Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Welcome to September

Welcome to September
 Sweet Friends

Just wanted to say Hello, and
 Welcome you to September....
know it's not quite the start of
Fall yet, but I am excited about
the promise of it, for sure.
Cooler weather want come here
until mid or end of October 
for us here in Florida. Looking
forward to making our home
look like Fall tho.........lol

We are just doing a lil cleaning 
today and sprucing up, as our
 Daughter is coming in tomorrow
 sometime, so we are looking
 forward to that. 

Well, I will leave you with this
poem about September.

By all the lovely tokens
September days are here,
with Summers best of weather
and Autumns best of cheer.

by Helen Hunt Jackson

Have a Cheery September!

Hugs, Nellie

Sharing with:

April J. Harris

Shabby Art Boutique

Bloggers Pit Stop

A Stroll thru Life


  1. Happy September and Happy Fall to you, Nellie! I love fall---it's my most favorite of the seasons. October is my favorite month of the season. But since September is the gateway to October, I welcome it with a full heart as well.

    Patti Gardner

  2. Hi Nellie. I am a summer girl but I have to say I am excited to see Fall and the better temps moving in. Happy September.

  3. I love September too, Nellie! Hope it's a wonderful month for you as well! Thank you for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Link Party community.

  4. I don't know where August went!!! Time is passing! Have a great time with family! Love Susan

  5. Hi Patti,
    Lovely to hear from you. I really love the Fall too, course, I pretty much love every season accept Summer..........Just too hot with all the hot flashes I have.....lol
    I am with you I accept it with arms wide open.
    Take care Patti, Hope are things with covid in your neck of the woods? Our numbers are very low, but we are still wearing masks, hoping maybe that will go away soon.

    Blessings Sweetie,

  6. Hi April,
    Hope September is good to you as well hon. Have enjoyed your heart and soul linky party, and love that you say you are a 2lst century housewife, so am I.....and I was actually a 20th century one too!! lol and I have no complaints, I have quite enjoyed that. Thanks for coming by I really appreciate it.
    Blessings, Nellie

  7. Hi Kris.........
    So you are a summer girl?? You must not have high temps in the summer.....
    I will be hap hap happy to see the end of Oct. get here, believe you me!! lol
    Have a great weekend, and thanks for dropping by.
    Love and Blessings,

  8. Hi Susan,
    Yes, I feel like August was just a snap, and here were are at Sept. 5th already. Crazy!!
    Thanksgiving will be upon us before we know it.
    Take care hon,
    Love ya, Nellie


Special thanks to all who take the time to leave comments..........They are very encouraging and very appreciated. I enjoy every one of them so much!!
May the Lord Bless You!!

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