....

just late again...........So gonna let the

 post speak for itself.

Has anyone found a quicker way

to add pictures with this new format.

It was even worse this time, cause it

would only let me do one picture

at a time.  

Pictures today are from our Fall mantle.

This was the window and Fall wreath

I mentioned a few posts ago.

In the daytime!


So on with my Thankfuls..............


Thankful that our cell phones are

once again working well  and we

were able to keep our phones with

our new cell service..Yay!!


Thankful that hubby was able to

fix our ice maker.  It was making

this banging noise because it was

all iced up.  Mr. Fix it does it again!!

#3 and 4

Thankful that Fall has finally 

arrived and it actually seemed like

a Fall day today.....but that will 

probably change tomorrow, but

 I will take what I can

Thankful that is was cool enough

on the first day of Fall to sit on the

porch.  What a delightful treat!!

It was only 80, but overcast and

 cloudy and breezy.

So nice after not being able to sit

 out there for more than 5 mins.

in the summer.........

Our Night time look!


Thankful for a dear longtime

friend, Vicki, today is her birthday. 

 She is more like a sister really, and

has always been such a great mentor

and friend.


Thankful for my paternal Grand-

mother, as today would have been

her birthday as well, but she has been

 spending her birthdays with Jesus 

for about 31 yrs. now.  She was a



Thankful that hubby found this 

yummy blackberry cobbler at 

Walmart, and it was made by Patti

LaBelle. It is really delicious!

Our first Fall dessert,  love it!!


Thankful for a previous church 

member/friend, that moved away years

 ago, and that we got reaquainted again 

 thru blogging, and we reconnect every

 so often when she comes and goes

 with blogging.....and now she is back to 

blogging again, which was great to hear 

from her again. Much to my joy, she just

 got 5 of our free cards off our website.

I actually got to talk to her on the

 phone, which was neat, so we got to

 catch up some and now have each other

numbers so we can text or call. She was

also quite happy with the cards and said

 it made life easier for her as she didn't 

have a lot of places nearby to buy cards.

So that was a blessing to hear!


Thankful that I finally finished my Fall

decorating today (Wed).  Yeah!!  Now we

can just enjoy it,  so nice to have a new look.


Thankful that I heard from my cousin

this week, and that his son, that I don't

really know that well, is doing fine.

He lives in Oregon and was near one 

of the fires but is okay other than bad

 air quality and no electricity for

 a few days.


Thankful for a fun time with lil darling 

and our son having dinner, and putting

together her new toy cubicle and just

hanging out.  So nice to be out of the

 house and somewhere we don't have

 to wear a mask.  Yeah for that!!


Thankful to see on Friday that our

governor has lifted more limitations

on resturants and they can go to

full capacity now, as well as other

restrictions, still have to wear masks

tho, I guess, but at least we are 

moving in the right directions, and

and they will be keeping a close 

watch on the covid figures.

Well, that is our week at Cozy Place.

Hope you have a good weekend and

that you are where it is cooler.........

Love, Hugs, and

end of October Blessings,


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Bloggers Pit Stop

Shabby Art Boutique

A Stroll thru Life

April J Harris

Monday, September 21, 2020

Scripture Sunday


Hello Sweet Friends,

These are the scriptures for today!

For God so loved the world that he gave 

his one and only son, that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

For God
not send his Son into the world 

to condemn the 
but to save the world 

through him. 

 Whoever believes in him is not condemned,
but whoever does not believe stands condemned 

already because they have not believed in the 

name of God’s one and only Son. 

 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world,

 but people loved darkness instead of light because

 their deeds were evil.

John 3:16-19  NIV

Sweet friends,

  I am feeling very serious about the

 scriptures  I just posted.... because we have

 been watching a lot of info on bible prophecy,

and based on what we know already and what

we have recently learned we feel very strongly 

that the rapture of the church could indeed come

 at any time, and if you don't know what that

 means, Please allow me to explain, It means

that Jesus will come and get those that love

Him and trust that He is Gods Son and that

He is the Savior of the World, that has come

to save us from our sins (and our old nasty

selves).  I know if you have never heard

this before I probably seem like a crazy

lady to you, but I am willing to take that

chance because I truly think what I am

saying might happen very soon,  and I

want everyone to have an opportunity to know 

Jesus, and to know that if he comes you will

 go to heaven with him, (and you will be alive

and with him in heaven) because a time of

judgement by God is coming, and they will

according to the Bible in the book of Revelation 

there will be terrible times to come on the earth

much of like what we are seeing now but it

will even get worse.  We of course, could

be wrong.....but I would rather err on the

  • side of caution than to think I felt this

    strongly and didn't warn others.  So if

    you have been putting off that decision

    to ask Jesus into your life I implore you 

    not to put it off any longer.  

    With much Love and Concern,


  • This is why I am so late! 

  • I just felt so strongly I needed

  • to write this.

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Saturday, September 19, 2020

Thankful Thursday September 17, 2020, from Summer to Fall Sofa table

For what you have done I will always praise you

 in the presence of your faithful people. And I will 

hope in your name, for your name is good.

Psalm 52:9 NIV


Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope this finds each of you well and

somewhat happy!  I know that is getting

tougher all the time.  It just seems to me

 that these weeks just click off so fast is shocking as I can't believe

 we are to Saturday already.....seems like

 I just posted Thankful Thursday a few 

days ago. Think I am gonna have to start

calling this Thankful Saturday soon, 

if I keep being late.  lol

Pictures today are progress in my

Fall decorating this year.  Taking

you from Summer to Fall.


Thankful that 2 people we love that are

going thru a big  and  hard life changes 

right now seem to be doing pretty good i

nspite of every thing, and there are more

changes yet to come.  I definitely feel

it is the prayer that is holding them

up so well.


Thankful that I am able to finally

embrace (only because I have to)

 this new blogging platform

they have forced us to.....note the

new    I do like that, and

some of the features, but Not really

 liking some of the other things.

Is anyone else finding that adding

photos is so much more time 

consuming now.........


Thankful for a very different yet

fun day on Sunday.  Did church at

home on Sunday, then Spent some

time with loved ones, played some

games and did a lil shopping, had

food from Zaxby's which we haven't

had in quite a while, then later in

the day had a caramel frappe from

MacDonalds.....we so needed some

thing refreshingly different!!  


Thankful  for Marty over at a

"Stroll thru life"  for continuing

to have the Fall Home Tour.

They are always so much fun

and inspiration, but we are

especially impressed she did it,

after the difficult time of losing

her dear husband.....Hope the Lord

 blesses her socks off for continuing

 to press forward at this tough

time in I am sure that

is not easy, but the blogging is

 probably good for her in most

 every way.


Thankful for the Home Tours,

I have really enjoyed them as

always,  still need to go check

out Thurs. and Friday.

(Been to busy fluffing my nest)

Fall look.............


Thankful for a fun lunch out

with friends on Thursday at

Cracker Barrel.


Thankful for same Sweet and

loving friend that we went to lunch

with that bought a gift for lil darling. 

 Her granddaughters live way out in 

California so she doesn't get to see 

them often, so decided to do something

 for our granddaughter, which was

so thoughtful.


Thankful that several things

we ordered for lil darlings room

came in today (Thursday)

We are still working on it....

#9 and 10

Thankful that my late brothers family,  

and dear long time friends of ours

all came through hurricane  Sally

safely and with no home or 

property damage.


Thankful that both of the Sons

of some  other long time friends came

thru hurricane Sally fine as well.


Thankful  that another long time

friend who has ovarian cancer got

a really good report this week.  She

was suppose to go to Singapore to

get T-cell treatments but due to

covid has not be able to .....and she

started to have symptoms of the

cancer again and the meds they

have put her on seem to be working,

but we all really think it is the Lord

as she has so many prayers going

up by so many folks.  We are

praying that she will never need

to go to Singapore for that 


(The other candle is on a timer for the PM.)  


Well, that's it for Cozy Place 

this week..........

So happy you could pop in for a visit.

Have a hopeful week.

Love, Hugs and 

mid September Blessings,


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Sunday, September 13, 2020

Scripture Sunday


Happy Sunday

Sweet Friends,

Here is the verse for today!

When justice is done, it brings joy to

 the righteous but terror to evildoers. 

Proverbs 21:15 NIV

Have a blessed week!

Hugs,  Nellie

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Saturday, September 12, 2020

Thankful Thursday Sept. 10, 2020, scenes from Fall past

 Enter his gates with thanksgiving and 
his courts with praise; 
give thanks to him and praise his name. 
Proverbs 100:4  NIV

Greetings Sweet Friends,

Hope you are all doing well, know
yesterday was sort of a sad yet 
necessary day remembering all the
people that were lost in the Sept.11th
 attack on America. Such a horribly
 sad and scary day, and I vividly
 remember exactly where I was when
 I got a phone call from a friend telling
 me, hubby just happened to be at home
 that day and we quickly ran to turn
on the TV only to find unfortunately,
that it was true. My guess is it is 
probably indelibly printed on your
 mind as well.  If we could only re-
capture the solidarity we had as a
country then,  it would be awesome.

Pictures today are from Cozy Place
 in the Fall and in the past.

Thankful for the sweet 5-6 month old
baby that kept staring at us in church
Sunday.  What a delight she was, 
brought our hearts so much joy.

Thankful for the sweet lil teenager
at the grocery store who complimented
me on my hair and more. She is just
adorable and definitely has the gift
of encouragement.

Thankful that we got to see our Son
and lil darling unexpectedly on Labor
Day which is always a treat........

Thankful for Leslie Sansone walk
at home videos that have kept us
exercising over the years.

Thankful to be able to get our yard
mowed finally, since it has been
raining every day, and every day

Thankful that hubby was able too 
find a way to affix an old window 
from our daughter and son-in-loves 
beach house to the brick over our
mantle, and we love the new look.

#7 and 8
Thankful that I kept a wreath I
had bought for outside but then
decided I didn't like it there, so
thought it might look nice for the
 Fall attached to the window, and
Thankful we like it and that it 
looks very nice, and is a very
nice change of pace.

Thankful I have commenced
 my Fall decorating. I finished the
fireplace, and did the kitchen and
some other small places, so will
be back at it today. Always enjoy
 seasonal decorating, and we are
definitely looking forward to
 changes inside our house.

Thankful for a nice long chat
with my Daughter today.

Thankful that hubby was able to get
 us a new cell phone service that only 
cost us $2 more each month. We have 
been with T-mobile for over 25 yrs.
 and they just merged with Sprint so
 now they say our phones will not
 work (which are fairly new) with
 their network, so they said we needed
 new phones and expected us to pay 
for them, and we have been getting
 such a run around so decided it is
 time to change as our service hasn't
been as good as it used to for a #
 of years now, but we got a nice Sr. 
discount, so we stayed with them,
 but time to move on. Thankful to 
know there are other services that 
will give us a good discount too.

Thankful to know lil darling is
loving school so much. They are
starting to teach them cursive,
which I am thrilled about, and
she is enjoying, cause I know that
 some schools are no longer are
 teaching cursive, and because of
 that, the students also can't it. So, 
I taught her to do an A last year, 
and she liked it, but I decided
 I should wait till 3rd  grade (that 
is when I started to learn it.....
I didn't want to confuse her since
 she was still  in a learning curve
with her printing. 


Well, that's it for Cozy Place this week,

Glad you could stop by......

Have a Wonderful Weekend


Keep your light shining brightly!

Love, Hugs and Early
September Blessings,


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Monday, September 7, 2020

Scripture Sunday

Happy Sunday Sweet Friends,

Here are the verses for today!

Praise be to the God and Father

 of our Lord Jesus Christ, 

the Father of compassion and

 the God of all comfort, 

 who comforts us in all our troubles, 
so that we can comfort those in any

 trouble with the comfort we

 ourselves receive from God. 

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 NIV

Let's be a comfort to someone
who needs it.....


Also saw this really encouraging film.
tonight, So if you are in need  of some
 hope. Just check out this link below,
don't think you will be disappointed.

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Scripture Sunday - There are 6 things the Lord hates

  According to God's word  God says we are to hate the things He hates  and love the things He loves. Romans 12:9, Proverbs 8:13, and ...